11-01 01:54:48.520 922-922 E/logwrapper: executing /system/bin/e2fsck failed: No such file or directory 11-01 01:54:48.560 928-928 E/logwrapper: executing /system/bin/e2fsck failed: No such file or directory 11-01 01:54:48.910 934-934 I/qemu-props: connected to 'boot-properties' qemud service. 11-01 01:54:48.910 934-934 I/qemu-props: receiving.. 11-01 01:54:48.910 934-934 I/qemu-props: received: dalvik.vm.heapsize=256m 11-01 01:54:48.910 934-934 I/qemu-props: receiving.. 11-01 01:54:48.910 934-934 I/qemu-props: received: qemu.sf.lcd_density=320 11-01 01:54:48.910 934-934 I/qemu-props: receiving.. 11-01 01:54:48.910 934-934 I/qemu-props: received: qemu.hw.mainkeys=0 11-01 01:54:48.910 934-934 I/qemu-props: receiving.. 11-01 01:54:48.910 934-934 I/qemu-props: received: qemu.sf.fake_camera=none 11-01 01:54:48.910 934-934 I/qemu-props: receiving.. 11-01 01:54:48.910 934-934 I/qemu-props: received: ro.opengles.version=131072 11-01 01:54:48.910 934-934 I/qemu-props: receiving.. 11-01 01:54:48.910 934-934 I/qemu-props: exiting (5 properties set). 11-01 01:54:48.930 942-942 I/installd: installd firing up 11-01 01:54:48.960 936-936 I/DEBUG: debuggerd: Jan 30 2014 03:59:47 11-01 01:54:49.140 935-935 I/Netd: Netd 1.0 starting 11-01 01:54:49.140 935-935 W/InterfaceController: Warning (dlopen failed: library "/system/lib/libnetcmdiface.so" not found) while opening the net interface command library --------- beginning of /dev/log/system 11-01 01:54:49.180 933-933 I/Vold: Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up 11-01 01:54:49.180 933-933 D/Vold: Volume sdcard state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media) 11-01 01:54:49.230 933-963 D/Vold: Volume sdcard state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted) 11-01 01:54:49.540 938-938 I/SurfaceFlinger: SurfaceFlinger is starting 11-01 01:54:49.540 938-938 I/SurfaceFlinger: SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run. Initializing graphics H/W... 11-01 01:54:49.640 938-938 D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_emulation.so [ 11-01 01:54:49.680 938: 938 D/ ] HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xb78f35a0, tid 938 11-01 01:54:49.690 938-938 D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_emulation.so 11-01 01:54:49.690 938-938 D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_emulation.so 11-01 01:54:49.690 938-938 E/SurfaceFlinger: hwcomposer module not found 11-01 01:54:49.690 938-938 W/SurfaceFlinger: getting VSYNC period from fb HAL: 16666666 11-01 01:54:49.690 938-938 W/SurfaceFlinger: no suitable EGLConfig found, trying a simpler query 11-01 01:54:49.690 938-938 I/SurfaceFlinger: EGL informations: 11-01 01:54:49.690 938-938 I/SurfaceFlinger: vendor : Android 11-01 01:54:49.690 938-938 I/SurfaceFlinger: version : 1.4 Android META-EGL 11-01 01:54:49.690 938-938 I/SurfaceFlinger: extensions: EGL_KHR_get_all_proc_addresses EGL_ANDROID_presentation_time EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_fence_sync EGL_ANDROID_image_native_buffer 11-01 01:54:49.690 938-938 I/SurfaceFlinger: Client API: OpenGL_ES 11-01 01:54:49.690 938-938 I/SurfaceFlinger: EGLSurface: 8-8-8-8, config=0xa 11-01 01:54:49.710 938-938 I/SurfaceFlinger: OpenGL ES informations: 11-01 01:54:49.710 938-938 I/SurfaceFlinger: vendor : Google (Intel Inc.) 11-01 01:54:49.710 938-938 I/SurfaceFlinger: renderer : Android Emulator OpenGL ES Translator (Intel HD Graphics 5000 OpenGL Engine) 11-01 01:54:49.710 938-938 I/SurfaceFlinger: version : OpenGL ES 2.0 (2.1 INTEL-10.14.58) 11-01 01:54:49.710 938-938 I/SurfaceFlinger: extensions: GL_EXT_debug_marker GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_depth32 GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_float_linear GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_OES_texture_npot ANDROID_EMU_CHECKSUM_HELPER_v1 11-01 01:54:49.710 938-938 I/SurfaceFlinger: GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 16384 11-01 01:54:49.710 938-938 I/SurfaceFlinger: GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS = 16384 11-01 01:54:49.720 938-938 W/SurfaceFlinger: power module not found 11-01 01:54:49.720 938-938 W/SurfaceFlinger: power module not found 11-01 01:54:49.730 938-938 D/SurfaceFlinger: Screen acquired, type=0 flinger=0xb78f3820 11-01 01:54:50.620 941-941 I/mediaserver: ServiceManager: 0xb7f0ed40 11-01 01:54:50.620 941-941 I/AudioFlinger: Using default 3000 mSec as standby time. 11-01 01:54:50.620 941-941 I/CameraService: CameraService started (pid=941) 11-01 01:54:50.680 941-941 D/EmulatedCamera_QemuClient: Emulated camera list: 11-01 01:54:50.680 941-941 I/CameraService: Loaded "Emulated Camera Module" camera module 11-01 01:54:50.730 941-941 I/AudioPolicyManagerBase: loadAudioPolicyConfig() loaded /system/etc/audio_policy.conf 11-01 01:54:50.750 941-941 I/AudioFlinger: loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from Generic audio HW HAL (audio) handle 1 11-01 01:54:50.750 941-941 I/AudioFlinger: HAL output buffer size 1024 frames, normal mix buffer size 1024 frames 11-01 01:54:50.790 941-941 I/AudioMixer: found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project 11-01 01:54:50.790 941-941 I/AudioFlinger: Using module 1 has the primary audio interface 11-01 01:54:50.810 941-1094 I/AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0xb605f010 ready to run 11-01 01:54:50.810 941-1094 W/AudioFlinger: Thread AudioOut_2 cannot connect to the power manager service 11-01 01:54:50.810 941-941 E/AudioFlinger: int android::load_audio_interface(const char*, audio_hw_device_t**) couldn't load audio hw module audio.r_submix (No such file or directory) 11-01 01:54:50.810 941-941 I/AudioFlinger: loadHwModule() error -2 loading module r_submix 11-01 01:54:50.810 941-941 W/AudioPolicyManagerBase: could not open HW module r_submix 11-01 01:54:50.810 941-941 I/AudioPolicyService: Loaded audio policy from LEGACY Audio Policy HAL (audio_policy) 11-01 01:54:51.120 938-1007 E/SurfaceFlinger: ro.sf.lcd_density must be defined as a build property 11-01 01:54:51.130 1028-1115 D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_emulation.so [ 11-01 01:54:51.130 1028: 1115 D/ ] HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xb79bd810, tid 1115 11-01 01:54:51.140 1028-1115 D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_emulation.so 11-01 01:54:51.140 1028-1115 D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_emulation.so [ 11-01 01:54:51.140 938: 1007 D/ ] HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xb78fdc60, tid 1007 [ 11-01 01:54:51.700 938: 1009 D/ ] HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xb78fbc30, tid 1009 11-01 01:54:52.640 1200-1200 E/logwrapper: executing /system/bin/ip failed: No such file or directory 11-01 01:54:52.660 1201-1201 E/logwrapper: executing /system/bin/ip failed: No such file or directory 11-01 01:54:52.680 1202-1202 E/logwrapper: executing /system/bin/ip failed: No such file or directory 11-01 01:54:52.700 1203-1203 E/logwrapper: executing /system/bin/ip failed: No such file or directory 11-01 01:54:52.720 1204-1204 E/logwrapper: executing /system/bin/ip failed: No such file or directory 11-01 01:54:52.740 1205-1205 E/logwrapper: executing /system/bin/ip failed: No such file or directory 11-01 01:54:52.770 1206-1206 E/logwrapper: executing /system/bin/ip failed: No such file or directory 11-01 01:54:53.030 939-939 D/AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit <<<<<< 11-01 01:54:53.070 939-939 W/linker: libdvm.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix. 11-01 01:54:53.180 939-939 D/AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is ON 11-01 01:54:53.560 935-935 I/iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name. 11-01 01:54:53.570 935-935 I/iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1) 11-01 01:54:53.570 935-935 E/BandwidthController: runIptablesCmd(): res=1 status=256 failed /system/bin/iptables -A bw_INPUT -m owner --socket-exists 11-01 01:54:53.570 935-935 I/ip6tables: ip6tables: No chain/target/match by that name. 11-01 01:54:53.570 935-935 I/ip6tables: ip6tables terminated by exit(1) 11-01 01:54:53.570 935-935 E/BandwidthController: runIptablesCmd(): res=1 status=256 failed /system/bin/ip6tables -A bw_INPUT -m owner --socket-exists 11-01 01:54:53.620 935-935 I/iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name. 11-01 01:54:53.630 935-935 I/iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1) 11-01 01:54:53.630 935-935 E/Netd: exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/iptables -t mangle -A st_mangle_OUTPUT -m mark --mark 1 -j RETURN 11-01 01:54:53.630 935-935 I/ip6tables: ip6tables: No chain/target/match by that name. 11-01 01:54:53.630 935-935 I/ip6tables: ip6tables terminated by exit(1) 11-01 01:54:53.630 935-935 E/Netd: exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/ip6tables -t mangle -A st_mangle_OUTPUT -m mark --mark 1 -j RETURN 11-01 01:54:53.640 935-935 I/iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name. 11-01 01:54:53.650 935-935 I/iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1) 11-01 01:54:53.650 935-935 E/Netd: exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/iptables -t mangle -A st_mangle_OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner vpn -j RETURN 11-01 01:54:53.650 935-935 I/ip6tables: ip6tables: No chain/target/match by that name. 11-01 01:54:53.650 935-935 I/ip6tables: ip6tables terminated by exit(1) 11-01 01:54:53.650 935-935 E/Netd: exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/ip6tables -t mangle -A st_mangle_OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner vpn -j RETURN 11-01 01:54:53.650 935-935 D/MDnsDS: MDnsSdListener::Hander starting up 11-01 01:54:53.650 935-1270 D/MDnsDS: MDnsSdListener starting to monitor 11-01 01:54:53.650 935-1270 D/MDnsDS: Going to poll with pollCount 1 11-01 01:54:53.890 939-939 D/dalvikvm: Trying to load lib libjavacore.so 0x0 11-01 01:54:53.910 939-939 D/dalvikvm: Added shared lib libjavacore.so 0x0 11-01 01:54:53.970 939-939 D/dalvikvm: Trying to load lib libnativehelper.so 0x0 11-01 01:54:53.970 939-939 D/dalvikvm: Added shared lib libnativehelper.so 0x0 11-01 01:54:53.970 939-939 D/dalvikvm: No JNI_OnLoad found in libnativehelper.so 0x0, skipping init 11-01 01:54:54.450 939-939 D/dalvikvm: Note: class Landroid/app/ActivityManagerNative; has 179 unimplemented (abstract) methods 11-01 01:54:54.780 939-939 E/memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) 11-01 01:54:54.780 939-939 E/android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2 11-01 01:54:54.930 939-939 I/SamplingProfilerIntegration: Profiling disabled. 11-01 01:54:54.940 939-939 I/Zygote: Preloading classes... 11-01 01:54:54.950 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 38K, 8% free 511K/552K, paused 3ms+0ms, total 4ms 11-01 01:54:54.980 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 2K, 4% free 584K/604K, paused 3ms+1ms, total 4ms 11-01 01:54:55.000 939-939 D/dalvikvm: WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 1ms 11-01 01:54:55.000 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 15K, 4% free 628K/648K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 1ms 11-01 01:54:55.050 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 20K, 4% free 692K/716K, paused 1ms+0ms, total 1ms 11-01 01:54:55.080 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 27K, 4% free 727K/756K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 1ms 11-01 01:54:55.110 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 33K, 5% free 748K/784K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 1ms 11-01 01:54:55.370 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 10K, 2% free 810K/824K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 2ms 11-01 01:54:55.640 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 29K, 4% free 836K/868K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 1ms 11-01 01:54:55.690 939-939 D/TextLayoutCache: Using debug level = 0 - Debug Enabled = 0 11-01 01:54:55.690 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 17K, 3% free 876K/896K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 1ms 11-01 01:54:55.770 939-939 I/dalvikvm: threadid=1: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so) 11-01 01:54:55.770 939-939 D/MtpDeviceJNI: register_android_mtp_MtpDevice 11-01 01:54:55.770 939-939 I/dalvikvm: threadid=1: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so) 11-01 01:54:55.770 939-939 I/dalvikvm: threadid=1: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so) 11-01 01:54:55.770 939-939 I/dalvikvm: threadid=1: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so) 11-01 01:54:55.790 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 18K, 3% free 912K/932K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 1ms 11-01 01:54:55.790 939-939 W/dalvikvm: Exception Ljava/lang/UnsatisfiedLinkError; thrown while initializing Landroid/media/videoeditor/MediaArtistNativeHelper; 11-01 01:54:55.790 939-939 W/Zygote: Class not found for preloading: android.media.videoeditor.MediaArtistNativeHelper 11-01 01:54:55.810 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 24K, 3% free 944K/972K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 1ms 11-01 01:54:55.890 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 17K, 2% free 980K/1000K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 1ms 11-01 01:54:55.920 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 25K, 3% free 1023K/1052K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 2ms 11-01 01:54:55.940 939-939 E/EmojiFactory_jni: Failed to load libemoji.so: dlopen failed: library "libemoji.so" not found 11-01 01:54:55.940 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 16K, 2% free 1066K/1088K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 2ms 11-01 01:54:55.950 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 24K, 2% free 1361K/1388K, paused 1ms+0ms, total 2ms 11-01 01:54:55.980 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 34K, 3% free 1385K/1424K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 4ms 11-01 01:54:56.020 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 29K, 3% free 1410K/1444K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 3ms 11-01 01:54:56.060 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 37K, 3% free 1427K/1468K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 3ms 11-01 01:54:56.090 939-939 I/LibraryLoader: loading: webviewchromium 11-01 01:54:56.580 939-939 I/LibraryLoader: loaded: webviewchromium 11-01 01:54:56.600 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 14K, 2% free 1469K/1488K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 4ms 11-01 01:54:56.660 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 24K, 2% free 1498K/1524K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 2ms 11-01 01:54:56.710 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 79K, 6% free 1545K/1628K, paused 1ms+1ms, total 3ms 11-01 01:54:56.760 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 36K, 4% free 1563K/1628K, paused 1ms+0ms, total 3ms 11-01 01:54:56.830 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 29K, 3% free 1590K/1628K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 4ms 11-01 01:54:56.850 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 17K, 2% free 1650K/1672K, paused 1ms+0ms, total 4ms 11-01 01:54:56.900 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 24K, 2% free 1684K/1712K, paused 1ms+1ms, total 6ms 11-01 01:54:56.920 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 30K, 3% free 1708K/1744K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 3ms 11-01 01:54:56.940 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 251K, 12% free 1971K/2224K, paused 2ms, total 3ms 11-01 01:54:56.960 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 186K, 9% free 2079K/2276K, paused 1ms+1ms, total 4ms 11-01 01:54:56.990 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 36K, 8% free 2099K/2276K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 4ms 11-01 01:54:57.010 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 26K, 7% free 2131K/2284K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 5ms 11-01 01:54:57.010 939-939 W/Zygote: Class not found for preloading: java.lang.UnsafeByteSequence 11-01 01:54:57.030 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 36K, 6% free 2152K/2284K, paused 1ms+0ms, total 6ms 11-01 01:54:57.050 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 39K, 6% free 2169K/2284K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 3ms 11-01 01:54:57.080 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 42K, 5% free 2182K/2284K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 5ms 11-01 01:54:57.140 939-939 I/System: Loaded time zone names for "" in 33ms (33ms in ICU) 11-01 01:54:57.150 939-939 I/System: Loaded time zone names for "en_US" in 16ms (15ms in ICU) 11-01 01:54:57.180 939-939 I/System: Loaded time zone names for "ru_RU" in 30ms (28ms in ICU) 11-01 01:54:57.190 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 288K, 12% free 2394K/2692K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 4ms 11-01 01:54:57.200 939-939 D/dalvikvm: WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 1ms 11-01 01:54:57.210 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 14K, 9% free 2455K/2692K, paused 1ms+0ms, total 10ms 11-01 01:54:57.240 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 29K, 8% free 2480K/2692K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 8ms 11-01 01:54:57.270 939-939 D/dalvikvm: WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 1ms 11-01 01:54:57.280 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 34K, 8% free 2500K/2692K, paused 1ms+0ms, total 10ms 11-01 01:54:57.330 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 33K, 7% free 2522K/2692K, paused 1ms+1ms, total 8ms 11-01 01:54:57.360 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 27K, 6% free 2550K/2692K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 5ms 11-01 01:54:57.370 939-939 I/Zygote: ...preloaded 2776 classes in 2427ms. 11-01 01:54:57.600 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 17K, 6% free 2548K/2692K, paused 1ms+0ms, total 18ms 11-01 01:54:57.600 939-939 I/Zygote: Preloading resources... 11-01 01:54:57.630 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080096 (android:drawable/toast_frame) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.640 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080105 (android:drawable/btn_check_on_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.650 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 19K, 4% free 2593K/2692K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 10ms 11-01 01:54:57.650 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080104 (android:drawable/btn_check_on_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.650 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080102 (android:drawable/btn_check_on_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.650 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080101 (android:drawable/btn_check_on_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.670 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 88K, 7% free 2557K/2732K, paused 1ms+1ms, total 11ms 11-01 01:54:57.670 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ff (android:drawable/btn_check_on_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.670 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800fe (android:drawable/btn_check_on_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.670 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800fd (android:drawable/btn_check_on_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.670 939-939 D/dalvikvm: WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 1ms 11-01 01:54:57.680 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 53K, 7% free 2558K/2732K, paused 1ms+1ms, total 11ms 11-01 01:54:57.680 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800fc (android:drawable/btn_check_on_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.680 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800fb (android:drawable/btn_check_on_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.680 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800fa (android:drawable/btn_check_on_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.690 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 53K, 7% free 2558K/2732K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 5ms 11-01 01:54:57.700 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f2 (android:drawable/btn_check_off_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.710 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f1 (android:drawable/btn_check_off_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.710 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ed (android:drawable/btn_check_off_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.720 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 53K, 7% free 2559K/2732K, paused 1ms+2ms, total 10ms 11-01 01:54:57.720 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ec (android:drawable/btn_check_off_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.720 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ea (android:drawable/btn_check_off_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.720 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800e9 (android:drawable/btn_check_off_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.730 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 52K, 7% free 2559K/2732K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 6ms 11-01 01:54:57.730 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800e8 (android:drawable/btn_check_off_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.730 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800e7 (android:drawable/btn_check_off_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.730 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800e6 (android:drawable/btn_check_off_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.750 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 53K, 7% free 2560K/2732K, paused 1ms+0ms, total 9ms 11-01 01:54:57.750 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800e5 (android:drawable/btn_check_off_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.770 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080102 (android:drawable/btn_check_on_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.770 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ed (android:drawable/btn_check_off_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.770 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080105 (android:drawable/btn_check_on_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.770 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f2 (android:drawable/btn_check_off_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.770 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ff (android:drawable/btn_check_on_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.770 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ea (android:drawable/btn_check_off_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.770 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ed (android:drawable/btn_check_off_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.770 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080102 (android:drawable/btn_check_on_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.770 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800fd (android:drawable/btn_check_on_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.770 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800e8 (android:drawable/btn_check_off_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.780 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800fb (android:drawable/btn_check_on_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.780 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800e6 (android:drawable/btn_check_off_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.780 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800e8 (android:drawable/btn_check_off_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.780 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800fd (android:drawable/btn_check_on_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.780 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800dc (android:drawable/btn_check_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.790 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 264K, 12% free 2564K/2892K, paused 1ms+0ms, total 8ms 11-01 01:54:57.800 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080101 (android:drawable/btn_check_on_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.800 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ec (android:drawable/btn_check_off_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.800 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080104 (android:drawable/btn_check_on_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.800 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f1 (android:drawable/btn_check_off_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.800 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800fe (android:drawable/btn_check_on_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.800 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800e9 (android:drawable/btn_check_off_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.810 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ec (android:drawable/btn_check_off_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.810 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080101 (android:drawable/btn_check_on_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.810 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800fc (android:drawable/btn_check_on_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.810 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800e7 (android:drawable/btn_check_off_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.810 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800fa (android:drawable/btn_check_on_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.810 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800e5 (android:drawable/btn_check_off_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.810 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800e7 (android:drawable/btn_check_off_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.810 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800fc (android:drawable/btn_check_on_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.810 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800db (android:drawable/btn_check_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.820 939-939 D/dalvikvm: WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 1ms 11-01 01:54:57.820 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 250K, 12% free 2565K/2892K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 7ms 11-01 01:54:57.840 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080195 (android:drawable/btn_radio_on_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.840 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080194 (android:drawable/btn_radio_on_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.840 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080192 (android:drawable/btn_radio_on_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.840 939-939 D/dalvikvm: WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 1ms 11-01 01:54:57.860 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 55K, 12% free 2562K/2892K, paused 1ms+0ms, total 13ms 11-01 01:54:57.860 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080191 (android:drawable/btn_radio_on_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.860 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108018f (android:drawable/btn_radio_on_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.860 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108018e (android:drawable/btn_radio_on_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.880 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 53K, 12% free 2562K/2892K, paused 0ms+3ms, total 9ms 11-01 01:54:57.880 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108018d (android:drawable/btn_radio_on_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.880 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108018c (android:drawable/btn_radio_on_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.880 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 53K, 12% free 2563K/2892K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 6ms 11-01 01:54:57.880 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108018a (android:drawable/btn_radio_on_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.880 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080187 (android:drawable/btn_radio_off_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.880 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080186 (android:drawable/btn_radio_off_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.880 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108018b (android:drawable/btn_radio_on_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.890 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 53K, 12% free 2564K/2892K, paused 1ms+0ms, total 4ms 11-01 01:54:57.890 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080184 (android:drawable/btn_radio_off_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.890 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080183 (android:drawable/btn_radio_off_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.890 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080181 (android:drawable/btn_radio_off_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.890 939-939 D/dalvikvm: WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 1ms 11-01 01:54:57.900 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 53K, 12% free 2564K/2892K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 8ms 11-01 01:54:57.900 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080180 (android:drawable/btn_radio_off_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.910 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108017f (android:drawable/btn_radio_off_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.910 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108017e (android:drawable/btn_radio_off_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.910 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 53K, 12% free 2564K/2892K, paused 0ms+2ms, total 7ms 11-01 01:54:57.920 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108017d (android:drawable/btn_radio_off_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.920 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108017c (android:drawable/btn_radio_off_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.920 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080128 (android:drawable/btn_default_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.940 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 36K, 11% free 2578K/2892K, paused 14ms+1ms, total 18ms 11-01 01:54:57.940 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080127 (android:drawable/btn_default_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.940 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080124 (android:drawable/btn_default_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.940 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080123 (android:drawable/btn_default_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.940 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108011c (android:drawable/btn_default_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.940 939-939 D/dalvikvm: WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 1ms 11-01 01:54:57.960 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 19K, 10% free 2619K/2892K, paused 11ms+0ms, total 16ms 11-01 01:54:57.970 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108011b (android:drawable/btn_default_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.970 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080119 (android:drawable/btn_default_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.970 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080118 (android:drawable/btn_default_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.970 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080116 (android:drawable/btn_default_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.980 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 59K, 10% free 2619K/2892K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 4ms 11-01 01:54:57.980 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080115 (android:drawable/btn_default_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.980 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080123 (android:drawable/btn_default_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.980 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080118 (android:drawable/btn_default_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.980 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080127 (android:drawable/btn_default_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.980 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108011b (android:drawable/btn_default_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.980 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080123 (android:drawable/btn_default_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.990 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080115 (android:drawable/btn_default_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.990 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080118 (android:drawable/btn_default_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.990 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108011d (android:drawable/btn_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.990 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 66K, 8% free 2674K/2892K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 4ms 11-01 01:54:57.990 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080124 (android:drawable/btn_default_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.990 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080119 (android:drawable/btn_default_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:57.990 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080128 (android:drawable/btn_default_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.000 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108011c (android:drawable/btn_default_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.000 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080124 (android:drawable/btn_default_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.000 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080116 (android:drawable/btn_default_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.000 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080119 (android:drawable/btn_default_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.000 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108011e (android:drawable/btn_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.000 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 118K, 8% free 2661K/2892K, paused 1ms+1ms, total 6ms 11-01 01:54:58.010 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801d1 (android:drawable/btn_star_off_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.010 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801db (android:drawable/btn_star_on_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.010 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801d7 (android:drawable/btn_star_on_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.010 939-939 D/dalvikvm: WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 1ms 11-01 01:54:58.030 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 105K, 10% free 2608K/2892K, paused 16ms+0ms, total 21ms 11-01 01:54:58.040 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801cd (android:drawable/btn_star_off_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.050 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801dd (android:drawable/btn_star_on_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.050 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801d3 (android:drawable/btn_star_off_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.050 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 53K, 10% free 2609K/2892K, paused 1ms+0ms, total 1ms 11-01 01:54:58.060 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801d9 (android:drawable/btn_star_on_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.060 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801cf (android:drawable/btn_star_off_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.060 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801d5 (android:drawable/btn_star_on_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.080 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 53K, 10% free 2610K/2892K, paused 16ms+0ms, total 22ms 11-01 01:54:58.090 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801cb (android:drawable/btn_star_off_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.090 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801d1 (android:drawable/btn_star_off_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.090 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801db (android:drawable/btn_star_on_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.090 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801d7 (android:drawable/btn_star_on_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.090 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801cd (android:drawable/btn_star_off_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.090 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801dd (android:drawable/btn_star_on_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.090 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801d3 (android:drawable/btn_star_off_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.090 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801d9 (android:drawable/btn_star_on_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.090 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801cf (android:drawable/btn_star_off_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.100 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801d5 (android:drawable/btn_star_on_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.100 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801d7 (android:drawable/btn_star_on_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.100 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801cb (android:drawable/btn_star_off_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.100 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801cd (android:drawable/btn_star_off_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.100 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801d1 (android:drawable/btn_star_off_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.110 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801db (android:drawable/btn_star_on_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.110 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801c8 (android:drawable/btn_star_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.110 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 304K, 13% free 2573K/2932K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 6ms 11-01 01:54:58.130 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801d0 (android:drawable/btn_star_off_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.130 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801da (android:drawable/btn_star_on_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.130 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801d6 (android:drawable/btn_star_on_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.150 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 56K, 13% free 2570K/2932K, paused 19ms+0ms, total 24ms 11-01 01:54:58.150 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801cc (android:drawable/btn_star_off_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.150 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801dc (android:drawable/btn_star_on_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.150 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801d2 (android:drawable/btn_star_off_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.180 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 53K, 13% free 2571K/2932K, paused 16ms+0ms, total 26ms 11-01 01:54:58.180 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801d8 (android:drawable/btn_star_on_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.180 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801ce (android:drawable/btn_star_off_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.180 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801d4 (android:drawable/btn_star_on_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.190 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 53K, 13% free 2571K/2932K, paused 1ms+1ms, total 5ms 11-01 01:54:58.190 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801ca (android:drawable/btn_star_off_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.190 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801d0 (android:drawable/btn_star_off_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.190 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801da (android:drawable/btn_star_on_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.190 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801d6 (android:drawable/btn_star_on_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.190 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801cc (android:drawable/btn_star_off_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.190 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801dc (android:drawable/btn_star_on_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.190 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801d2 (android:drawable/btn_star_off_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.190 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801d8 (android:drawable/btn_star_on_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.190 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801ce (android:drawable/btn_star_off_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.190 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801d4 (android:drawable/btn_star_on_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.200 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801d6 (android:drawable/btn_star_on_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.200 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801ca (android:drawable/btn_star_off_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.200 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801cc (android:drawable/btn_star_off_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.200 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801d0 (android:drawable/btn_star_off_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.200 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801da (android:drawable/btn_star_on_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.200 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801c7 (android:drawable/btn_star_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.210 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 264K, 13% free 2575K/2932K, paused 1ms+1ms, total 6ms 11-01 01:54:58.220 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f7 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.220 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f6 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.220 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f5 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.220 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f4 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.240 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 8K, 11% free 2627K/2932K, paused 17ms+1ms, total 24ms 11-01 01:54:58.240 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f3 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.250 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f2 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.250 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f1 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.250 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f0 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.250 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 61K, 11% free 2626K/2932K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 4ms 11-01 01:54:58.260 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801ef (android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.260 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801ee (android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.260 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801ec (android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.260 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801eb (android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.260 939-939 D/dalvikvm: WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 1ms 11-01 01:54:58.280 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 5K, 9% free 2680K/2932K, paused 18ms+1ms, total 22ms 11-01 01:54:58.280 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801ea (android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.280 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801e9 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.280 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801e8 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.280 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801e7 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.310 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 99K, 10% free 2640K/2932K, paused 14ms+1ms, total 24ms 11-01 01:54:58.310 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801e6 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.310 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801e5 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.310 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801e4 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.310 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801e3 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.320 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 72K, 11% free 2628K/2932K, paused 1ms+1ms, total 8ms 11-01 01:54:58.320 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f5 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.320 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f1 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.320 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f7 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.320 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f3 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.320 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f5 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.320 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801ef (android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.320 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f1 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.330 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801ea (android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.330 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801e6 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.330 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801ec (android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.330 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801e8 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.330 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801ea (android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.330 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801e4 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.330 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801e6 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.330 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801e1 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.330 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 75K, 6% free 2763K/2932K, paused 1ms+2ms, total 7ms 11-01 01:54:58.340 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f4 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.340 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f0 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.340 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f6 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.340 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f2 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.340 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f4 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.340 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801ee (android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.340 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f0 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.340 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801e9 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.340 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801e5 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.340 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801eb (android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.340 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801e7 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.340 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801e9 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.340 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801e3 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.340 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801e5 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.340 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801e0 (android:drawable/btn_toggle_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.340 939-939 D/dalvikvm: WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 1ms 11-01 01:54:58.360 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 62K, 4% free 2912K/3012K, paused 14ms+1ms, total 19ms 11-01 01:54:58.380 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108064c (android:drawable/textfield_multiline_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.380 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080650 (android:drawable/textfield_multiline_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.380 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108064a (android:drawable/textfield_multiline_activated_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.380 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080652 (android:drawable/textfield_multiline_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.380 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108064c (android:drawable/textfield_multiline_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.380 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108064e (android:drawable/textfield_multiline_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.380 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080650 (android:drawable/textfield_multiline_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.380 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108063f (android:drawable/textfield_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.380 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080644 (android:drawable/textfield_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.380 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080637 (android:drawable/textfield_activated_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.380 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080647 (android:drawable/textfield_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.380 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108063f (android:drawable/textfield_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.380 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080642 (android:drawable/textfield_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.380 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080644 (android:drawable/textfield_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.390 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080258 (android:drawable/edit_text_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.400 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 359K, 13% free 2764K/3156K, paused 1ms+1ms, total 8ms 11-01 01:54:58.410 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108064b (android:drawable/textfield_multiline_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.410 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108064f (android:drawable/textfield_multiline_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.410 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080649 (android:drawable/textfield_multiline_activated_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.410 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080651 (android:drawable/textfield_multiline_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.410 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108064b (android:drawable/textfield_multiline_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.410 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108064d (android:drawable/textfield_multiline_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.410 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108064f (android:drawable/textfield_multiline_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.410 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108063e (android:drawable/textfield_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.410 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080643 (android:drawable/textfield_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.410 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080636 (android:drawable/textfield_activated_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.410 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080646 (android:drawable/textfield_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.410 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108063e (android:drawable/textfield_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.410 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080641 (android:drawable/textfield_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.410 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080643 (android:drawable/textfield_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.410 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080257 (android:drawable/edit_text_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.430 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 142K, 11% free 2833K/3156K, paused 14ms+0ms, total 17ms 11-01 01:54:58.440 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080633 (android:drawable/text_select_handle_left) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.440 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080635 (android:drawable/text_select_handle_right) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.450 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 343K, 19% free 2580K/3156K, paused 1ms+0ms, total 11ms 11-01 01:54:58.450 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080630 (android:drawable/text_edit_paste_window) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.460 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108026d (android:drawable/expander_close_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.460 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108026e (android:drawable/expander_close_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.460 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 5K, 17% free 2627K/3156K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 5ms 11-01 01:54:58.470 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108026d (android:drawable/expander_close_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.470 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080274 (android:drawable/expander_open_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.470 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080270 (android:drawable/expander_group_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.470 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108026e (android:drawable/expander_close_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.470 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080275 (android:drawable/expander_open_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.470 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080271 (android:drawable/expander_group_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.470 939-939 D/dalvikvm: WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 1ms 11-01 01:54:58.480 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 54K, 17% free 2646K/3156K, paused 1ms+0ms, total 6ms 11-01 01:54:58.480 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108041d (android:drawable/list_selector_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.480 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108041d (android:drawable/list_selector_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.490 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803fe (android:drawable/list_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.490 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803fc (android:drawable/list_longpressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.490 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108041a (android:drawable/list_selector_background_transition_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.490 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803fe (android:drawable/list_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.490 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803fc (android:drawable/list_longpressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.490 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108041a (android:drawable/list_selector_background_transition_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.490 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803f7 (android:drawable/list_focused_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.500 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080421 (android:drawable/list_selector_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.500 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108041e (android:drawable/list_selector_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.500 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108041e (android:drawable/list_selector_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.500 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803ff (android:drawable/list_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.500 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803fd (android:drawable/list_longpressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.500 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108041b (android:drawable/list_selector_background_transition_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.500 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803ff (android:drawable/list_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.500 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803fd (android:drawable/list_longpressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.500 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108041b (android:drawable/list_selector_background_transition_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.500 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803f7 (android:drawable/list_focused_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.500 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080422 (android:drawable/list_selector_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.510 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 92K, 17% free 2633K/3156K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 8ms 11-01 01:54:58.520 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080401 (android:drawable/list_section_divider_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.520 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080400 (android:drawable/list_section_divider_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.520 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080432 (android:drawable/menu_hardkey_panel_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.530 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080433 (android:drawable/menu_hardkey_panel_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.530 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 54K, 17% free 2640K/3156K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 3ms 11-01 01:54:58.530 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108043a (android:drawable/menu_submenu_background) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.530 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080431 (android:drawable/menu_dropdown_panel_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.540 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 59K, 16% free 2654K/3156K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 4ms 11-01 01:54:58.540 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080430 (android:drawable/menu_dropdown_panel_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.540 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080437 (android:drawable/menu_popup_panel_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.540 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 72K, 17% free 2649K/3156K, paused 1ms+0ms, total 5ms 11-01 01:54:58.540 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080436 (android:drawable/menu_popup_panel_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.540 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080437 (android:drawable/menu_popup_panel_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.550 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080431 (android:drawable/menu_dropdown_panel_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.550 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080435 (android:drawable/menu_panel_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.550 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 70K, 15% free 2682K/3156K, paused 1ms+0ms, total 5ms 11-01 01:54:58.550 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080436 (android:drawable/menu_popup_panel_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.550 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080430 (android:drawable/menu_dropdown_panel_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.550 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080434 (android:drawable/menu_panel_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.560 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 102K, 17% free 2650K/3156K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 6ms 11-01 01:54:58.560 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108047c (android:drawable/overscroll_edge) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.570 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 164K, 19% free 2585K/3156K, paused 1ms+1ms, total 8ms 11-01 01:54:58.580 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108047d (android:drawable/overscroll_glow) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.590 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 1102K, 40% free 2585K/4260K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 4ms 11-01 01:54:58.600 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080545 (android:drawable/spinner_16_outer_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.600 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080544 (android:drawable/spinner_16_inner_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.600 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080549 (android:drawable/spinner_48_outer_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.600 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080548 (android:drawable/spinner_48_inner_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.610 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 85K, 40% free 2587K/4260K, paused 0ms+2ms, total 10ms 11-01 01:54:58.610 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108054b (android:drawable/spinner_76_outer_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.620 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 92K, 40% free 2586K/4260K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 5ms 11-01 01:54:58.620 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108054a (android:drawable/spinner_76_inner_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.630 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 92K, 40% free 2586K/4260K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 4ms 11-01 01:54:58.630 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804c5 (android:drawable/progress_bg_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.630 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804c6 (android:drawable/progress_bg_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.630 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804c5 (android:drawable/progress_bg_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.630 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804d2 (android:drawable/progress_secondary_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.630 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804d0 (android:drawable/progress_primary_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.630 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804c7 (android:drawable/progress_horizontal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.630 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804c6 (android:drawable/progress_bg_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.640 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804d3 (android:drawable/progress_secondary_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.640 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804d1 (android:drawable/progress_primary_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.640 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804c8 (android:drawable/progress_horizontal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.640 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804db (android:drawable/progressbar_indeterminate_holo1) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.640 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804dc (android:drawable/progressbar_indeterminate_holo2) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.640 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804dd (android:drawable/progressbar_indeterminate_holo3) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.640 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804de (android:drawable/progressbar_indeterminate_holo4) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.640 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804df (android:drawable/progressbar_indeterminate_holo5) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.640 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804e0 (android:drawable/progressbar_indeterminate_holo6) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.640 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804e1 (android:drawable/progressbar_indeterminate_holo7) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.640 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804e2 (android:drawable/progressbar_indeterminate_holo8) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.640 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804c9 (android:drawable/progress_indeterminate_horizontal_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.650 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 1239K, 39% free 2613K/4260K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 5ms 11-01 01:54:58.650 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108054b (android:drawable/spinner_76_outer_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.650 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108054a (android:drawable/spinner_76_inner_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.650 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804cb (android:drawable/progress_large_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.670 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 185K, 39% free 2613K/4260K, paused 17ms+0ms, total 24ms 11-01 01:54:58.670 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080549 (android:drawable/spinner_48_outer_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.670 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080548 (android:drawable/spinner_48_inner_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.670 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804ce (android:drawable/progress_medium_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.690 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 99K, 40% free 2591K/4260K, paused 6ms+0ms, total 11ms 11-01 01:54:58.690 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804d0 (android:drawable/progress_primary_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.690 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804d1 (android:drawable/progress_primary_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.690 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804d2 (android:drawable/progress_secondary_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.690 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804d3 (android:drawable/progress_secondary_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.690 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080545 (android:drawable/spinner_16_outer_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.690 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080544 (android:drawable/spinner_16_inner_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.690 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804d5 (android:drawable/progress_small_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.700 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080535 (android:drawable/scrubber_track_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.700 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080534 (android:drawable/scrubber_secondary_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.700 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080531 (android:drawable/scrubber_primary_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.700 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080532 (android:drawable/scrubber_progress_horizontal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.700 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080536 (android:drawable/scrubber_track_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.700 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080534 (android:drawable/scrubber_secondary_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.710 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080531 (android:drawable/scrubber_primary_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.710 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080533 (android:drawable/scrubber_progress_horizontal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.720 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 30K, 39% free 2620K/4260K, paused 1ms+1ms, total 9ms 11-01 01:54:58.730 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080528 (android:drawable/scrollbar_handle_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.730 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080529 (android:drawable/scrollbar_handle_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.750 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 28K, 38% free 2657K/4260K, paused 9ms+0ms, total 12ms 11-01 01:54:58.770 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 10K, 37% free 2699K/4260K, paused 17ms+1ms, total 23ms 11-01 01:54:58.780 939-939 D/dalvikvm: WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 1ms 11-01 01:54:58.800 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 3K, 36% free 2745K/4260K, paused 16ms+1ms, total 21ms 11-01 01:54:58.820 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 7K, 35% free 2787K/4260K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 7ms 11-01 01:54:58.820 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080208 (android:drawable/cab_background_bottom_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.820 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108020b (android:drawable/cab_background_top_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.820 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080209 (android:drawable/cab_background_bottom_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.820 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802bc (android:drawable/ic_cab_done_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.820 939-939 D/dalvikvm: WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 1ms 11-01 01:54:58.830 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 25K, 34% free 2816K/4260K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 5ms 11-01 01:54:58.830 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108020a (android:drawable/cab_background_top_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.830 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802bd (android:drawable/ic_cab_done_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.830 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800d0 (android:drawable/btn_cab_done_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.830 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800d3 (android:drawable/btn_cab_done_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.830 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800d1 (android:drawable/btn_cab_done_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.830 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800d6 (android:drawable/btn_cab_done_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.830 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800d2 (android:drawable/btn_cab_done_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.830 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800d7 (android:drawable/btn_cab_done_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.830 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803ff (android:drawable/list_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.830 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800d3 (android:drawable/btn_cab_done_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.830 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800d1 (android:drawable/btn_cab_done_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.830 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800d5 (android:drawable/btn_cab_done_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.840 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 60K, 35% free 2807K/4260K, paused 1ms+0ms, total 6ms 11-01 01:54:58.850 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803fe (android:drawable/list_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.850 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800d2 (android:drawable/btn_cab_done_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.850 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800d0 (android:drawable/btn_cab_done_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.850 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800d4 (android:drawable/btn_cab_done_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.850 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080038 (android:drawable/ic_menu_close_clear_cancel) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.850 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108033e (android:drawable/ic_menu_copy_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.850 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108033f (android:drawable/ic_menu_copy_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.860 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 76K, 35% free 2793K/4260K, paused 1ms+0ms, total 6ms 11-01 01:54:58.860 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080341 (android:drawable/ic_menu_cut_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.860 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080342 (android:drawable/ic_menu_cut_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.870 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080045 (android:drawable/ic_menu_more) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.870 939-939 D/dalvikvm: WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 1ms 11-01 01:54:58.880 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 56K, 35% free 2790K/4260K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 8ms 11-01 01:54:58.880 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080355 (android:drawable/ic_menu_moreoverflow_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.880 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080353 (android:drawable/ic_menu_moreoverflow_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.880 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080356 (android:drawable/ic_menu_moreoverflow_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.880 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080354 (android:drawable/ic_menu_moreoverflow_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.880 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080359 (android:drawable/ic_menu_paste_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.890 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 58K, 35% free 2794K/4260K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 6ms 11-01 01:54:58.890 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108035a (android:drawable/ic_menu_paste_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.890 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080360 (android:drawable/ic_menu_selectall_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.890 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108035f (android:drawable/ic_menu_selectall_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.900 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 54K, 35% free 2793K/4260K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 8ms 11-01 01:54:58.910 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802c0 (android:drawable/ic_clear_disabled) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.940 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802c2 (android:drawable/ic_clear_normal) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.940 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802bf (android:drawable/ic_clear) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.940 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802c0 (android:drawable/ic_clear_disabled) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.940 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 54K, 35% free 2794K/4260K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 4ms 11-01 01:54:58.940 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802c2 (android:drawable/ic_clear_normal) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.950 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080392 (android:drawable/ic_search) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.950 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802dd (android:drawable/ic_go) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.960 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 53K, 35% free 2794K/4260K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 5ms 11-01 01:54:58.960 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108039b (android:drawable/ic_voice_search) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.960 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080221 (android:drawable/dialog_bottom_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.960 939-939 D/dalvikvm: WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 1ms 11-01 01:54:58.970 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 19K, 34% free 2827K/4260K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 9ms 11-01 01:54:58.970 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080222 (android:drawable/dialog_bottom_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.970 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080226 (android:drawable/dialog_full_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.980 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 36K, 33% free 2888K/4260K, paused 1ms+1ms, total 4ms 11-01 01:54:58.980 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080227 (android:drawable/dialog_full_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.990 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 95K, 33% free 2854K/4260K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 5ms 11-01 01:54:58.990 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022f (android:drawable/dialog_middle_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:58.990 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080230 (android:drawable/dialog_middle_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.000 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 63K, 34% free 2843K/4260K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 6ms 11-01 01:54:59.000 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080231 (android:drawable/dialog_top_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.000 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080232 (android:drawable/dialog_top_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.000 939-939 D/dalvikvm: WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 3ms 11-01 01:54:59.020 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 2K, 32% free 2910K/4260K, paused 14ms+0ms, total 21ms 11-01 01:54:59.030 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802d1 (android:drawable/ic_dialog_alert_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.030 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802d2 (android:drawable/ic_dialog_alert_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.030 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803f4 (android:drawable/list_divider_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.030 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803f5 (android:drawable/list_divider_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.030 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803f5 (android:drawable/list_divider_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.030 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800bd (android:drawable/ab_transparent_dark_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.050 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 106K, 33% free 2855K/4260K, paused 9ms+1ms, total 13ms 11-01 01:54:59.050 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800bb (android:drawable/ab_stacked_transparent_dark_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.050 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800b5 (android:drawable/ab_solid_dark_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.050 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800b8 (android:drawable/ab_stacked_solid_dark_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.050 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108009e (android:drawable/ab_bottom_solid_dark_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.050 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 41K, 33% free 2867K/4260K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 4ms 11-01 01:54:59.050 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800a1 (android:drawable/ab_bottom_transparent_dark_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.060 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800be (android:drawable/ab_transparent_light_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.060 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800bc (android:drawable/ab_stacked_transparent_light_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.060 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800a2 (android:drawable/ab_bottom_transparent_light_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.060 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800b6 (android:drawable/ab_solid_light_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.060 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ba (android:drawable/ab_stacked_solid_light_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.060 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 68K, 34% free 2853K/4260K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 5ms 11-01 01:54:59.060 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800a0 (android:drawable/ab_bottom_solid_light_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.070 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800b7 (android:drawable/ab_solid_shadow_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.070 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108041d (android:drawable/list_selector_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.070 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108041d (android:drawable/list_selector_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.070 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803fe (android:drawable/list_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.070 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803fc (android:drawable/list_longpressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.070 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108041a (android:drawable/list_selector_background_transition_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.070 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803fe (android:drawable/list_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.070 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803fc (android:drawable/list_longpressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.070 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108041a (android:drawable/list_selector_background_transition_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.070 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803f7 (android:drawable/list_focused_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.070 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803b3 (android:drawable/item_background_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.080 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 72K, 34% free 2836K/4260K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 5ms 11-01 01:54:59.080 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108041e (android:drawable/list_selector_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.080 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108041e (android:drawable/list_selector_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.080 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803ff (android:drawable/list_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.080 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803fd (android:drawable/list_longpressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.080 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108041b (android:drawable/list_selector_background_transition_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.080 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803ff (android:drawable/list_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.080 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803fd (android:drawable/list_longpressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.080 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108041b (android:drawable/list_selector_background_transition_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.080 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803f7 (android:drawable/list_focused_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.080 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803b4 (android:drawable/item_background_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.090 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108027c (android:drawable/fastscroll_thumb_pressed_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.090 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108027a (android:drawable/fastscroll_thumb_default_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.090 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108027b (android:drawable/fastscroll_thumb_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.090 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 107K, 34% free 2824K/4260K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 6ms 11-01 01:54:59.100 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108027c (android:drawable/fastscroll_thumb_pressed_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.100 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108027a (android:drawable/fastscroll_thumb_default_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.100 939-939 D/dalvikvm: WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 1ms 11-01 01:54:59.120 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 74K, 35% free 2803K/4260K, paused 16ms+0ms, total 21ms 11-01 01:54:59.120 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080281 (android:drawable/fastscroll_track_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.120 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108027d (android:drawable/fastscroll_track_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.130 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108027f (android:drawable/fastscroll_track_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.130 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080281 (android:drawable/fastscroll_track_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.130 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108027d (android:drawable/fastscroll_track_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.130 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080276 (android:drawable/fastscroll_label_left_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.130 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 13K, 33% free 2886K/4260K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 5ms 11-01 01:54:59.140 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080278 (android:drawable/fastscroll_label_right_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.160 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 3K, 31% free 2969K/4260K, paused 19ms+1ms, total 26ms 11-01 01:54:59.170 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080282 (android:drawable/fastscroll_track_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.170 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108027e (android:drawable/fastscroll_track_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.170 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080280 (android:drawable/fastscroll_track_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.170 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080282 (android:drawable/fastscroll_track_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.170 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108027e (android:drawable/fastscroll_track_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.170 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080277 (android:drawable/fastscroll_label_left_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.170 939-939 D/dalvikvm: WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 1ms 11-01 01:54:59.180 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 94K, 31% free 2971K/4260K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 5ms 11-01 01:54:59.180 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080279 (android:drawable/fastscroll_label_right_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.190 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 173K, 33% free 2884K/4260K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 5ms 11-01 01:54:59.190 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108025b (android:drawable/editbox_dropdown_background_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.190 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080662 (android:drawable/textfield_search_selected_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.190 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080656 (android:drawable/textfield_search_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.190 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080664 (android:drawable/textfield_searchview_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.190 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108065f (android:drawable/textfield_search_right_selected_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.190 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108065d (android:drawable/textfield_search_right_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.200 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080666 (android:drawable/textfield_searchview_right_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.200 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080663 (android:drawable/textfield_search_selected_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.200 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080657 (android:drawable/textfield_search_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.200 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080665 (android:drawable/textfield_searchview_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.200 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080660 (android:drawable/textfield_search_right_selected_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.200 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108065e (android:drawable/textfield_search_right_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.200 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080667 (android:drawable/textfield_searchview_right_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.200 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080662 (android:drawable/textfield_search_selected_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.200 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080656 (android:drawable/textfield_search_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.200 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108065f (android:drawable/textfield_search_right_selected_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.200 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 106K, 34% free 2829K/4260K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 5ms 11-01 01:54:59.210 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108065d (android:drawable/textfield_search_right_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.210 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080663 (android:drawable/textfield_search_selected_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.210 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080657 (android:drawable/textfield_search_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.210 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080660 (android:drawable/textfield_search_right_selected_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.210 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108065e (android:drawable/textfield_search_right_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.210 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108062b (android:drawable/tab_unselected_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.210 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080626 (android:drawable/tab_selected_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.210 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108062a (android:drawable/tab_unselected_focused_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.210 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080625 (android:drawable/tab_selected_focused_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.210 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108062c (android:drawable/tab_unselected_pressed_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.210 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080627 (android:drawable/tab_selected_pressed_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.210 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108062c (android:drawable/tab_unselected_pressed_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.210 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080627 (android:drawable/tab_selected_pressed_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.210 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108061a (android:drawable/tab_indicator_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.210 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108062b (android:drawable/tab_unselected_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.210 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080626 (android:drawable/tab_selected_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.210 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108062a (android:drawable/tab_unselected_focused_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.210 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080625 (android:drawable/tab_selected_focused_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.210 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108062c (android:drawable/tab_unselected_pressed_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.210 939-939 W/Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080627 (android:drawable/tab_selected_pressed_holo) that varies with configuration!! 11-01 01:54:59.230 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 46K, 33% free 2855K/4260K, paused 12ms+1ms, total 19ms 11-01 01:54:59.240 939-939 I/Zygote: ...preloaded 274 resources in 1646ms. 11-01 01:54:59.250 939-939 D/dalvikvm: WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 1ms 11-01 01:54:59.260 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 29K, 33% free 2878K/4260K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 10ms 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 I/Zygote: ...preloaded 31 resources in 27ms. 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_emulation.so [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_emulation.so [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.270 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.270 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.280 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.280 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_emulation.so [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.290 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.290 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host [ 11-01 01:54:59.310 939: 939 E/ ] Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!! 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host 11-01 01:54:59.310 939-939 E/EGL_emulation: Failed to establish connection with the host 11-01 01:54:59.320 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 11K, 33% free 2873K/4260K, paused 1ms+1ms, total 9ms 11-01 01:54:59.340 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 1K, 33% free 2872K/4260K, paused 20ms+0ms, total 22ms 11-01 01:54:59.360 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 33% free 2872K/4260K, paused 17ms+1ms, total 22ms 11-01 01:54:59.390 939-939 I/dalvikvm: System server process 1276 has been created 11-01 01:54:59.390 939-939 I/Zygote: Accepting command socket connections 11-01 01:54:59.510 1276-1276 D/SensorService: nuSensorService starting... 11-01 01:54:59.510 1276-1276 I/SensorService: Goldfish 3-axis Accelerometer 11-01 01:54:59.510 1276-1276 I/SensorService: Goldfish 3-axis Magnetic field sensor 11-01 01:54:59.510 1276-1276 I/SensorService: Goldfish Orientation sensor 11-01 01:54:59.510 1276-1276 I/SensorService: Goldfish Temperature sensor 11-01 01:54:59.510 1276-1276 I/SensorService: Goldfish Proximity sensor 11-01 01:54:59.510 1276-1276 D/SensorService: Max socket buffer size 131071 11-01 01:54:59.510 942-942 I/installd: new connection 11-01 01:54:59.510 1276-1276 E/PowerManagerService-JNI: Couldn't load power module (No such file or directory) 11-01 01:54:59.510 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Entered the Android system server! 11-01 01:54:59.510 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Waiting for installd to be ready. 11-01 01:54:59.510 1276-1276 I/Installer: connecting... 11-01 01:54:59.510 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Power Manager 11-01 01:54:59.510 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Activity Manager 11-01 01:54:59.530 1276-1289 D/SensorService: nuSensorService thread starting... 11-01 01:54:59.530 1276-1290 I/SystemServer: Enabled StrictMode logging for WM Looper 11-01 01:54:59.530 1276-1291 I/ActivityManager: Memory class: 256 11-01 01:54:59.560 1276-1291 I/UsageStats: Deleting usage file : usage-20161019 11-01 01:54:59.600 1276-1280 D/dalvikvm: GC_CONCURRENT freed 159K, 7% free 3102K/3312K, paused 19ms+0ms, total 21ms 11-01 01:54:59.620 1276-1276 I/IntentFirewall: Read new rules (A:0 B:0 S:0) 11-01 01:54:59.620 1276-1295 I/UiThread: Enabled StrictMode logging for UI thread 11-01 01:54:59.620 1276-1291 I/ActivityManager: Enabled StrictMode logging for AThread's Looper 11-01 01:54:59.620 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Display Manager 11-01 01:54:59.620 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Telephony Registry 11-01 01:54:59.620 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Scheduling Policy 11-01 01:54:59.640 938-1007 E/SurfaceFlinger: ro.sf.lcd_density must be defined as a build property 11-01 01:54:59.650 1276-1290 I/DisplayManagerService: Display device added: DisplayDeviceInfo{"Встроенный экран": 768 x 1280, 60.000004 fps, density 320, 320.0 x 320.0 dpi, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type BUILT_IN, FLAG_DEFAULT_DISPLAY, FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS} 11-01 01:54:59.650 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Package Manager 11-01 01:54:59.700 1276-1280 D/dalvikvm: GC_CONCURRENT freed 276K, 10% free 3214K/3544K, paused 19ms+0ms, total 22ms 11-01 01:54:59.710 1276-1276 D/SELinuxMMAC: Couldn't find install policy /data/security/mac_permissions.xml 11-01 01:54:59.710 1276-1276 D/SELinuxMMAC: Using install policy file /system/etc/security/mac_permissions.xml 11-01 01:54:59.760 1276-1280 D/dalvikvm: GC_CONCURRENT freed 232K, 8% free 3369K/3652K, paused 16ms+1ms, total 20ms 11-01 01:54:59.780 1276-1276 W/PackageManager: Running ENG build: no pre-dexopt! 11-01 01:54:59.910 1276-1280 D/dalvikvm: GC_CONCURRENT freed 205K, 7% free 3551K/3808K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 4ms 11-01 01:54:59.970 1276-1276 W/PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /system/priv-app/Contacts.apk Binary XML file line #375 11-01 01:55:00.080 1276-1276 W/PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /system/priv-app/Dialer.apk Binary XML file line #162 11-01 01:55:00.480 1276-1280 D/dalvikvm: GC_CONCURRENT freed 153K, 6% free 3784K/3988K, paused 18ms+1ms, total 22ms 11-01 01:55:00.840 1276-1280 D/dalvikvm: GC_CONCURRENT freed 198K, 6% free 3975K/4224K, paused 1ms+0ms, total 4ms 11-01 01:55:01.220 1276-1280 D/dalvikvm: GC_CONCURRENT freed 236K, 7% free 4130K/4416K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 5ms 11-01 01:55:01.330 1276-1276 D/PackageManager: No files in app dir /vendor/app 11-01 01:55:01.410 1276-1280 D/dalvikvm: GC_CONCURRENT freed 192K, 6% free 4325K/4572K, paused 13ms+1ms, total 20ms 11-01 01:55:01.430 1276-1276 W/PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /data/app/ApiDemos.apk Binary XML file line #2899 11-01 01:55:01.430 1276-1276 W/PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /data/app/ApiDemos.apk Binary XML file line #2905 11-01 01:55:01.430 1276-1276 W/PackageManager: Package com.example.android.apis desires unavailable shared library com.example.will.never.exist; ignoring! 11-01 01:55:01.960 1276-1276 D/asset: failed to open Zip archive '/data/app/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.tests-2.apk' 11-01 01:55:01.980 1276-1276 W/PackageParser: Unable to read AndroidManifest.xml of /data/app/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.tests-2.apk java.io.FileNotFoundException: AndroidManifest.xml at android.content.res.AssetManager.openXmlAssetNative(Native Method) at android.content.res.AssetManager.openXmlBlockAsset(AssetManager.java:488) at android.content.res.AssetManager.openXmlResourceParser(AssetManager.java:456) at android.content.pm.PackageParser.parsePackage(PackageParser.java:528) at com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerService.scanPackageLI(PackageManagerService.java:3569) at com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerService.scanDirLI(PackageManagerService.java:3492) at com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerService.(PackageManagerService.java:1383) at com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerService.main(PackageManagerService.java:1042) at com.android.server.ServerThread.initAndLoop(SystemServer.java:241) at com.android.server.SystemServer.main(SystemServer.java:1179) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:515) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:779) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:595) at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method) 11-01 01:55:01.980 1276-1276 W/PackageManager: Package com.example.android.apis desires unavailable shared library com.example.will.never.exist; ignoring! 11-01 01:55:01.980 1276-1276 W/PackageManager: Package com.android.camera desires unavailable shared library com.google.android.media.effects; ignoring! 11-01 01:55:01.980 1276-1276 I/PackageManager: Time to scan packages: 2.197 seconds 11-01 01:55:01.980 1276-1276 W/PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.GLOBAL_SEARCH to package com.android.quicksearchbox (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be45) 11-01 01:55:01.980 1276-1276 W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.smspush.WAPPUSH_MANAGER_BIND in package com.android.phone 11-01 01:55:01.980 1276-1276 W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.providers.calendar 11-01 01:55:01.980 1276-1276 W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.cl in package com.android.providers.calendar 11-01 01:55:01.980 1276-1276 W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.mail in package com.android.calendar 11-01 01:55:01.980 1276-1276 W/PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x9be45) 11-01 01:55:01.980 1276-1276 W/PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x9be45) 11-01 01:55:01.980 1276-1276 W/PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_APPWIDGET to package com.android.widgetpreview (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be44) 11-01 01:55:01.980 1276-1276 W/PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.INSTALL_DRM in package com.android.mms 11-01 01:55:01.980 1276-1276 W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.settings 11-01 01:55:01.980 1276-1276 W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.ACCESS_GOOGLE_PASSWORD in package com.android.development 11-01 01:55:01.980 1276-1276 W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.development 11-01 01:55:01.980 1276-1276 W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.ALL_SERVICES in package com.android.development 11-01 01:55:01.980 1276-1276 W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.YouTubeUser in package com.android.development 11-01 01:55:01.980 1276-1276 W/PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES to package com.svox.pico (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be45) 11-01 01:55:01.980 1276-1276 W/PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package com.android.deskclock (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x48be45) 11-01 01:55:02.000 1276-1280 D/dalvikvm: GC_CONCURRENT freed 229K, 7% free 4480K/4768K, paused 12ms+1ms, total 19ms 11-01 01:55:02.050 1276-1276 W/PackageSettings: Skipping PackageSetting{a5089de0 org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.tests/10056} due to missing metadata 11-01 01:55:02.070 1276-1276 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 262K, 9% free 4382K/4800K, paused 1ms+1ms, total 7ms 11-01 01:55:02.070 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Entropy Mixer 11-01 01:55:02.070 1276-1276 I/EntropyMixer: Writing entropy... 11-01 01:55:02.080 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: User Service 11-01 01:55:02.080 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Account Manager 11-01 01:55:02.090 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Content Manager 11-01 01:55:02.090 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: System Content Providers 11-01 01:55:02.170 1276-1276 E/ConsumerIrService: Can't open consumer IR HW Module, error: -2 11-01 01:55:02.170 1276-1276 W/libsuspend: Error writing 'on' to /sys/power/state: Invalid argument 11-01 01:55:02.170 1276-1276 E/libsuspend: Error opening /sys/power/autosleep: No such file or directory 11-01 01:55:02.170 1276-1276 I/libsuspend: Selected wakeup count 11-01 01:55:02.170 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Lights Service 11-01 01:55:02.170 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Battery Service 11-01 01:55:02.170 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Vibrator Service 11-01 01:55:02.170 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Consumer IR Service 11-01 01:55:02.180 938-1007 D/PermissionCache: checking android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER for uid=1000 => granted (1361 us) 11-01 01:55:02.180 938-938 D/SurfaceFlinger: Screen acquired, type=0 flinger=0xb78f3820 11-01 01:55:02.180 938-938 D/SurfaceFlinger: screen was previously acquired 11-01 01:55:02.180 1276-1276 D/AlarmManagerService: Kernel timezone updated to 240 minutes west of GMT 11-01 01:55:02.180 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Alarm Manager 11-01 01:55:02.180 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Init Watchdog 11-01 01:55:02.180 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Input Manager 11-01 01:55:02.180 1276-1276 I/InputManager: Initializing input manager, mUseDevInputEventForAudioJack=false 11-01 01:55:02.200 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Window Manager 11-01 01:55:02.250 1276-1290 I/WindowManager: No existing display settings /data/system/display_settings.xml; starting empty 11-01 01:55:02.290 1276-1295 I/WindowManager: No keyguard interface! 11-01 01:55:02.320 1276-1276 I/InputManager: Starting input manager 11-01 01:55:02.320 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: No Bluetooh Service (emulator) 11-01 01:55:02.320 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Input Method Service 11-01 01:55:02.340 1276-1276 W/InputMethodManagerService: Couldn't create dir.: /data/system/inputmethod 11-01 01:55:02.370 1276-1308 E/EventHub: could not get driver version for /dev/input/mouse0, Not a typewriter 11-01 01:55:02.370 1276-1280 D/dalvikvm: GC_CONCURRENT freed 283K, 8% free 4571K/4920K, paused 1ms+1ms, total 50ms 11-01 01:55:02.410 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Accessibility Manager 11-01 01:55:02.410 1276-1276 W/ActivityManager: Unable to write /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/adj 11-01 01:55:02.410 1276-1276 W/ActivityManager: Unable to write /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/minfree 11-01 01:55:02.410 1276-1276 I/ActivityManager: Config changes=1df8 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc ru_RU ldltr sw384dp w384dp h640dp 320dpi nrml long port ?uimode ?night -touch -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.2} 11-01 01:55:02.420 1276-1276 I/ActivityManager: Config changes=500 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc ru_RU ldltr sw384dp w384dp h567dp 320dpi nrml port ?uimode ?night -touch -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.3} 11-01 01:55:02.420 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Mount Service 11-01 01:55:02.420 1276-1276 D/MountService: got storage path: /storage/sdcard description: USB-накопитель primary: true removable: false emulated: false mtpReserve: 0 allowMassStorage: false maxFileSize: 0 11-01 01:55:02.420 1276-1276 D/MountService: addVolumeLocked() StorageVolume: mStorageId=0 mPath=/storage/sdcard mDescriptionId=17040664 mPrimary=true mRemovable=false mEmulated=false mMtpReserveSpace=0 mAllowMassStorage=false mMaxFileSize=0 mOwner=null mUuid=null mUserLabel=null mState=null 11-01 01:55:02.440 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: LockSettingsService 11-01 01:55:02.440 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Device Policy 11-01 01:55:02.440 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Status Bar 11-01 01:55:02.440 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Clipboard Service 11-01 01:55:02.440 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: NetworkManagement Service 11-01 01:55:02.460 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Text Service Manager Service 11-01 01:55:02.460 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: NetworkStats Service 11-01 01:55:02.490 1276-1308 W/EventHub: Unable to disable kernel key repeat for /dev/input/event0: Function not implemented 11-01 01:55:02.490 1276-1308 I/EventHub: New device: id=1, fd=94, path='/dev/input/event0', name='qwerty2', classes=0x7, configuration='/system/usr/idc/qwerty2.idc', keyLayout='/system/usr/keylayout/qwerty.kl', keyCharacterMap='/system/usr/keychars/qwerty2.kcm', builtinKeyboard=true, usingSuspendBlockIoctl=true, usingClockIoctl=true 11-01 01:55:02.490 1276-1308 E/EventHub: could not get driver version for /dev/input/mice, Not a typewriter 11-01 01:55:02.490 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: NetworkPolicy Service 11-01 01:55:02.490 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Wi-Fi P2pService 11-01 01:55:02.510 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Wi-Fi Service 11-01 01:55:02.530 1276-1315 I/PackageManager: No secure containers on sdcard 11-01 01:55:02.530 1276-1315 W/MountService: Duplicate state transition (unmounted -> unmounted) for /storage/sdcard 11-01 01:55:02.530 1276-1315 W/MountService: getSecureContainerList() called when storage not mounted 11-01 01:55:02.530 1276-1315 W/PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.GLOBAL_SEARCH to package com.android.quicksearchbox (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be45) 11-01 01:55:02.530 1276-1315 W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.smspush.WAPPUSH_MANAGER_BIND in package com.android.phone 11-01 01:55:02.530 1276-1315 W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.providers.calendar 11-01 01:55:02.530 1276-1315 W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.cl in package com.android.providers.calendar 11-01 01:55:02.530 1276-1315 W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.mail in package com.android.calendar 11-01 01:55:02.530 1276-1315 W/PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x9be45) 11-01 01:55:02.530 1276-1315 W/PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x9be45) 11-01 01:55:02.530 1276-1315 W/PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_APPWIDGET to package com.android.widgetpreview (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be44) 11-01 01:55:02.530 1276-1315 W/PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.INSTALL_DRM in package com.android.mms 11-01 01:55:02.530 1276-1315 W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.settings 11-01 01:55:02.530 1276-1315 W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.ACCESS_GOOGLE_PASSWORD in package com.android.development 11-01 01:55:02.530 1276-1315 W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.development 11-01 01:55:02.530 1276-1315 W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.ALL_SERVICES in package com.android.development 11-01 01:55:02.530 1276-1315 W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.YouTubeUser in package com.android.development 11-01 01:55:02.530 1276-1315 W/PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES to package com.svox.pico (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be45) 11-01 01:55:02.530 1276-1315 W/PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package com.android.deskclock (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x48be45) 11-01 01:55:02.560 1276-1308 I/InputReader: Device added: id=-1, name='Virtual', sources=0x00000301 11-01 01:55:02.570 1276-1308 I/InputReader: Touch device 'qwerty2' could not query the properties of its associated display. The device will be inoperable until the display size becomes available. 11-01 01:55:02.570 1276-1308 I/InputReader: Device added: id=0, name='qwerty2', sources=0x00001103 11-01 01:55:02.570 1276-1308 I/InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 11-01 01:55:02.570 1276-1308 I/InputReader: Device reconfigured: id=0, name='qwerty2', size 768x1280, orientation 0, mode 1, display id 0 11-01 01:55:02.570 1276-1307 I/ActivityManager: Config changes=38 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc ru_RU ldltr sw384dp w384dp h567dp 320dpi nrml port ?uimode ?night finger qwerty/v/v -nav/h s.4} 11-01 01:55:02.580 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Connectivity Service 11-01 01:55:02.580 1276-1276 D/ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService starting up 11-01 01:55:02.580 1276-1276 D/ConnectivityService: wifiOnly=false 11-01 01:55:02.630 1276-1315 W/PackageSettings: Skipping PackageSetting{a5089de0 org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.tests/10056} due to missing metadata 11-01 01:55:02.680 1276-1315 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 282K, 7% free 4784K/5132K, paused 8ms, total 10ms 11-01 01:55:02.720 1276-1276 E/MobileDataStateTracker: default: Ignoring feature request because could not acquire PhoneService 11-01 01:55:02.720 1276-1276 E/MobileDataStateTracker: default: Could not enable APN type "default" 11-01 01:55:02.720 1276-1276 I/WifiService: WifiService starting up with Wi-Fi disabled 11-01 01:55:02.720 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Network Service Discovery Service 11-01 01:55:02.730 1276-1276 D/NsdService: Network service discovery enabled true 11-01 01:55:02.730 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: UpdateLock Service 11-01 01:55:02.830 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Notification Manager 11-01 01:55:02.830 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Device Storage Monitor 11-01 01:55:02.830 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Location Manager 11-01 01:55:02.830 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Country Detector 11-01 01:55:02.830 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Search Service 11-01 01:55:02.830 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: DropBox Service 11-01 01:55:02.830 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Wallpaper Service 11-01 01:55:02.830 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Audio Service 11-01 01:55:02.880 1276-1276 I/MediaFocusControl: Remote Control registerMediaButtonIntent() for PendingIntent{a507d1d0: PendingIntentRecord{a523e4f8 android broadcastIntent}} 11-01 01:55:02.890 1276-1276 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 306K, 7% free 4990K/5356K, paused 0ms, total 13ms 11-01 01:55:02.910 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Dock Observer 11-01 01:55:02.910 1276-1276 W/DockObserver: This kernel does not have dock station support 11-01 01:55:02.910 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Wired Accessory Manager 11-01 01:55:02.910 1276-1276 W/WiredAccessoryManager: This kernel does not have wired headset support 11-01 01:55:02.910 1276-1276 W/WiredAccessoryManager: This kernel does not have usb audio support 11-01 01:55:02.910 1276-1276 W/WiredAccessoryManager: This kernel does not have HDMI audio support 11-01 01:55:02.910 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: USB Service 11-01 01:55:02.910 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Serial Service 11-01 01:55:02.910 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Twilight Service 11-01 01:55:02.910 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: UI Mode Manager Service 11-01 01:55:02.910 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Backup Service 11-01 01:55:03.000 1276-1276 I/BackupManagerService: Scheduling backup for new app com.android.calendar 11-01 01:55:03.000 1276-1276 D/BackupManagerService: Now staging backup of com.android.calendar 11-01 01:55:03.010 1276-1276 I/BackupManagerService: Scheduling backup for new app com.android.browser 11-01 01:55:03.010 1276-1276 D/BackupManagerService: Now staging backup of com.android.browser 11-01 01:55:03.010 1276-1276 I/BackupManagerService: Scheduling backup for new app com.android.providers.userdictionary 11-01 01:55:03.010 1276-1276 D/BackupManagerService: Now staging backup of com.android.providers.userdictionary 11-01 01:55:03.010 1276-1276 I/BackupManagerService: Scheduling backup for new app com.android.sharedstoragebackup 11-01 01:55:03.010 1276-1276 D/BackupManagerService: Now staging backup of com.android.sharedstoragebackup 11-01 01:55:03.020 1276-1276 I/BackupManagerService: Scheduling backup for new app android 11-01 01:55:03.020 1276-1276 D/BackupManagerService: Now staging backup of android 11-01 01:55:03.020 1276-1276 I/BackupManagerService: Scheduling backup for new app com.android.dialer 11-01 01:55:03.020 1276-1276 D/BackupManagerService: Now staging backup of com.android.dialer 11-01 01:55:03.040 1276-1276 I/BackupManagerService: Scheduling backup for new app com.android.providers.settings 11-01 01:55:03.040 1276-1276 D/BackupManagerService: Now staging backup of com.android.providers.settings 11-01 01:55:03.040 1276-1276 I/BackupManagerService: Binding to transport host ComponentInfo{android/com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransportService} 11-01 01:55:03.040 1276-1276 I/BackupManagerService: Found stale backup journal, scheduling 11-01 01:55:03.080 1276-1276 I/BackupManagerService: com.android.calendar 11-01 01:55:03.080 1276-1276 I/BackupManagerService: com.android.browser 11-01 01:55:03.080 1276-1276 I/BackupManagerService: com.android.providers.userdictionary 11-01 01:55:03.080 1276-1276 I/BackupManagerService: com.android.sharedstoragebackup 11-01 01:55:03.080 1276-1276 I/BackupManagerService: android 11-01 01:55:03.080 1276-1276 I/BackupManagerService: com.android.dialer 11-01 01:55:03.080 1276-1276 I/BackupManagerService: com.android.providers.settings 11-01 01:55:03.080 1276-1276 I/BackupManagerService: Backup enabled => true 11-01 01:55:03.090 1276-1276 I/WindowManager: SAFE MODE not enabled 11-01 01:55:03.090 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: AppWidget Service 11-01 01:55:03.090 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Recognition Service 11-01 01:55:03.090 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: DiskStats Service 11-01 01:55:03.090 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: SamplingProfiler Service 11-01 01:55:03.090 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: NetworkTimeUpdateService 11-01 01:55:03.090 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: CommonTimeManagementService 11-01 01:55:03.090 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: CertBlacklister 11-01 01:55:03.090 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Dreams Service 11-01 01:55:03.090 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Assets Atlas Service 11-01 01:55:03.090 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: IdleMaintenanceService 11-01 01:55:03.090 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Print Service 11-01 01:55:03.090 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Media Router Service 11-01 01:55:03.100 1276-1331 D/Atlas: Loaded configuration: SliceMinArea (768x768) flags=0x2 count=24 [ 11-01 01:55:03.100 938: 1304 D/ ] HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xb7900df0, tid 1304 [ 11-01 01:55:03.110 1276: 1331 D/ ] HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xb9348fc0, tid 1331 11-01 01:55:03.140 1276-1283 D/dalvikvm: JIT started for system_server 11-01 01:55:03.220 1276-1276 I/Zygote: Process: zygote socket opened 11-01 01:55:03.240 1276-1276 I/ActivityManager: Start proc com.android.systemui for service com.android.keyguard/.KeyguardService: pid=1333 uid=10007 gids={50007, 1028, 1015, 1035, 3002, 3001} 11-01 01:55:03.310 1276-1331 D/Atlas: Rendered atlas in 179,78ms (5,96+173,82ms) 11-01 01:55:03.330 1276-1276 I/AppOps: Pruning old package media/1013: new uid=-1 11-01 01:55:03.330 1276-1276 I/ActivityManager: System now ready 11-01 01:55:03.330 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Making services ready 11-01 01:55:03.330 1276-1276 D/NetworkManagementService: not enabling bandwidth control 11-01 01:55:03.330 933-992 I/Vold: /dev/block/vold/179:0 being considered for volume sdcard 11-01 01:55:03.330 933-992 D/Vold: Volume sdcard state changing 1 (Idle-Unmounted) -> 3 (Checking) 11-01 01:55:03.380 933-992 I/fsck_msdos: ** /dev/block/vold/179:0 11-01 01:55:03.390 933-992 I/fsck_msdos: ** Phase 1 - Read and Compare FATs 11-01 01:55:03.390 933-992 I/fsck_msdos: Attempting to allocate 1587 KB for FAT 11-01 01:55:03.390 1276-1294 D/MountService: volume state changed for /storage/sdcard (unmounted -> checking) 11-01 01:55:03.390 1276-1294 D/MountService: sendStorageIntent Intent { act=android.intent.action.MEDIA_CHECKING dat=file:///storage/sdcard (has extras) } to UserHandle{-1} 11-01 01:55:03.460 1333-1340 D/dalvikvm: Debugger has detached; object registry had 1 entries 11-01 01:55:03.560 1276-1276 W/NetworkStats: bandwidth controls disabled, unable to track stats 11-01 01:55:03.560 1276-1276 W/NetworkPolicy: bandwidth controls disabled, unable to enforce policy 11-01 01:55:03.620 1276-1276 I/ActivityManager: Config changes=200 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc ru_RU ldltr sw384dp w384dp h567dp 320dpi nrml port finger qwerty/v/v -nav/h s.5} 11-01 01:55:03.640 1276-1276 W/RecognitionManagerService: no available voice recognition services found for user 0 11-01 01:55:03.690 1276-1276 W/InputMethodManagerService: Ignoring setImeWindowStatus of uid 1000 token: null 11-01 01:55:03.730 1276-1276 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 330K, 7% free 5192K/5580K, paused 39ms, total 40ms 11-01 01:55:03.810 1276-1276 I/ActivityManager: Start proc com.android.inputmethod.latin for service com.android.inputmethod.latin/.LatinIME: pid=1365 uid=10029 gids={50029, 1028, 1015} 11-01 01:55:03.870 1333-1333 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/Lock.ogg 11-01 01:55:03.870 1333-1333 W/KeyguardViewMediator: failed to load lock sound from /system/media/audio/ui/Lock.ogg 11-01 01:55:03.870 1333-1333 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/Unlock.ogg 11-01 01:55:03.870 1333-1333 W/KeyguardViewMediator: failed to load unlock sound from /system/media/audio/ui/Unlock.ogg 11-01 01:55:03.880 1276-1276 W/GpsLocationProvider: Could not open GPS configuration file /etc/gps.conf 11-01 01:55:03.880 1276-1276 W/ServiceWatcher: com.google.android.location not found 11-01 01:55:03.880 1276-1276 W/ServiceWatcher: com.google.android.location not found 11-01 01:55:03.880 1276-1276 W/ServiceWatcher: com.google.android.location not found 11-01 01:55:03.880 1276-1276 W/LocationManagerService: no network location provider found 11-01 01:55:03.910 1276-1276 W/ServiceWatcher: com.google.android.location not found 11-01 01:55:03.910 1276-1276 E/FlpHardwareProvider: Error hw_get_module 'flp': -2 11-01 01:55:03.910 1276-1276 W/ServiceWatcher: com.google.android.location not found 11-01 01:55:03.910 1276-1276 E/FlpHardwareProvider: Error hw_get_module 'flp': -2 11-01 01:55:03.910 1276-1276 W/ServiceWatcher: com.google.android.location not found 11-01 01:55:03.910 1276-1276 E/LocationManagerService: no geocoder provider found 11-01 01:55:03.910 1276-1276 E/LocationManagerService: No FusedProvider found. 11-01 01:55:03.910 1276-1276 E/LocationManagerService: no geofence provider found 11-01 01:55:03.920 1276-1276 I/CommonTimeManagementService: No common time service detected on this platform. Common time services will be unavailable. 11-01 01:55:03.920 1276-1308 I/InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000020 11-01 01:55:03.920 1276-1291 I/ActivityManager: Start proc com.android.settings for broadcast com.android.settings/.widget.SettingsAppWidgetProvider: pid=1381 uid=1000 gids={41000, 1028, 1015, 3002, 3001, 3003} 11-01 01:55:03.930 1276-1308 I/InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000010 11-01 01:55:03.980 1276-1276 I/ActivityManager: Start proc com.android.phone for added application com.android.phone: pid=1388 uid=1001 gids={41001, 3002, 3001, 3003, 1028, 1015} 11-01 01:55:03.990 1276-1276 I/ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.android.launcher/com.android.launcher2.Launcher} from pid 0 11-01 01:55:04.070 1276-1276 I/ActivityManager: Start proc com.android.launcher for activity com.android.launcher/com.android.launcher2.Launcher: pid=1408 uid=10008 gids={50008} 11-01 01:55:04.070 1276-1276 I/SystemServer: Enabled StrictMode for system server main thread. 11-01 01:55:04.100 1276-1292 I/ActivityManager: Start proc com.android.printspooler for service com.android.printspooler/.PrintSpoolerService: pid=1421 uid=10039 gids={50039} 11-01 01:55:04.170 1276-1276 I/Choreographer: Skipped 56 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 11-01 01:55:04.190 1276-1276 W/InputMethodManagerService: Focus gain on non-focused client android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$1@a5219708 (uid=1000 pid=1276) 11-01 01:55:04.430 935-1387 W/SocketClient: write error (Broken pipe) 11-01 01:55:04.670 933-992 I/fsck_msdos: Attempting to allocate 1587 KB for FAT 11-01 01:55:04.850 1276-1276 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 402K, 8% free 5372K/5832K, paused 21ms, total 25ms 11-01 01:55:05.020 1276-1276 I/MediaFocusControl: Remote Control registerMediaButtonIntent() for PendingIntent{a5199270: PendingIntentRecord{a523e4f8 android broadcastIntent}} 11-01 01:55:05.110 1421-1421 I/PrintSpoolerService: No existing print spooler state. 11-01 01:55:05.130 1276-1276 I/FusedLocation: engine stopped (com.android.location.fused) 11-01 01:55:05.130 1276-1276 I/FusedLocation: engine started (com.android.location.fused) 11-01 01:55:05.130 1276-1276 I/FusedLocation: engine started (com.android.location.fused) 11-01 01:55:05.180 1333-1333 D/SystemUIService: loading: class com.android.systemui.recent.Recents 11-01 01:55:05.180 1333-1333 D/SystemUIService: running: com.android.systemui.recent.Recents@a503b7e8 11-01 01:55:05.180 1333-1333 D/SystemUIService: loading: class com.android.systemui.statusbar.SystemBars 11-01 01:55:05.180 1333-1333 D/SystemUIService: running: com.android.systemui.statusbar.SystemBars@a503bd88 11-01 01:55:05.180 1333-1333 D/SystemUIService: loading: class com.android.systemui.usb.StorageNotification 11-01 01:55:05.180 1333-1333 D/SystemUIService: running: com.android.systemui.usb.StorageNotification@a503da10 11-01 01:55:05.190 1333-1333 D/SystemUIService: loading: class com.android.systemui.power.PowerUI 11-01 01:55:05.190 1333-1333 D/SystemUIService: running: com.android.systemui.power.PowerUI@a503f008 11-01 01:55:05.190 1333-1333 D/SystemUIService: loading: class com.android.systemui.media.RingtonePlayer 11-01 01:55:05.190 1333-1333 D/SystemUIService: running: com.android.systemui.media.RingtonePlayer@a503fd98 11-01 01:55:05.190 1333-1333 D/SystemUIService: loading: class com.android.systemui.settings.SettingsUI 11-01 01:55:05.190 1333-1333 D/SystemUIService: running: com.android.systemui.settings.SettingsUI@a50411a0 11-01 01:55:05.310 933-992 I/fsck_msdos: ** Phase 2 - Check Cluster Chains 11-01 01:55:05.310 933-992 I/fsck_msdos: ** Phase 3 - Checking Directories 11-01 01:55:05.310 933-992 I/fsck_msdos: ** Phase 4 - Checking for Lost Files 11-01 01:55:05.310 933-992 I/fsck_msdos: 23 files, 201594 free (403188 clusters) 11-01 01:55:05.360 933-992 W/Vold: blkid failed to identify /dev/block/vold/179:0 11-01 01:55:05.360 933-992 I/Vold: Filesystem check completed OK 11-01 01:55:05.360 933-992 D/Vold: Volume sdcard state changing 3 (Checking) -> 4 (Mounted) 11-01 01:55:05.370 1276-1294 I/PackageManager: Updating external media status from unmounted to mounted 11-01 01:55:05.370 1276-1294 D/MountService: volume state changed for /storage/sdcard (checking -> mounted) 11-01 01:55:05.370 1276-1294 D/MountService: sendStorageIntent Intent { act=android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED dat=file:///storage/sdcard (has extras) } to UserHandle{-1} 11-01 01:55:05.380 1276-1299 I/PackageManager: No secure containers on sdcard 11-01 01:55:05.380 1276-1299 W/PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.GLOBAL_SEARCH to package com.android.quicksearchbox (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x88be45) 11-01 01:55:05.380 1276-1299 W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.smspush.WAPPUSH_MANAGER_BIND in package com.android.phone 11-01 01:55:05.380 1276-1299 W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.providers.calendar 11-01 01:55:05.380 1276-1299 W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.cl in package com.android.providers.calendar 11-01 01:55:05.380 1276-1299 W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.mail in package com.android.calendar 11-01 01:55:05.380 1276-1299 W/PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x89be45) 11-01 01:55:05.380 1276-1299 W/PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x89be45) 11-01 01:55:05.380 1276-1299 W/PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_APPWIDGET to package com.android.widgetpreview (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be44) 11-01 01:55:05.380 1276-1299 W/PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.INSTALL_DRM in package com.android.mms 11-01 01:55:05.380 1276-1299 W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.settings 11-01 01:55:05.380 1276-1299 W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.ACCESS_GOOGLE_PASSWORD in package com.android.development 11-01 01:55:05.380 1276-1299 W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.development 11-01 01:55:05.380 1276-1299 W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.ALL_SERVICES in package com.android.development 11-01 01:55:05.380 1276-1299 W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.YouTubeUser in package com.android.development 11-01 01:55:05.380 1276-1299 W/PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES to package com.svox.pico (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x88be45) 11-01 01:55:05.380 1276-1299 W/PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package com.android.deskclock (protectionLevel=2 flags=0xc8be45) 11-01 01:55:05.420 1276-1313 E/VoldConnector: NDC Command {3 volume mount /storage/sdcard} took too long (2083ms) 11-01 01:55:05.830 1365-1365 I/LatinIME: Hardware accelerated drawing: true 11-01 01:55:05.900 1276-1299 W/PackageSettings: Skipping PackageSetting{a5089de0 org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.tests/10056} due to missing metadata 11-01 01:55:06.050 1276-1431 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 593K, 11% free 5405K/6056K, paused 44ms, total 45ms 11-01 01:55:06.080 1365-1365 W/InputAttributes: No editor info for this field. Bug? 11-01 01:55:06.080 1365-1365 I/ResourceUtils: Found default value: resource=keypress_vibration_durations build=[HARDWARE=goldfish MODEL=Android SDK built for x86 BRAND=generic_x86 MANUFACTURER=unknown] default=-1 11-01 01:55:06.080 1365-1365 I/ResourceUtils: Found default value: resource=keypress_volumes build=[HARDWARE=goldfish MODEL=Android SDK built for x86 BRAND=generic_x86 MANUFACTURER=unknown] default=-1.0f 11-01 01:55:06.160 1381-1381 E/BluetoothAdapter: Bluetooth binder is null 11-01 01:55:06.160 1276-1288 I/ActivityManager: Start proc android.process.acore for content provider com.android.providers.userdictionary/.UserDictionaryProvider: pid=1462 uid=10002 gids={50002, 3003, 1028, 1015} 11-01 01:55:06.200 1365-1461 I/LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = userunigram.ru.dict ; version = ? ; date = ? 11-01 01:55:06.230 1333-1333 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 333K, 12% free 3038K/3420K, paused 54ms, total 56ms 11-01 01:55:06.390 1365-1460 I/LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = main:ru ; version = 37 ; date = 1376897704 11-01 01:55:06.400 1276-1453 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 541K, 10% free 5494K/6096K, paused 77ms, total 79ms 11-01 01:55:06.500 1276-1276 I/ActivityManager: Start proc com.android.music for broadcast com.android.music/.MediaButtonIntentReceiver: pid=1478 uid=10032 gids={50032, 3003, 1028, 1015} 11-01 01:55:06.610 1478-1478 I/dalvikvm: CheckJNI enabled: not enabling JNI app bug workarounds. 11-01 01:55:06.620 1408-1408 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 213K, 8% free 3175K/3436K, paused 3ms, total 3ms 11-01 01:55:06.840 1333-1333 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 293K, 10% free 3185K/3528K, paused 33ms, total 36ms 11-01 01:55:06.890 1276-1452 I/PackageManager: Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO" 11-01 01:55:06.890 1276-1452 I/PackageManager: Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" 11-01 01:55:06.890 1276-1452 I/PackageManager: Scheme: "sms" 11-01 01:55:06.890 1276-1452 I/PackageManager: Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.android.mms/com.android.mms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity} for user 0 : 11-01 01:55:06.900 1333-1333 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2K, 10% free 3366K/3712K, paused 58ms, total 59ms 11-01 01:55:06.940 1276-1287 I/PackageManager: Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO" 11-01 01:55:06.940 1276-1287 I/PackageManager: Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" 11-01 01:55:06.940 1276-1287 I/PackageManager: Scheme: "smsto" 11-01 01:55:06.940 1276-1287 I/PackageManager: Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.android.mms/com.android.mms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity} for user 0 : 11-01 01:55:06.950 1276-1452 I/MediaFocusControl: Remote Control registerMediaButtonIntent() for PendingIntent{a50ee9a8: PendingIntentRecord{a5265a20 com.android.music broadcastIntent}} 11-01 01:55:07.000 1276-1430 I/PackageManager: Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO" 11-01 01:55:07.000 1276-1430 I/PackageManager: Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" 11-01 01:55:07.000 1276-1430 I/PackageManager: Scheme: "mms" 11-01 01:55:07.000 1276-1430 I/PackageManager: Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.android.mms/com.android.mms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity} for user 0 : 11-01 01:55:07.010 1381-1381 E/BluetoothAdapter: Bluetooth binder is null 11-01 01:55:07.060 1276-1287 I/PackageManager: Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO" 11-01 01:55:07.060 1276-1287 I/PackageManager: Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" 11-01 01:55:07.060 1276-1287 I/PackageManager: Scheme: "mmsto" 11-01 01:55:07.060 1276-1287 I/PackageManager: Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.android.mms/com.android.mms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity} for user 0 : 11-01 01:55:07.120 1276-1452 I/ActivityManager: Start proc android.process.media for broadcast com.android.providers.downloads/.DownloadReceiver: pid=1501 uid=10005 gids={50005, 1028, 1015, 1023, 1024, 2001, 3003, 3007} 11-01 01:55:07.150 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 38K, 3% free 2882K/2968K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 36ms 11-01 01:55:07.180 1333-1333 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1K, 9% free 3554K/3896K, paused 5ms, total 5ms 11-01 01:55:07.240 1333-1333 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 9% free 3737K/4080K, paused 5ms, total 5ms 11-01 01:55:07.260 1388-1388 E/BluetoothAdapter: Bluetooth binder is null 11-01 01:55:07.270 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 3% free 2882K/2968K, paused 1ms+113ms, total 121ms 11-01 01:55:07.270 939-939 D/dalvikvm: WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 1ms 11-01 01:55:07.290 1388-1388 E/BluetoothAdapter: Bluetooth binder is null 11-01 01:55:07.300 1388-1388 D/CallNotifier: CallNotifier: mSignalInfoToneGenerator created when toneplay 11-01 01:55:07.300 1388-1388 E/BluetoothAdapter: Bluetooth binder is null 11-01 01:55:07.380 1408-1408 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 77K, 4% free 3545K/3672K, paused 0ms, total 6ms 11-01 01:55:07.400 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 3% free 2882K/2968K, paused 0ms+129ms, total 129ms 11-01 01:55:07.400 1388-1519 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 228K, 9% free 3156K/3432K, paused 96ms, total 97ms 11-01 01:55:07.510 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: fota: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=fota 11-01 01:55:07.510 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: fota: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff 11-01 01:55:07.540 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ia: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=ia 11-01 01:55:07.540 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ia: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff 11-01 01:55:07.540 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl 11-01 01:55:07.540 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff 11-01 01:55:07.540 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri 11-01 01:55:07.540 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff 11-01 01:55:07.540 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ims: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=ims 11-01 01:55:07.540 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ims: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff 11-01 01:55:07.540 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default 11-01 01:55:07.540 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff 11-01 01:55:07.540 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms 11-01 01:55:07.540 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff 11-01 01:55:07.600 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: cbs: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=cbs 11-01 01:55:07.600 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: cbs: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff 11-01 01:55:07.620 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: fota: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=fota 11-01 01:55:07.620 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: fota: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff 11-01 01:55:07.690 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ia: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=ia 11-01 01:55:07.690 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ia: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff 11-01 01:55:07.690 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl 11-01 01:55:07.690 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff 11-01 01:55:07.690 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri 11-01 01:55:07.690 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff 11-01 01:55:07.710 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ims: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=ims 11-01 01:55:07.710 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ims: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff 11-01 01:55:07.760 1276-1287 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 634K, 12% free 5516K/6208K, paused 23ms, total 34ms 11-01 01:55:07.770 1333-1333 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 183K, 6% free 4061K/4296K, paused 5ms, total 5ms 11-01 01:55:07.800 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default 11-01 01:55:07.800 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff 11-01 01:55:07.800 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms 11-01 01:55:07.800 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff 11-01 01:55:07.800 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: cbs: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=cbs 11-01 01:55:07.800 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: cbs: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff 11-01 01:55:07.810 1462-1522 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 258K, 9% free 3130K/3436K, paused 96ms, total 96ms 11-01 01:55:07.900 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: fota: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=fota 11-01 01:55:07.900 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: fota: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached 11-01 01:55:07.900 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ia: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=ia 11-01 01:55:07.900 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ia: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached 11-01 01:55:07.920 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl 11-01 01:55:07.920 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached 11-01 01:55:07.980 1365-1526 I/LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = UserHistoryDictionary.ru.dict ; version = ? ; date = 1477321201 11-01 01:55:07.990 1365-1528 I/LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = personalization.ru.dict ; version = ? ; date = 1476445578 11-01 01:55:08.000 1365-1529 I/LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = PersonalizationPredictionDictio ; version = ? ; date = 1476445578 11-01 01:55:08.020 1408-1449 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 140K, 5% free 3879K/4076K, paused 157ms, total 158ms 11-01 01:55:08.060 1388-1388 D/TelephonyDebugService: TelephonyDebugService() 11-01 01:55:08.080 1276-1451 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 244K, 11% free 5534K/6208K, paused 75ms, total 77ms 11-01 01:55:08.090 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri 11-01 01:55:08.090 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached 11-01 01:55:08.200 1333-1333 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 506K, 13% free 4064K/4620K, paused 3ms, total 4ms 11-01 01:55:08.220 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ims: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=ims 11-01 01:55:08.220 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ims: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached 11-01 01:55:08.230 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default 11-01 01:55:08.230 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached 11-01 01:55:08.330 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms 11-01 01:55:08.330 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached 11-01 01:55:08.380 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: cbs: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=cbs 11-01 01:55:08.380 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: cbs: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached 11-01 01:55:08.390 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: fota: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=fota 11-01 01:55:08.390 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: fota: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=roamingOff 11-01 01:55:08.390 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ia: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=ia 11-01 01:55:08.390 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ia: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=roamingOff 11-01 01:55:08.410 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl 11-01 01:55:08.410 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=roamingOff 11-01 01:55:08.410 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri 11-01 01:55:08.410 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=roamingOff 11-01 01:55:08.410 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ims: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=ims 11-01 01:55:08.410 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ims: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=roamingOff 11-01 01:55:08.460 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default 11-01 01:55:08.460 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=roamingOff 11-01 01:55:08.460 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms 11-01 01:55:08.460 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=roamingOff 11-01 01:55:08.460 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: cbs: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=cbs 11-01 01:55:08.460 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: cbs: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=roamingOff 11-01 01:55:08.460 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: fota: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=fota 11-01 01:55:08.460 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: fota: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=roamingOff 11-01 01:55:08.460 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ia: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=ia 11-01 01:55:08.460 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ia: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=roamingOff 11-01 01:55:08.480 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl 11-01 01:55:08.480 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=roamingOff 11-01 01:55:08.490 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri 11-01 01:55:08.490 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=roamingOff 11-01 01:55:08.490 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ims: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=ims 11-01 01:55:08.490 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ims: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=roamingOff 11-01 01:55:08.530 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default 11-01 01:55:08.530 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=roamingOff 11-01 01:55:08.530 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms 11-01 01:55:08.530 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=roamingOff 11-01 01:55:08.530 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: cbs: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=cbs 11-01 01:55:08.530 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: cbs: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=roamingOff 11-01 01:55:08.610 1276-1525 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 399K, 12% free 5546K/6256K, paused 13ms, total 18ms 11-01 01:55:08.610 1276-1525 I/dalvikvm-heap: Grow heap (frag case) to 5.537MB for 69262-byte allocation 11-01 01:55:08.650 1276-1523 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 59K, 13% free 5554K/6324K, paused 42ms, total 42ms 11-01 01:55:08.710 1276-1328 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 24K, 13% free 5559K/6324K, paused 46ms, total 49ms 11-01 01:55:08.710 1276-1328 I/dalvikvm-heap: Grow heap (frag case) to 5.582MB for 103890-byte allocation 11-01 01:55:08.760 1276-1430 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 12% free 5660K/6428K, paused 45ms, total 45ms 11-01 01:55:08.800 1408-1408 I/Choreographer: Skipped 72 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 11-01 01:55:08.820 1276-1523 I/ActivityManager: Start proc com.android.externalstorage for broadcast com.android.externalstorage/.MountReceiver: pid=1538 uid=10006 gids={50006, 1028, 1015, 1023} 11-01 01:55:08.880 1388-1477 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 375K, 12% free 3293K/3716K, paused 107ms, total 110ms 11-01 01:55:08.940 1276-1328 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 126K, 13% free 5595K/6428K, paused 22ms, total 22ms 11-01 01:55:08.940 1276-1328 I/dalvikvm-heap: Grow heap (frag case) to 5.666MB for 155832-byte allocation 11-01 01:55:08.990 1276-1288 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 102K, 15% free 5644K/6584K, paused 0ms, total 9ms [ 11-01 01:55:09.010 1408: 1408 D/ ] HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xb93227c0, tid 1408 11-01 01:55:09.040 1408-1408 W/EGL_emulation: eglSurfaceAttrib not implemented 11-01 01:55:09.040 1408-1408 D/OpenGLRenderer: Enabling debug mode 0 11-01 01:55:09.090 1538-1538 D/ExternalStorage: Missing UUID for /storage/sdcard; skipping 11-01 01:55:09.090 1538-1538 D/ExternalStorage: After updating volumes, found 0 active roots 11-01 01:55:09.090 1538-1538 D/ExternalStorage: Missing UUID for /storage/sdcard; skipping 11-01 01:55:09.090 1538-1538 D/ExternalStorage: After updating volumes, found 0 active roots 11-01 01:55:09.090 1501-1501 D/MediaScannerReceiver: action: android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED path: /storage/sdcard 11-01 01:55:09.180 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: fota: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=fota 11-01 01:55:09.180 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: fota: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached 11-01 01:55:09.190 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ia: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=ia 11-01 01:55:09.190 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ia: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached 11-01 01:55:09.210 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl 11-01 01:55:09.210 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached 11-01 01:55:09.210 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri 11-01 01:55:09.210 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached 11-01 01:55:09.210 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ims: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=ims 11-01 01:55:09.210 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ims: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached 11-01 01:55:09.260 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms 11-01 01:55:09.260 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached 11-01 01:55:09.260 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: cbs: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=cbs 11-01 01:55:09.260 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: cbs: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached 11-01 01:55:09.260 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: fota: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=fota 11-01 01:55:09.260 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: fota: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached 11-01 01:55:09.260 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ia: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=ia 11-01 01:55:09.260 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ia: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached 11-01 01:55:09.340 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl 11-01 01:55:09.340 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached 11-01 01:55:09.340 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri 11-01 01:55:09.340 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached 11-01 01:55:09.400 1276-1290 I/ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.launcher/com.android.launcher2.Launcher: +5s347ms 11-01 01:55:09.440 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ims: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=ims 11-01 01:55:09.440 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ims: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached 11-01 01:55:09.510 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms 11-01 01:55:09.510 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached 11-01 01:55:09.510 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: cbs: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=cbs 11-01 01:55:09.520 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: cbs: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached 11-01 01:55:09.540 1333-1333 D/PhoneStatusBar: mSettingsPanelGravity = 55 11-01 01:55:09.540 1276-1288 I/StatusBarManagerService: registerStatusBar bar=com.android.internal.statusbar.IStatusBar$Stub$Proxy@a51c7f80 11-01 01:55:09.620 1333-1333 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 582K, 14% free 3994K/4624K, paused 76ms, total 76ms 11-01 01:55:09.690 1408-1408 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 172K, 5% free 4192K/4412K, paused 2ms, total 2ms 11-01 01:55:09.690 1408-1408 I/dalvikvm-heap: Grow heap (frag case) to 5.017MB for 921612-byte allocation 11-01 01:55:09.700 1408-1419 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 6K, 5% free 5085K/5316K, paused 2ms, total 3ms 11-01 01:55:09.710 1333-1333 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 5K, 14% free 3994K/4624K, paused 3ms, total 4ms 11-01 01:55:09.730 1388-1388 D/MccTable: updateMccMncConfiguration: mcc=310, mnc=260 11-01 01:55:09.730 1388-1388 D/MccTable: getLocaleFromMcc to en_us mcc=310 11-01 01:55:09.730 1388-1388 D/MccTable: getLocaleForLanguageCountry: skipping already persisted 11-01 01:55:09.730 1388-1388 D/MccTable: getLocaleForLanguageCountry: X locale=null 11-01 01:55:09.730 1388-1388 D/MccTable: WIFI_COUNTRY_CODE set to us 11-01 01:55:09.740 1276-1451 I/WifiService: WifiService trying to set country code to us with persist set to true 11-01 01:55:09.740 1388-1388 D/MccTable: updateMccMncConfiguration updateConfig config={1.0 310mcc260mnc ?locale ?layoutDir ?swdp ?wdp ?hdp ?density ?lsize ?long ?orien ?uimode ?night ?touch ?keyb/?/? ?nav/?} 11-01 01:55:09.740 1276-1431 I/ActivityManager: Config changes=3 {1.0 310mcc260mnc ru_RU ldltr sw384dp w384dp h567dp 320dpi nrml port finger qwerty/v/v -nav/h s.6} 11-01 01:55:09.790 938-1009 D/PermissionCache: checking android.permission.READ_FRAME_BUFFER for uid=1000 => granted (118 us) 11-01 01:55:09.790 938-1009 E/gralloc_goldfish: gralloc_alloc: Mismatched usage flags: 768 x 1280, usage b33 11-01 01:55:09.790 938-1009 W/GraphicBufferAllocator: alloc(768, 1280, 1, 00000b33, ...) failed -22 (Invalid argument) [ 11-01 01:55:09.790 938: 1009 E/ ] GraphicBufferAlloc::createGraphicBuffer(w=768, h=1280) failed (Invalid argument), handle=0x0 11-01 01:55:09.790 938-1009 E/BufferQueue: [ScreenshotSurface] dequeueBuffer: SurfaceComposer::createGraphicBuffer failed 11-01 01:55:09.840 1408-1408 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 3K, 5% free 5083K/5316K, paused 117ms, total 117ms 11-01 01:55:09.840 1408-1408 I/dalvikvm-heap: Grow heap (frag case) to 5.887MB for 921612-byte allocation 11-01 01:55:09.840 1276-1291 I/ActivityManager: Start proc com.android.deskclock for broadcast com.android.deskclock/com.android.alarmclock.AnalogAppWidgetProvider: pid=1564 uid=10020 gids={50020, 1028} 11-01 01:55:09.860 1408-1429 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 4% free 5983K/6220K, paused 17ms, total 17ms 11-01 01:55:09.930 1388-1388 D/MccTable: updateMccMncConfiguration: mcc=310, mnc=260 11-01 01:55:09.930 1388-1388 D/MccTable: getLocaleFromMcc to en_us mcc=310 11-01 01:55:09.930 1388-1388 D/MccTable: getLocaleForLanguageCountry: skipping already persisted 11-01 01:55:09.930 1388-1388 D/MccTable: getLocaleForLanguageCountry: X locale=null 11-01 01:55:09.930 1388-1388 D/MccTable: WIFI_COUNTRY_CODE set to us 11-01 01:55:09.930 1276-1453 I/WifiService: WifiService trying to set country code to us with persist set to true 11-01 01:55:09.930 1388-1388 D/MccTable: updateMccMncConfiguration updateConfig config={1.0 310mcc260mnc ?locale ?layoutDir ?swdp ?wdp ?hdp ?density ?lsize ?long ?orien ?uimode ?night ?touch ?keyb/?/? ?nav/?} 11-01 01:55:09.950 1408-1408 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 4% free 5986K/6220K, paused 77ms, total 77ms 11-01 01:55:09.950 1408-1408 I/dalvikvm-heap: Grow heap (frag case) to 6.769MB for 921612-byte allocation 11-01 01:55:09.970 1408-1429 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 4% free 6886K/7124K, paused 21ms, total 21ms 11-01 01:55:10.040 1333-1333 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 26K, 9% free 4229K/4624K, paused 2ms, total 2ms 11-01 01:55:10.100 1333-1333 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 9% free 4328K/4724K, paused 53ms, total 53ms 11-01 01:55:10.100 1333-1333 I/dalvikvm-heap: Grow heap (frag case) to 5.346MB for 1127532-byte allocation 11-01 01:55:10.120 1333-1343 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 7% free 5428K/5828K, paused 22ms, total 22ms 11-01 01:55:10.130 1388-1388 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 387K, 12% free 3416K/3852K, paused 43ms, total 44ms 11-01 01:55:10.140 1408-1408 I/Choreographer: Skipped 38 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 11-01 01:55:10.310 1276-1525 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 760K, 16% free 5579K/6584K, paused 21ms, total 27ms 11-01 01:55:10.350 1333-1333 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 27K, 4% free 6132K/6324K, paused 20ms, total 23ms 11-01 01:55:10.360 1381-1381 E/BluetoothAdapter: Bluetooth binder is null 11-01 01:55:10.420 1408-1449 W/Launcher.Model: LoaderTask running with no launcher (loadAllAppsByBatch) 11-01 01:55:10.490 1333-1333 E/BluetoothAdapter: Bluetooth binder is null 11-01 01:55:10.490 1333-1333 E/BluetoothAdapter: Bluetooth binder is null 11-01 01:55:10.530 1333-1333 E/BluetoothAdapter: Bluetooth binder is null 11-01 01:55:10.570 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: fota: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=fota 11-01 01:55:10.580 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: fota: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded 11-01 01:55:10.580 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ia: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=ia 11-01 01:55:10.580 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ia: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded 11-01 01:55:10.590 1333-1333 E/BluetoothAdapter: Bluetooth binder is null 11-01 01:55:10.630 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl 11-01 01:55:10.630 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded 11-01 01:55:10.630 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri 11-01 01:55:10.630 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded 11-01 01:55:10.630 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ims: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=ims 11-01 01:55:10.630 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ims: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded 11-01 01:55:10.630 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms 11-01 01:55:10.630 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded 11-01 01:55:10.630 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: cbs: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=cbs 11-01 01:55:10.630 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: cbs: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded 11-01 01:55:10.650 1388-1483 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 513K, 15% free 3414K/3976K, paused 3ms, total 5ms 11-01 01:55:10.710 1276-1451 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 264K, 15% free 5658K/6584K, paused 17ms, total 17ms 11-01 01:55:10.710 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default 11-01 01:55:10.720 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: default: Received state=CONNECTING, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded 11-01 01:55:10.720 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: default: setDetailed state, old =IDLE and new state=CONNECTING 11-01 01:55:10.720 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: fota: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=fota 11-01 01:55:10.720 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: fota: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded 11-01 01:55:10.720 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ia: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=ia 11-01 01:55:10.730 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ia: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded 11-01 01:55:10.730 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl 11-01 01:55:10.730 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded 11-01 01:55:10.730 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri 11-01 01:55:10.730 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded 11-01 01:55:10.730 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ims: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=ims 11-01 01:55:10.730 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ims: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded 11-01 01:55:10.740 1408-1408 D/Launcher.Model: Reload apps on config change. curr_mcc:310 prevmcc:0 11-01 01:55:10.770 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms 11-01 01:55:10.770 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded 11-01 01:55:10.770 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: cbs: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=cbs 11-01 01:55:10.770 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: cbs: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded 11-01 01:55:10.830 1333-1333 D/PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons alerts ticker system_info back home RECENT* clock SEARCH* > 11-01 01:55:10.840 1408-1408 W/EGL_emulation: eglSurfaceAttrib not implemented 11-01 01:55:10.840 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default 11-01 01:55:10.840 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: default: Received state=CONNECTED, old=CONNECTING, reason=connected 11-01 01:55:10.840 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: default: setDetailed state, old =CONNECTING and new state=CONNECTED 11-01 01:55:10.840 1276-1322 D/ConnectivityService: ConnectivityChange for mobile: CONNECTED/CONNECTED 11-01 01:55:10.840 1276-1322 D/ConnectivityService: ConnectivityChange checkMobileProvisioning for TYPE_MOBILE or ProvisioningNetwork 11-01 01:55:10.840 1276-1322 D/ConnectivityService: checkMobileProvisioning: E suggestedTimeOutMs=60000 11-01 01:55:10.840 1276-1322 D/ConnectivityService: setProvNotificationVisible: E visible=false networkType=5 extraInfo=null url=null 11-01 01:55:10.840 1276-1322 D/ConnectivityService: checkMobileProvisioning: params={ url=http://clients3.google.com/generate_204 mTimeOutMs=60000 mCb=com.android.server.ConnectivityService$5@a51cbbb0} 11-01 01:55:10.840 1276-1322 D/ConnectivityService: checkMobileProvisioning: X 11-01 01:55:10.890 1276-1322 D/Nat464Xlat: requiresClat: netType=0, hasIPv4Address=true 11-01 01:55:10.910 1276-1586 D/MobileDataStateTracker: default: isProvisioningNetwork: retVal=false 11-01 01:55:10.910 1276-1586 D/ConnectivityService: [CheckMp] isMobileOk: isDefaultProvisioning=false 11-01 01:55:10.910 1276-1586 D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: isProvisioningNetwork: retVal=false 11-01 01:55:10.910 1276-1586 D/ConnectivityService: [CheckMp] isMobileOk: isHipriProvisioning=false 11-01 01:55:10.910 1276-1586 D/ConnectivityService: [CheckMp] isMobileOk: start hipri url=http://clients3.google.com/generate_204 11-01 01:55:10.910 1276-1586 D/ConnectivityService: startUsingNetworkFeature reconnecting to 0: enableHIPRI 11-01 01:55:10.910 1276-1586 D/ConnectivityService: startUsingNetworkFeature X: return APN_REQUEST_STARTED 11-01 01:55:10.910 1276-1586 D/ConnectivityService: [CheckMp] isMobileOk: hipri started 11-01 01:55:10.910 1276-1586 D/ConnectivityService: [CheckMp] isMobileOk: not connected ni=NetworkInfo: type: mobile_hipri[LTE], state: DISCONNECTED/IDLE, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false 11-01 01:55:10.930 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri 11-01 01:55:10.940 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: Received state=CONNECTING, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled 11-01 01:55:10.940 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: setDetailed state, old =IDLE and new state=CONNECTING 11-01 01:55:10.950 1276-1290 I/WindowManager: Screen frozen for +1s163ms due to Window{a5267e60 u0 com.android.launcher/com.android.launcher2.Launcher} 11-01 01:55:10.970 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: fota: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=fota 11-01 01:55:10.970 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: fota: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled 11-01 01:55:10.970 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ia: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=ia 11-01 01:55:10.970 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ia: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled 11-01 01:55:10.990 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl 11-01 01:55:10.990 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled 11-01 01:55:11.000 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ims: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=ims 11-01 01:55:11.000 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: ims: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled 11-01 01:55:11.040 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms 11-01 01:55:11.040 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled 11-01 01:55:11.040 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: cbs: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=cbs 11-01 01:55:11.040 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: cbs: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled 11-01 01:55:11.040 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri 11-01 01:55:11.040 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: Received state=CONNECTED, old=CONNECTING, reason=dataEnabled 11-01 01:55:11.040 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: setDetailed state, old =CONNECTING and new state=CONNECTED 11-01 01:55:11.040 1276-1322 D/ConnectivityService: ConnectivityChange for mobile_hipri: CONNECTED/CONNECTED 11-01 01:55:11.070 935-1272 I/iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name. 11-01 01:55:11.080 1333-1333 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 172K, 4% free 6909K/7132K, paused 60ms, total 62ms 11-01 01:55:11.100 1333-1333 E/BluetoothAdapter: Bluetooth binder is null 11-01 01:55:11.100 1333-1333 D/PhoneStatusBar: heads up is disabled 11-01 01:55:11.110 935-1272 I/iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1) 11-01 01:55:11.110 935-1272 E/Netd: exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/iptables -t mangle -A st_mangle_EXEMPT -d -j MARK --set-mark 1 11-01 01:55:11.130 1590-1590 E/logwrapper: executing /system/bin/ip failed: No such file or directory 11-01 01:55:11.130 1276-1322 E/ConnectivityService: Exception trying to add a route: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '12 interface fwmark exempt add' failed with '400 12 Failed to add exemption rule (File exists)' 11-01 01:55:11.140 935-1272 I/iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name. 11-01 01:55:11.140 935-1272 I/iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1) 11-01 01:55:11.140 935-1272 E/Netd: exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/iptables -t mangle -A st_mangle_EXEMPT -d -j MARK --set-mark 1 11-01 01:55:11.140 1592-1592 E/logwrapper: executing /system/bin/ip failed: No such file or directory 11-01 01:55:11.140 1276-1322 E/ConnectivityService: Exception trying to add a route: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '14 interface fwmark exempt add' failed with '400 14 Failed to add exemption rule (File exists)' 11-01 01:55:11.180 935-1272 I/iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name. 11-01 01:55:11.180 935-1272 I/iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1) 11-01 01:55:11.180 935-1272 E/Netd: exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/iptables -t mangle -A st_mangle_EXEMPT -d -j MARK --set-mark 1 11-01 01:55:11.190 1594-1594 E/logwrapper: executing /system/bin/ip failed: No such file or directory 11-01 01:55:11.240 1276-1322 E/ConnectivityService: Exception trying to add a route: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '16 interface fwmark exempt add' failed with '400 16 Failed to add exemption rule (File exists)' 11-01 01:55:11.270 935-1272 I/iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name. 11-01 01:55:11.270 935-1272 I/iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1) 11-01 01:55:11.270 935-1272 E/Netd: exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/iptables -t mangle -A st_mangle_EXEMPT -d -j MARK --set-mark 1 11-01 01:55:11.290 1408-1408 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 776K, 10% free 7444K/8268K, paused 55ms, total 66ms 11-01 01:55:11.300 1333-1333 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 81K, 3% free 7308K/7500K, paused 4ms, total 4ms 11-01 01:55:11.300 1333-1333 I/dalvikvm-heap: Grow heap (frag case) to 10.111MB for 3072012-byte allocation 11-01 01:55:11.310 1333-1343 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 2% free 10308K/10504K, paused 3ms, total 3ms 11-01 01:55:11.330 1596-1596 E/logwrapper: executing /system/bin/ip failed: No such file or directory 11-01 01:55:11.330 1597-1597 E/logwrapper: executing /system/bin/ip failed: No such file or directory 11-01 01:55:11.330 935-1272 E/SecondaryTablController: ip route add failed: /system/bin/ip route add via dev eth0 table 60 11-01 01:55:11.330 1276-1322 E/ConnectivityService: Exception trying to add a route: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '18 interface fwmark exempt add' failed with '400 18 Failed to add exemption rule (File exists)' 11-01 01:55:11.330 1276-1322 E/ConnectivityService: Exception trying to add a route: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '19 interface route add eth0 secondary 32' failed with '400 19 ip route modification failed (No such device)' 11-01 01:55:11.340 1598-1598 E/logwrapper: executing /system/bin/ip failed: No such file or directory 11-01 01:55:11.340 935-1272 E/SecondaryTablController: ip route add failed: /system/bin/ip route add via dev eth0 table 60 11-01 01:55:11.340 935-1272 W/FrameworkListener: Handler 'interface' error (No such device) 11-01 01:55:11.340 1276-1322 E/ConnectivityService: Exception trying to add a route: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '20 interface route add eth0 secondary 0' failed with '400 20 ip route modification failed (No such device)' 11-01 01:55:11.340 1276-1322 D/Nat464Xlat: requiresClat: netType=5, hasIPv4Address=true 11-01 01:55:11.350 935-1272 W/FrameworkListener: Handler 'interface' error (No such device) 11-01 01:55:11.440 1408-1408 W/EGL_emulation: eglSurfaceAttrib not implemented 11-01 01:55:11.440 1333-1333 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1K, 2% free 10307K/10504K, paused 50ms, total 50ms 11-01 01:55:11.480 1333-1333 I/dalvikvm-heap: Grow heap (frag case) to 17.122MB for 7352332-byte allocation 11-01 01:55:11.500 1333-1346 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 2% free 17487K/17688K, paused 17ms, total 17ms [ 11-01 01:55:11.610 1333: 1333 D/ ] HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xb9309410, tid 1333 11-01 01:55:11.770 1333-1333 I/Choreographer: Skipped 393 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 11-01 01:55:11.840 1276-1431 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 587K, 13% free 5766K/6584K, paused 20ms, total 23ms 11-01 01:55:11.930 1276-1586 D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: isProvisioningNetwork: retVal=false 11-01 01:55:11.930 1276-1586 D/ConnectivityService: [CheckMp] isMobileOk: isProvisioningNetwork is false, continue 11-01 01:55:11.960 1276-1586 D/ConnectivityService: [CheckMp] isMobileOk: addresses=clients3.google.com/,clients3.google.com/,clients3.google.com/,clients3.google.com/,clients3.google.com/,clients3.google.com/,clients3.google.com/,clients3.google.com/,clients3.google.com/,clients3.google.com/,clients3.google.com/,clients3.google.com/,clients3.google.com/,clients3.google.com/,clients3.google.com/ 11-01 01:55:11.960 935-1272 I/iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name. 11-01 01:55:11.960 1276-1586 D/ConnectivityService: [CheckMp] isMobileOk: linkHasIpv4=true linkHasIpv6=false 11-01 01:55:11.990 935-1272 I/iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1) 11-01 01:55:11.990 935-1272 E/Netd: exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/iptables -t mangle -A st_mangle_EXEMPT -d -j MARK --set-mark 1 11-01 01:55:11.990 1605-1605 E/logwrapper: executing /system/bin/ip failed: No such file or directory 11-01 01:55:12.030 1276-1586 E/ConnectivityService: Exception trying to add a route: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '22 interface fwmark exempt add' failed with '400 22 Failed to add exemption rule (File exists)' 11-01 01:55:12.100 935-1272 I/iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name. 11-01 01:55:12.140 935-1272 I/iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1) 11-01 01:55:12.140 935-1272 E/Netd: exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/iptables -t mangle -A st_mangle_EXEMPT -d -j MARK --set-mark 1 11-01 01:55:12.150 1608-1608 E/logwrapper: executing /system/bin/ip failed: No such file or directory 11-01 01:55:12.180 1276-1586 E/ConnectivityService: Exception trying to add a route: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '24 interface fwmark exempt add' failed with '400 24 Failed to add exemption rule (File exists)' 11-01 01:55:12.180 1276-1586 D/ConnectivityService: requestRouteToHostAddress ok=false 11-01 01:55:12.180 1276-1586 D/ConnectivityService: [CheckMp] isMobileOk: could not establish route to hostAddr=clients3.google.com/ 11-01 01:55:12.200 1333-1333 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 12048K, 62% free 7484K/19580K, paused 16ms, total 28ms 11-01 01:55:12.290 1333-1333 W/EGL_emulation: eglSurfaceAttrib not implemented 11-01 01:55:12.300 1333-1333 D/OpenGLRenderer: Enabling debug mode 0 11-01 01:55:12.400 1333-1333 W/EGL_emulation: eglSurfaceAttrib not implemented 11-01 01:55:12.550 1333-1333 W/EGL_emulation: eglSurfaceAttrib not implemented 11-01 01:55:12.650 1276-1609 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 663K, 13% free 5786K/6584K, paused 8ms, total 10ms 11-01 01:55:12.650 1276-1609 I/dalvikvm-heap: Grow heap (frag case) to 5.845MB for 146730-byte allocation 11-01 01:55:12.660 1276-1609 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1K, 12% free 5928K/6728K, paused 15ms, total 15ms 11-01 01:55:12.750 1276-1453 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 209K, 13% free 5874K/6728K, paused 54ms, total 55ms 11-01 01:55:12.760 1333-1333 D/PhoneStatusBar: mSettingsPanelGravity = 55 11-01 01:55:12.980 1276-1290 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 444K, 16% free 5673K/6728K, paused 0ms+2ms, total 14ms 11-01 01:55:12.990 1462-1522 I/ContactLocale: AddressBook Labels [ru_RU]: [, А, Б, В, Г, Д, Е, Є, Ж, З, И, І, Й, К, Л, М, Н, О, П, Р, С, Т, У, Ф, Х, Ц, Ч, Ш, Щ, Ы, Э, Ю, Я, , A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Α, Β, Γ, Δ, Ε, Ζ, Η, Θ, Ι, Κ, Λ, Μ, Ν, Ξ, Ο, Π, Ρ, Σ, Τ, Υ, Φ, Χ, Ψ, Ω, , א, ב, ג, ד, ה, ו, ז, ח, ט, י, כ, ל, מ, נ, ס, ע, פ, צ, ק, ר, ש, ת, , ا, ب, ت, ث, ج, ح, خ, د, ذ, ر, ز, س, ش, ص, ض, ط, ظ, ع, غ, ف, ق, ك, ل, م, ن, ه, و, ي, , ก, ข, ฃ, ค, ฅ, ฆ, ง, จ, ฉ, ช, ซ, ฌ, ญ, ฎ, ฏ, ฐ, ฑ, ฒ, ณ, ด, ต, ถ, ท, ธ, น, บ, ป, ผ, ฝ, พ, ฟ, ภ, ม, ย, ร, ฤ, ล, ฦ, ว, ศ, ษ, ส, ห, ฬ, อ, ฮ, , ㄱ, ㄴ, ㄷ, ㄹ, ㅁ, ㅂ, ㅅ, ㅇ, ㅈ, ㅊ, ㅋ, ㅌ, ㅍ, ㅎ, , あ, か, さ, た, な, は, ま, や, ら, わ, #, ] 11-01 01:55:13.060 1276-1525 I/ActivityManager: Start proc com.android.dialer for broadcast com.android.dialer/.calllog.CallLogReceiver: pid=1612 uid=10004 gids={50004, 3003, 1028, 1015} 11-01 01:55:13.110 1333-1333 I/Choreographer: Skipped 79 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 11-01 01:55:13.500 1612-1612 D/ExtensionsFactory: No custom extensions. 11-01 01:55:13.520 1276-1451 I/ActivityManager: Delay finish: com.android.dialer/.calllog.CallLogReceiver 11-01 01:55:13.610 1408-1449 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1141K, 16% free 7651K/9004K, paused 368ms, total 372ms 11-01 01:55:13.690 938-1007 I/SurfaceFlinger: Boot is finished (24145 ms) 11-01 01:55:13.710 1028-1115 E/EGL_emulation: tid 1115: eglMakeCurrent(917): error 0x3001 (EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED) 11-01 01:55:13.740 1276-1525 I/ActivityManager: Resuming delayed broadcast 11-01 01:55:13.770 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:55:13.770 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:55:13.770 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:55:13.770 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:55:13.770 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:55:13.770 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:55:13.770 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:55:13.770 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:55:13.770 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:55:13.770 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:55:13.770 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressStandard.ogg 11-01 01:55:13.770 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressStandard.ogg 11-01 01:55:13.770 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressSpacebar.ogg 11-01 01:55:13.770 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressSpacebar.ogg 11-01 01:55:13.770 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressDelete.ogg 11-01 01:55:13.770 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressDelete.ogg 11-01 01:55:13.770 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressReturn.ogg 11-01 01:55:13.780 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressReturn.ogg 11-01 01:55:13.780 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressInvalid.ogg 11-01 01:55:13.780 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressInvalid.ogg 11-01 01:55:13.780 1276-1327 W/AudioService: onLoadSoundEffects(), Error -1 while loading samples 11-01 01:55:13.790 1276-1276 E/BluetoothAdapter: Bluetooth binder is null 11-01 01:55:13.800 1276-1276 E/BluetoothAdapter: Bluetooth binder is null 11-01 01:55:13.850 1276-1301 I/PowerManagerService: Boot animation finished. 11-01 01:55:13.930 1276-1631 I/RecoverySystem: No recovery log file 11-01 01:55:13.930 1276-1276 I/ActivityManager: Start proc com.android.providers.calendar for broadcast com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarReceiver: pid=1632 uid=10001 gids={50001, 3003, 1028, 1015} 11-01 01:55:13.940 1276-1631 I/BootReceiver: Copying audit failures to DropBox 11-01 01:55:13.940 1276-1631 I/BootReceiver: Checking for fsck errors 11-01 01:55:13.950 1276-1296 D/Tethering: MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3 11-01 01:55:13.950 1276-1357 D/CaptivePortalTracker: NoActiveNetworkState{ when=-14ms what=1 obj=NetworkInfo: type: mobile[LTE], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: connected, extra: epc.tmobile.com, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 11-01 01:55:13.950 1276-1357 D/CaptivePortalTracker: NoActiveNetworkState not a wifi connectivity change, ignore 11-01 01:55:14.080 1276-1555 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 573K, 15% free 5761K/6728K, paused 28ms, total 28ms 11-01 01:55:14.130 1333-1333 D/PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons alerts ticker system_info BACK* HOME* RECENT CLOCK* SEARCH > 11-01 01:55:14.130 1333-1333 I/Choreographer: Skipped 60 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 11-01 01:55:14.330 1276-1337 D/GpsLocationProvider: NTP server returned: 1477979716620 (Tue Nov 01 01:55:16 EDT 2016) reference: 26342 certainty: 14 system time offset: 2281 11-01 01:55:14.350 1632-1632 I/CalendarProvider2: Created com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarAlarmManager@a5008cc0(com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarProvider2@a50002f0) 11-01 01:55:14.400 1501-1651 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 281K, 10% free 3107K/3436K, paused 3ms, total 3ms 11-01 01:55:14.400 1276-1524 I/ActivityManager: Delay finish: com.android.providers.downloads/.DownloadReceiver 11-01 01:55:14.410 1276-1296 D/Tethering: MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3 11-01 01:55:14.410 1276-1357 D/CaptivePortalTracker: NoActiveNetworkState{ when=0 what=1 obj=NetworkInfo: type: mobile_hipri[LTE], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: dataEnabled, extra: epc.tmobile.com, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 11-01 01:55:14.410 1276-1357 D/CaptivePortalTracker: NoActiveNetworkState not a wifi connectivity change, ignore 11-01 01:55:14.440 1276-1430 I/ActivityManager: Resuming delayed broadcast 11-01 01:55:14.440 1276-1453 I/ActivityManager: Delay finish: com.android.providers.media/.MediaScannerReceiver 11-01 01:55:14.510 1333-1333 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1392K, 62% free 7625K/19580K, paused 4ms, total 12ms 11-01 01:55:14.580 1276-1525 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 760K, 15% free 5723K/6728K, paused 21ms, total 25ms 11-01 01:55:14.640 1333-1333 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 811K, 58% free 8396K/19580K, paused 26ms, total 26ms 11-01 01:55:14.750 1276-1453 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 462K, 15% free 5773K/6728K, paused 20ms, total 23ms 11-01 01:55:14.780 1333-1333 I/Choreographer: Skipped 38 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 11-01 01:55:15.210 935-1272 I/iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name. 11-01 01:55:15.260 935-1272 I/iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1) 11-01 01:55:15.260 935-1272 E/Netd: exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/iptables -t mangle -A st_mangle_EXEMPT -d -j MARK --set-mark 1 11-01 01:55:15.260 1656-1656 E/logwrapper: executing /system/bin/ip failed: No such file or directory 11-01 01:55:15.260 935-1272 I/iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name. 11-01 01:55:15.260 935-1272 I/iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1) 11-01 01:55:15.260 935-1272 E/Netd: exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/iptables -t mangle -A st_mangle_EXEMPT -d -j MARK --set-mark 1 11-01 01:55:15.260 1276-1586 E/ConnectivityService: Exception trying to add a route: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '26 interface fwmark exempt add' failed with '400 26 Failed to add exemption rule (File exists)' 11-01 01:55:15.280 1658-1658 E/logwrapper: executing /system/bin/ip failed: No such file or directory 11-01 01:55:15.290 1276-1586 E/ConnectivityService: Exception trying to add a route: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '28 interface fwmark exempt add' failed with '400 28 Failed to add exemption rule (File exists)' 11-01 01:55:15.290 1276-1586 D/ConnectivityService: requestRouteToHostAddress ok=false 11-01 01:55:15.290 1276-1586 D/ConnectivityService: [CheckMp] isMobileOk: could not establish route to hostAddr=clients3.google.com/ 11-01 01:55:15.410 1632-1632 I/CalendarProvider2: Sending notification intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://com.android.calendar } 11-01 01:55:15.410 1632-1632 W/ContentResolver: Failed to get type for: content://com.android.calendar (Unknown URL content://com.android.calendar) 11-01 01:55:15.410 1276-1431 I/ActivityManager: Resuming delayed broadcast 11-01 01:55:15.490 1276-1453 I/ActivityManager: Start proc com.android.mms for broadcast com.android.mms/.transaction.MmsSystemEventReceiver: pid=1659 uid=10009 gids={50009, 3003, 1028, 1015} 11-01 01:55:15.610 1659-1665 D/dalvikvm: Debugger has detached; object registry had 1 entries 11-01 01:55:15.830 1276-1453 D/CountryDetector: The first listener is added 11-01 01:55:15.940 1276-1524 I/ActivityManager: Delay finish: com.android.mms/.transaction.MmsSystemEventReceiver 11-01 01:55:15.970 1659-1680 D/Mms:app: cancelNotification 11-01 01:55:16.070 1659-1662 D/dalvikvm: GC_CONCURRENT freed 207K, 8% free 3072K/3336K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 45ms 11-01 01:55:16.110 1276-1452 I/ActivityManager: Resuming delayed broadcast 11-01 01:55:16.120 1276-1523 I/ActivityManager: Delay finish: com.android.mms/.transaction.SmsReceiver 11-01 01:55:16.230 1388-1406 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 486K, 14% free 3439K/3976K, paused 88ms, total 93ms 11-01 01:55:16.240 1388-1406 D/MmsSmsDatabaseHelper: [MmsSmsDb] tableName: threads hasAutoIncrement: CREATE TABLE threads (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,date INTEGER DEFAULT 0,message_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0,recipient_ids TEXT,snippet TEXT,snippet_cs INTEGER DEFAULT 0,read INTEGER DEFAULT 1,type INTEGER DEFAULT 0,error INTEGER DEFAULT 0,has_attachment INTEGER DEFAULT 0) result: true 11-01 01:55:16.290 1388-1406 D/MmsSmsDatabaseHelper: [MmsSmsDb] tableName: canonical_addresses hasAutoIncrement: CREATE TABLE canonical_addresses (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,address TEXT) result: true 11-01 01:55:16.290 1388-1406 D/MmsSmsDatabaseHelper: [MmsSmsDb] tableName: part hasAutoIncrement: CREATE TABLE part (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,mid INTEGER,seq INTEGER DEFAULT 0,ct TEXT,name TEXT,chset INTEGER,cd TEXT,fn TEXT,cid TEXT,cl TEXT,ctt_s INTEGER,ctt_t TEXT,_data TEXT,text TEXT) result: true 11-01 01:55:16.290 1388-1406 D/MmsSmsDatabaseHelper: [MmsSmsDb] tableName: pdu hasAutoIncrement: CREATE TABLE pdu (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,thread_id INTEGER,date INTEGER,date_sent INTEGER DEFAULT 0,msg_box INTEGER,read INTEGER DEFAULT 0,m_id TEXT,sub TEXT,sub_cs INTEGER,ct_t TEXT,ct_l TEXT,exp INTEGER,m_cls TEXT,m_type INTEGER,v INTEGER,m_size INTEGER,pri INTEGER,rr INTEGER,rpt_a INTEGER,resp_st INTEGER,st INTEGER,tr_id TEXT,retr_st INTEGER,retr_txt TEXT,retr_txt_cs INTEGER,read_status INTEGER,ct_cls INTEGER,resp_txt TEXT,d_tm INTEGER,d_rpt INTEGER,locked INTEGER DEFAULT 0,seen INTEGER DEFAULT 0,text_only INTEGER DEFAULT 0) result: true 11-01 01:55:16.290 1388-1406 D/MmsSmsDatabaseHelper: [getWritableDatabase] hasAutoIncrementThreads: true hasAutoIncrementAddresses: true hasAutoIncrementPart: true hasAutoIncrementPdu: true 11-01 01:55:16.320 1276-1525 I/ActivityManager: Resuming delayed broadcast 11-01 01:55:16.350 1276-1453 I/ActivityManager: Start proc com.android.calendar for broadcast com.android.calendar/.alerts.AlertReceiver: pid=1685 uid=10016 gids={50016, 3003} 11-01 01:55:16.410 1659-1684 D/Mms:app: cancelNotification 11-01 01:55:16.440 1685-1685 D/ExtensionsFactory: No custom extensions. 11-01 01:55:16.440 1685-1685 D/AlertReceiver: onReceive: a=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED Intent { act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x8000010 cmp=com.android.calendar/.alerts.AlertReceiver (has extras) } 11-01 01:55:16.520 1685-1705 D/AlertService: 0 Action = android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED 11-01 01:55:16.520 1685-1705 D/AlertService: Scheduling next alarm with AlarmScheduler. sEventReminderReceived: null 11-01 01:55:16.530 1685-1705 D/AlarmScheduler: No events found starting within 1 week. 11-01 01:55:16.550 1564-1703 I/AlarmClock: Displaying next alarm time: '' 11-01 01:55:16.550 1276-1287 I/ActivityManager: Delay finish: com.android.deskclock/.AlarmInitReceiver 11-01 01:55:16.570 1276-1288 I/ActivityManager: Resuming delayed broadcast 11-01 01:55:16.610 1276-1288 I/ActivityManager: Start proc com.android.email for broadcast com.android.email/.service.EmailBroadcastReceiver: pid=1708 uid=10024 gids={50024, 3003, 1028, 1015} 11-01 01:55:17.240 1708-1722 D/ActivityThread: Loading provider com.android.email.provider;com.android.email.notifier: com.android.email.provider.EmailProvider 11-01 01:55:17.320 1708-1723 D/ActivityThread: Loading provider com.android.email.provider;com.android.email.notifier: com.android.email.provider.EmailProvider 11-01 01:55:17.390 1276-1288 I/ActivityManager: Delay finish: com.android.email/.service.EmailBroadcastReceiver 11-01 01:55:17.750 1276-1611 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 251K, 14% free 5842K/6728K, paused 5ms, total 5ms 11-01 01:55:17.760 1276-1328 I/ActivityManager: Delaying start of: ServiceRecord{a5301f98 u0 com.android.exchange/.service.EmailSyncAdapterService} 11-01 01:55:17.790 1276-1431 I/ActivityManager: Start proc com.android.exchange for service com.android.exchange/.service.EmailSyncAdapterService: pid=1726 uid=10025 gids={50025, 3003, 1028, 1015} 11-01 01:55:17.830 1276-1288 W/ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.android.email/.service.AttachmentDownloadService } U=0: not found 11-01 01:55:17.830 1276-1524 W/ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.android.email/.service.AttachmentDownloadService } U=0: not found 11-01 01:55:17.920 1276-1524 W/ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.android.email/.service.AttachmentDownloadService } U=0: not found 11-01 01:55:18.020 1708-1740 I/Email: Observing account changes for notifications 11-01 01:55:18.140 1708-1719 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 309K, 11% free 3085K/3448K, paused 8ms, total 8ms 11-01 01:55:18.170 1365-1365 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 255K, 9% free 3133K/3436K, paused 2ms, total 2ms 11-01 01:55:18.170 1365-1365 I/LauncherIconVisibilityManager: Boot has been completed 11-01 01:55:18.170 1276-1452 I/ActivityManager: Resuming delayed broadcast 11-01 01:55:18.180 1365-1365 I/LauncherIconVisibilityManager: Activity has already been disabled: ComponentInfo{com.android.inputmethod.latin/com.android.inputmethod.latin.setup.SetupActivity} 11-01 01:55:18.210 1381-1381 E/BluetoothAdapter: Bluetooth binder is null 11-01 01:55:18.280 1685-1685 D/AlertReceiver: onReceive: a=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://com.android.calendar flg=0x10 cmp=com.android.calendar/.alerts.AlertReceiver } 11-01 01:55:18.300 1276-1430 I/ActivityManager: Delay finish: com.android.calendar/.alerts.AlertReceiver 11-01 01:55:18.310 935-1272 I/iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name. 11-01 01:55:18.330 935-1272 I/iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1) 11-01 01:55:18.330 935-1272 E/Netd: exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/iptables -t mangle -A st_mangle_EXEMPT -d -j MARK --set-mark 1 11-01 01:55:18.330 1750-1750 E/logwrapper: executing /system/bin/ip failed: No such file or directory 11-01 01:55:18.330 1276-1586 E/ConnectivityService: Exception trying to add a route: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '30 interface fwmark exempt add' failed with '400 30 Failed to add exemption rule (File exists)' 11-01 01:55:18.330 1685-1748 D/AlertService: 0 Action = android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED 11-01 01:55:18.340 935-1272 I/iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name. 11-01 01:55:18.340 935-1272 I/iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1) 11-01 01:55:18.340 935-1272 E/Netd: exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/iptables -t mangle -A st_mangle_EXEMPT -d -j MARK --set-mark 1 11-01 01:55:18.350 1754-1754 E/logwrapper: executing /system/bin/ip failed: No such file or directory 11-01 01:55:18.370 1276-1586 E/ConnectivityService: Exception trying to add a route: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '32 interface fwmark exempt add' failed with '400 32 Failed to add exemption rule (File exists)' 11-01 01:55:18.370 1276-1586 D/ConnectivityService: requestRouteToHostAddress ok=false 11-01 01:55:18.370 1276-1586 D/ConnectivityService: [CheckMp] isMobileOk: could not establish route to hostAddr=clients3.google.com/ 11-01 01:55:20.100 1276-1451 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 604K, 15% free 5743K/6728K, paused 39ms, total 41ms 11-01 01:55:20.100 1333-1333 W/SoundPool: sample 0 not READY 11-01 01:55:20.120 1333-1333 D/PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons alerts ticker system_info back* home* recent* clock* search* > 11-01 01:55:21.400 935-1272 I/iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name. 11-01 01:55:21.410 935-1272 I/iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1) 11-01 01:55:21.420 935-1272 E/Netd: exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/iptables -t mangle -A st_mangle_EXEMPT -d -j MARK --set-mark 1 11-01 01:55:21.420 1757-1757 E/logwrapper: executing /system/bin/ip failed: No such file or directory 11-01 01:55:21.420 1276-1586 E/ConnectivityService: Exception trying to add a route: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '34 interface fwmark exempt add' failed with '400 34 Failed to add exemption rule (File exists)' 11-01 01:55:21.430 935-1272 I/iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name. 11-01 01:55:21.440 935-1272 I/iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1) 11-01 01:55:21.440 935-1272 E/Netd: exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/iptables -t mangle -A st_mangle_EXEMPT -d -j MARK --set-mark 1 11-01 01:55:21.440 1759-1759 E/logwrapper: executing /system/bin/ip failed: No such file or directory 11-01 01:55:21.450 1276-1586 E/ConnectivityService: Exception trying to add a route: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '36 interface fwmark exempt add' failed with '400 36 Failed to add exemption rule (File exists)' 11-01 01:55:21.450 1276-1586 D/ConnectivityService: requestRouteToHostAddress ok=false 11-01 01:55:21.450 1276-1586 D/ConnectivityService: [CheckMp] isMobileOk: could not establish route to hostAddr=clients3.google.com/ 11-01 01:55:21.900 1276-1291 I/ActivityManager: Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{a51c6138 u0 com.android.music/.MediaPlaybackService} 11-01 01:55:21.900 1276-1291 I/ActivityManager: Resuming delayed broadcast 11-01 01:55:21.920 1276-1431 I/ActivityManager: Delay finish: com.android.mms/.transaction.SmsReceiver 11-01 01:55:21.950 1276-1431 I/ActivityManager: Resuming delayed broadcast 11-01 01:55:21.970 1276-1430 I/ActivityManager: Delay finish: com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarProviderBroadcastReceiver 11-01 01:55:21.980 1276-1452 I/ActivityManager: Resuming delayed broadcast 11-01 01:55:23.340 1685-1748 I/GlobalDismissManager: no sender configured 11-01 01:55:23.340 1685-1748 D/AlertService: Beginning updateAlertNotification 11-01 01:55:23.340 1685-1748 D/AlertService: No fired or scheduled alerts 11-01 01:55:23.360 1685-1748 D/AlertService: Scheduling next alarm with AlarmScheduler. sEventReminderReceived: null 11-01 01:55:23.360 1685-1748 D/AlarmScheduler: No events found starting within 1 week. 11-01 01:55:23.510 1769-1769 D/AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit <<<<<< 11-01 01:55:23.510 1769-1769 W/linker: libdvm.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix. 11-01 01:55:23.510 1769-1769 D/AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is ON 11-01 01:55:23.520 1769-1769 D/dalvikvm: Trying to load lib libjavacore.so 0x0 11-01 01:55:23.520 1769-1769 D/dalvikvm: Added shared lib libjavacore.so 0x0 11-01 01:55:23.520 1769-1769 D/dalvikvm: Trying to load lib libnativehelper.so 0x0 11-01 01:55:23.520 1769-1769 D/dalvikvm: Added shared lib libnativehelper.so 0x0 11-01 01:55:23.520 1769-1769 D/dalvikvm: No JNI_OnLoad found in libnativehelper.so 0x0, skipping init 11-01 01:55:23.530 1769-1769 D/dalvikvm: Note: class Landroid/app/ActivityManagerNative; has 179 unimplemented (abstract) methods 11-01 01:55:23.580 1769-1769 E/memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) 11-01 01:55:23.580 1769-1769 E/android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2 11-01 01:55:23.600 1769-1769 D/AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry com.android.commands.pm.Pm 11-01 01:55:23.630 1276-1299 I/ActivityManager: Start proc com.android.defcontainer for service com.android.defcontainer/.DefaultContainerService: pid=1778 uid=10003 gids={50003, 1028, 1015, 1023, 2001, 1035} 11-01 01:55:23.680 1276-1299 W/ActivityManager: No content provider found for permission revoke: file:///data/local/tmp/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp 11-01 01:55:23.690 1276-1299 W/ActivityManager: No content provider found for permission revoke: file:///data/local/tmp/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp 11-01 01:55:23.690 1276-1299 I/PackageManager: Copying native libraries to /data/app-lib/vmdl-1897346576 11-01 01:55:23.780 1276-1299 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 495K, 12% free 5966K/6728K, paused 5ms, total 8ms 11-01 01:55:24.010 1276-1299 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 582K, 13% free 5962K/6800K, paused 6ms, total 7ms 11-01 01:55:24.030 1276-1291 I/ActivityManager: Force stopping org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp appid=10064 user=-1: uninstall pkg 11-01 01:55:24.040 1276-1299 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 597K, 12% free 5985K/6800K, paused 7ms, total 7ms 11-01 01:55:24.070 1276-1299 W/PackageSettings: Skipping PackageSetting{a5089de0 org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.tests/10056} due to missing metadata 11-01 01:55:24.080 1276-1299 I/PackageManager: Package org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp codePath changed from /data/app/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-2.apk to /data/app/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1.apk; Retaining data and using new 11-01 01:55:24.100 1276-1299 I/PackageManager: Running dexopt on: org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp 11-01 01:55:24.110 1793-1793 W/linker: libdvm.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix. 11-01 01:55:24.160 1793-1793 W/dalvikvm: method Landroid/support/v7/internal/widget/ListViewCompat;.lookForSelectablePosition incorrectly overrides package-private method with same name in Landroid/widget/ListView; 11-01 01:55:24.250 1793-1793 D/dalvikvm: DexOpt: load 21ms, verify+opt 83ms, 1971508 bytes 11-01 01:55:24.470 1276-1586 D/ConnectivityService: [CheckMp] isMobileOk: too many loops tried - giving up 11-01 01:55:24.470 1276-1586 D/ConnectivityService: [CheckMp] isMobileOk: X loops|timed out result=0 11-01 01:55:24.470 1276-1586 D/ConnectivityService: [CheckMp] isMobileOk: F stop hipri 11-01 01:55:24.470 1276-1322 D/MobileDataStateTracker: default: setEnableFailFastMobileData(enabled=0) 11-01 01:55:24.470 1276-1586 D/ConnectivityService: stopUsingNetworkFeature: teardown net 0: enableHIPRI 11-01 01:55:24.490 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri 11-01 01:55:24.490 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=CONNECTED, reason=dataDisabled 11-01 01:55:24.490 1276-1276 D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: setDetailed state, old =CONNECTED and new state=DISCONNECTED 11-01 01:55:24.490 1276-1322 D/ConnectivityService: ConnectivityChange for mobile_hipri: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED 11-01 01:55:24.500 1796-1796 E/logwrapper: executing /system/bin/ip failed: No such file or directory 11-01 01:55:24.500 935-1272 E/SecondaryTablController: ip route del failed: /system/bin/ip route del via dev eth0 table 60 11-01 01:55:24.500 935-1272 W/FrameworkListener: Handler 'interface' error (No such device) 11-01 01:55:24.510 1797-1797 E/logwrapper: executing /system/bin/ip failed: No such file or directory 11-01 01:55:24.520 935-1272 E/SecondaryTablController: ip route del failed: /system/bin/ip route del via dev eth0 table 60 11-01 01:55:24.520 935-1272 W/FrameworkListener: Handler 'interface' error (No such device) 11-01 01:55:24.530 1276-1322 D/Nat464Xlat: requiresClat: netType=5, hasIPv4Address=true 11-01 01:55:24.580 1276-1299 W/PackageManager: Code path for pkg : org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp changing from /data/app/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-2.apk to /data/app/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1.apk 11-01 01:55:24.580 1276-1299 W/PackageManager: Resource path for pkg : org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp changing from /data/app/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-2.apk to /data/app/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1.apk 11-01 01:55:24.590 1276-1291 I/ActivityManager: Force stopping org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp appid=10064 user=-1: update pkg 11-01 01:55:24.600 1276-1299 W/PackageSettings: Skipping PackageSetting{a5089de0 org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.tests/10056} due to missing metadata 11-01 01:55:24.620 1276-1299 W/PackageSettings: Skipping PackageSetting{a5089de0 org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.tests/10056} due to missing metadata 11-01 01:55:24.630 1276-1299 I/ActivityManager: Force stopping org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp appid=10064 user=0: pkg removed 11-01 01:55:24.640 1408-1408 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 629K, 18% free 7439K/9004K, paused 1ms+1ms, total 6ms 11-01 01:55:24.660 1276-1308 I/InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000010 11-01 01:55:24.670 1276-1328 I/PackageManager: Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO" 11-01 01:55:24.670 1276-1328 I/PackageManager: Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" 11-01 01:55:24.670 1276-1328 I/PackageManager: Scheme: "sms" 11-01 01:55:24.670 1276-1328 I/PackageManager: Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.android.mms/com.android.mms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity} for user 0 : 11-01 01:55:24.680 1276-1453 I/PackageManager: Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO" 11-01 01:55:24.680 1276-1453 I/PackageManager: Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" 11-01 01:55:24.680 1276-1453 I/PackageManager: Scheme: "smsto" 11-01 01:55:24.680 1276-1453 I/PackageManager: Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.android.mms/com.android.mms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity} for user 0 : 11-01 01:55:24.740 1276-1453 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 897K, 15% free 5842K/6812K, paused 47ms, total 47ms 11-01 01:55:24.750 1276-1452 I/PackageManager: Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO" 11-01 01:55:24.750 1276-1452 I/PackageManager: Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" 11-01 01:55:24.750 1276-1452 I/PackageManager: Scheme: "mms" 11-01 01:55:24.750 1276-1276 D/BackupManagerService: Received broadcast Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package:org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } 11-01 01:55:24.750 1276-1452 I/PackageManager: Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.android.mms/com.android.mms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity} for user 0 : 11-01 01:55:24.760 1276-1523 I/PackageManager: Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO" 11-01 01:55:24.760 1276-1523 I/PackageManager: Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" 11-01 01:55:24.760 1276-1523 I/PackageManager: Scheme: "mmsto" 11-01 01:55:24.760 1276-1523 I/PackageManager: Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.android.mms/com.android.mms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity} for user 0 : 11-01 01:55:24.770 1388-1388 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 430K, 13% free 3514K/3996K, paused 3ms, total 3ms 11-01 01:55:24.770 1276-1524 I/PackageManager: Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO" 11-01 01:55:24.770 1276-1524 I/PackageManager: Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" 11-01 01:55:24.770 1276-1524 I/PackageManager: Scheme: "sms" 11-01 01:55:24.770 1276-1524 I/PackageManager: Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.android.mms/com.android.mms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity} for user 0 : 11-01 01:55:24.780 1276-1288 I/ActivityManager: Start proc com.android.keychain for broadcast com.android.keychain/.KeyChainBroadcastReceiver: pid=1799 uid=1000 gids={41000, 1028, 1015, 3002, 3001, 3003} 11-01 01:55:24.790 1276-1299 D/dalvikvm: WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 1ms 11-01 01:55:24.800 1276-1276 D/BackupManagerService: Received broadcast Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } 11-01 01:55:24.820 1276-1308 I/InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000010 11-01 01:55:24.820 1276-1523 I/PackageManager: Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO" 11-01 01:55:24.820 1276-1523 I/PackageManager: Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" 11-01 01:55:24.820 1276-1523 I/PackageManager: Scheme: "smsto" 11-01 01:55:24.820 1276-1523 I/PackageManager: Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.android.mms/com.android.mms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity} for user 0 : 11-01 01:55:24.860 1276-1525 I/PackageManager: Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO" 11-01 01:55:24.860 1276-1525 I/PackageManager: Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" 11-01 01:55:24.860 1276-1525 I/PackageManager: Scheme: "mms" 11-01 01:55:24.860 1276-1525 I/PackageManager: Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.android.mms/com.android.mms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity} for user 0 : 11-01 01:55:24.870 1276-1328 I/PackageManager: Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO" 11-01 01:55:24.870 1276-1328 I/PackageManager: Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" 11-01 01:55:24.870 1276-1328 I/PackageManager: Scheme: "mmsto" 11-01 01:55:24.870 1276-1328 I/PackageManager: Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.android.mms/com.android.mms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity} for user 0 : 11-01 01:55:24.900 1276-1299 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 741K, 15% free 5845K/6812K, paused 0ms+3ms, total 107ms 11-01 01:55:24.900 1276-1328 D/dalvikvm: WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 28ms 11-01 01:55:24.900 1276-1452 D/dalvikvm: WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 24ms 11-01 01:55:24.910 1276-1292 D/dalvikvm: WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 26ms 11-01 01:55:24.910 1276-1451 D/dalvikvm: WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 19ms 11-01 01:55:24.920 1769-1769 D/AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM 11-01 01:55:24.920 1769-1775 D/jdwp: Got wake-up signal, bailing out of select 11-01 01:55:24.920 1769-1775 D/dalvikvm: Debugger has detached; object registry had 1 entries 11-01 01:55:24.930 1388-1388 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 333K, 14% free 3503K/4072K, paused 3ms, total 3ms 11-01 01:55:24.940 1799-1799 W/ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1479 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:494 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:494 com.android.keychain.KeyChainBroadcastReceiver.onReceive:12 android.app.ActivityThread.handleReceiver:2419 11-01 01:55:25.000 1276-1452 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 163K, 15% free 5830K/6812K, paused 27ms, total 30ms 11-01 01:55:25.000 1276-1452 I/dalvikvm-heap: Grow heap (frag case) to 5.837MB for 92248-byte allocation 11-01 01:55:25.020 1276-1287 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2K, 15% free 5918K/6904K, paused 21ms, total 21ms 11-01 01:55:25.050 1276-1287 I/ActivityManager: Start proc com.svox.pico for broadcast com.svox.pico/.VoiceDataInstallerReceiver: pid=1813 uid=10037 gids={50037, 1028, 1015} 11-01 01:55:25.050 1276-1292 W/RecognitionManagerService: no available voice recognition services found for user 0 11-01 01:55:25.060 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 38K, 4% free 2882K/2976K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 28ms 11-01 01:55:25.080 1276-1451 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 171K, 16% free 5847K/6904K, paused 21ms, total 21ms 11-01 01:55:25.080 1276-1451 I/dalvikvm-heap: Grow heap (frag case) to 5.898MB for 138370-byte allocation 11-01 01:55:25.100 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 4% free 2882K/2976K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 36ms 11-01 01:55:25.110 1276-1451 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 90K, 17% free 5892K/7040K, paused 32ms, total 32ms 11-01 01:55:25.150 939-939 D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 4% free 2882K/2976K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 48ms 11-01 01:55:25.160 1276-1430 I/PackageManager: Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO" 11-01 01:55:25.160 1276-1430 I/PackageManager: Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" 11-01 01:55:25.160 1276-1430 I/PackageManager: Scheme: "sms" 11-01 01:55:25.160 1276-1430 I/PackageManager: Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.android.mms/com.android.mms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity} for user 0 : 11-01 01:55:25.200 1276-1431 I/PackageManager: Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO" 11-01 01:55:25.200 1276-1431 I/PackageManager: Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" 11-01 01:55:25.200 1276-1431 I/PackageManager: Scheme: "smsto" 11-01 01:55:25.200 1276-1431 I/PackageManager: Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.android.mms/com.android.mms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity} for user 0 : 11-01 01:55:25.230 1276-1287 I/PackageManager: Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO" 11-01 01:55:25.230 1276-1287 I/PackageManager: Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" 11-01 01:55:25.230 1276-1287 I/PackageManager: Scheme: "mms" 11-01 01:55:25.230 1276-1287 I/PackageManager: Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.android.mms/com.android.mms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity} for user 0 : 11-01 01:55:25.250 1276-1525 I/PackageManager: Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO" 11-01 01:55:25.250 1276-1525 I/PackageManager: Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" 11-01 01:55:25.250 1276-1525 I/PackageManager: Scheme: "mmsto" 11-01 01:55:25.250 1276-1525 I/PackageManager: Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.android.mms/com.android.mms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity} for user 0 : 11-01 01:55:25.270 1276-1523 I/PackageManager: Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO" 11-01 01:55:25.270 1276-1523 I/PackageManager: Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" 11-01 01:55:25.270 1276-1523 I/PackageManager: Scheme: "sms" 11-01 01:55:25.270 1276-1523 I/PackageManager: Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.android.mms/com.android.mms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity} for user 0 : 11-01 01:55:25.290 1388-1388 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 356K, 14% free 3506K/4072K, paused 6ms, total 7ms 11-01 01:55:25.290 1276-1452 I/PackageManager: Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO" 11-01 01:55:25.290 1276-1452 I/PackageManager: Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" 11-01 01:55:25.290 1276-1452 I/PackageManager: Scheme: "smsto" 11-01 01:55:25.290 1276-1452 I/PackageManager: Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.android.mms/com.android.mms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity} for user 0 : 11-01 01:55:25.300 1276-1452 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 884K, 19% free 5765K/7040K, paused 13ms, total 13ms 11-01 01:55:25.310 1276-1287 I/PackageManager: Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO" 11-01 01:55:25.310 1276-1287 I/PackageManager: Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" 11-01 01:55:25.310 1276-1287 I/PackageManager: Scheme: "mms" 11-01 01:55:25.310 1276-1287 I/PackageManager: Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.android.mms/com.android.mms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity} for user 0 : 11-01 01:55:25.330 1276-1525 I/PackageManager: Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO" 11-01 01:55:25.330 1276-1525 I/PackageManager: Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" 11-01 01:55:25.330 1276-1525 I/PackageManager: Scheme: "mmsto" 11-01 01:55:25.330 1276-1525 I/PackageManager: Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.android.mms/com.android.mms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity} for user 0 : 11-01 01:55:25.360 1276-1453 I/PackageManager: Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO" 11-01 01:55:25.360 1276-1453 I/PackageManager: Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" 11-01 01:55:25.360 1276-1288 I/PackageManager: Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO" 11-01 01:55:25.360 1276-1288 I/PackageManager: Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.android.mms/com.android.mms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity} for user 0 : 11-01 01:55:25.360 1276-1288 I/PackageManager: Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" 11-01 01:55:25.360 1276-1288 I/PackageManager: Scheme: "smsto" 11-01 01:55:25.360 1276-1453 I/PackageManager: Scheme: "sms" 11-01 01:55:25.360 1276-1453 I/PackageManager: Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.android.mms/com.android.mms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity} for user 0 : 11-01 01:55:25.400 1388-1388 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 375K, 14% free 3502K/4072K, paused 5ms, total 5ms 11-01 01:55:25.400 1276-1524 I/PackageManager: Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO" 11-01 01:55:25.400 1276-1524 I/PackageManager: Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" 11-01 01:55:25.400 1276-1524 I/PackageManager: Scheme: "mms" 11-01 01:55:25.400 1276-1524 I/PackageManager: Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.android.mms/com.android.mms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity} for user 0 : 11-01 01:55:25.430 1276-1328 I/PackageManager: Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO" 11-01 01:55:25.430 1276-1328 I/PackageManager: Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" 11-01 01:55:25.430 1276-1328 I/PackageManager: Scheme: "mmsto" 11-01 01:55:25.430 1276-1328 I/PackageManager: Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.android.mms/com.android.mms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity} for user 0 : 11-01 01:55:25.460 1276-1453 I/PackageManager: Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO" 11-01 01:55:25.460 1276-1453 I/PackageManager: Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" 11-01 01:55:25.460 1276-1453 I/PackageManager: Scheme: "sms" 11-01 01:55:25.460 1276-1453 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 693K, 18% free 5794K/7040K, paused 7ms, total 7ms 11-01 01:55:25.460 1276-1453 I/PackageManager: Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.android.mms/com.android.mms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity} for user 0 : 11-01 01:55:25.510 1832-1832 D/AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit <<<<<< 11-01 01:55:25.510 1832-1832 W/linker: libdvm.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix. 11-01 01:55:25.520 1832-1832 D/AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is ON 11-01 01:55:25.520 1832-1832 D/dalvikvm: Trying to load lib libjavacore.so 0x0 11-01 01:55:25.520 1832-1832 D/dalvikvm: Added shared lib libjavacore.so 0x0 11-01 01:55:25.520 1832-1832 D/dalvikvm: Trying to load lib libnativehelper.so 0x0 11-01 01:55:25.520 1832-1832 D/dalvikvm: Added shared lib libnativehelper.so 0x0 11-01 01:55:25.520 1832-1832 D/dalvikvm: No JNI_OnLoad found in libnativehelper.so 0x0, skipping init 11-01 01:55:25.530 1276-1525 I/PackageManager: Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO" 11-01 01:55:25.530 1276-1525 I/PackageManager: Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" 11-01 01:55:25.530 1276-1525 I/PackageManager: Scheme: "smsto" 11-01 01:55:25.530 1276-1525 I/PackageManager: Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.android.mms/com.android.mms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity} for user 0 : 11-01 01:55:25.540 1276-1451 I/PackageManager: Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO" 11-01 01:55:25.540 1276-1451 I/PackageManager: Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" 11-01 01:55:25.540 1276-1451 I/PackageManager: Scheme: "mms" 11-01 01:55:25.540 1276-1451 I/PackageManager: Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.android.mms/com.android.mms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity} for user 0 : 11-01 01:55:25.560 1388-1388 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 362K, 15% free 3500K/4072K, paused 2ms, total 2ms 11-01 01:55:25.570 1276-1430 I/PackageManager: Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO" 11-01 01:55:25.570 1276-1430 I/PackageManager: Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" 11-01 01:55:25.570 1276-1430 I/PackageManager: Scheme: "mmsto" 11-01 01:55:25.570 1276-1430 I/PackageManager: Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.android.mms/com.android.mms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity} for user 0 : 11-01 01:55:25.580 1832-1832 D/dalvikvm: Note: class Landroid/app/ActivityManagerNative; has 179 unimplemented (abstract) methods 11-01 01:55:25.700 1832-1832 E/memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) 11-01 01:55:25.700 1832-1832 E/android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2 11-01 01:55:25.730 1832-1832 D/AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am 11-01 01:55:25.760 1276-1586 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 678K, 17% free 5848K/7040K, paused 102ms, total 103ms 11-01 01:55:25.760 1276-1328 I/ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 cmp=org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp/.MainActivity} from pid 1832 11-01 01:55:25.790 938-1009 E/gralloc_goldfish: gralloc_alloc: Mismatched usage flags: 328 x 546, usage 333 11-01 01:55:25.790 938-1009 W/GraphicBufferAllocator: alloc(328, 546, 1, 00000333, ...) failed -22 (Invalid argument) [ 11-01 01:55:25.790 938: 1009 E/ ] GraphicBufferAlloc::createGraphicBuffer(w=328, h=546) failed (Invalid argument), handle=0x0 11-01 01:55:25.790 1276-1328 E/BufferQueue: [ScreenshotClient] dequeueBuffer: SurfaceComposer::createGraphicBuffer failed 11-01 01:55:25.790 1276-1328 W/WindowManager: Screenshot failure taking screenshot for (328x546) to layer 21005 11-01 01:55:25.830 1832-1832 D/AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM 11-01 01:55:25.830 1832-1838 D/jdwp: Got wake-up signal, bailing out of select 11-01 01:55:25.830 1832-1838 D/dalvikvm: Debugger has detached; object registry had 1 entries 11-01 01:55:25.830 1842-1842 D/dalvikvm: Not late-enabling CheckJNI (already on) 11-01 01:55:25.850 1276-1288 I/ActivityManager: Start proc org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp for activity org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp/.MainActivity: pid=1842 uid=10064 gids={50064, 3003, 1028, 1015} 11-01 01:55:25.920 1842-1842 I/InstantRun: Instant Run Runtime started. Android package is org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp, real application class is org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp.Application. 11-01 01:55:25.920 1842-1842 W/InstantRun: No instant run dex files added to classpath 11-01 01:55:26.030 1842-1842 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 74K, 4% free 3285K/3416K, paused 2ms, total 3ms 11-01 01:55:26.030 1842-1842 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 6K, 4% free 3583K/3720K, paused 0ms, total 0ms 11-01 01:55:26.040 1842-1842 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 4% free 3887K/4024K, paused 3ms, total 4ms 11-01 01:55:26.040 1842-1842 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 4% free 4191K/4328K, paused 2ms, total 2ms 11-01 01:55:26.070 1842-1842 I/chromium: [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(112)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0 11-01 01:55:26.080 1842-1842 I/BrowserProcessMain: Initializing chromium process, renderers=0 11-01 01:55:26.350 1842-1862 W/chromium: [WARNING:proxy_service.cc(888)] PAC support disabled because there is no system implementation [ 11-01 01:55:26.410 1842: 1842 D/ ] HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xb92f2fa0, tid 1842 11-01 01:55:26.460 1842-1842 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 29K, 3% free 4629K/4732K, paused 14ms, total 14ms 11-01 01:55:26.460 1842-1842 I/dalvikvm-heap: Grow heap (frag case) to 5.646MB for 1127532-byte allocation 11-01 01:55:26.480 1842-1868 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 2% free 5729K/5836K, paused 17ms, total 17ms 11-01 01:55:26.610 1842-1842 D/Adblock: Creating adblock engine ... 11-01 01:55:26.610 1842-1842 D/dalvikvm: Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so 0xa4ff0e78 11-01 01:55:26.610 1842-1842 D/dalvikvm: Added shared lib /data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so 0xa4ff0e78 11-01 01:55:26.610 1842-1842 D/dalvikvm: No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so 0xa4ff0e78, skipping init 11-01 01:55:26.620 1842-1842 D/dalvikvm: Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so 0xa4ff0e78 11-01 01:55:26.620 1842-1842 D/dalvikvm: Shared lib '/data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so' already loaded in same CL 0xa4ff0e78 11-01 01:55:26.620 1842-1842 D/dalvikvm: Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so 0xa4ff0e78 11-01 01:55:26.620 1842-1842 D/dalvikvm: Shared lib '/data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so' already loaded in same CL 0xa4ff0e78 11-01 01:55:26.620 1842-1842 D/dalvikvm: Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so 0xa4ff0e78 11-01 01:55:26.620 1842-1842 D/dalvikvm: Shared lib '/data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so' already loaded in same CL 0xa4ff0e78 11-01 01:55:26.620 1842-1842 W/AdblockEngine: Create 11-01 01:55:26.620 1842-1842 D/dalvikvm: Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so 0xa4ff0e78 11-01 01:55:26.620 1842-1842 D/dalvikvm: Shared lib '/data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so' already loaded in same CL 0xa4ff0e78 11-01 01:55:26.630 1842-1842 D/dalvikvm: Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so 0xa4ff0e78 11-01 01:55:26.630 1842-1842 D/dalvikvm: Shared lib '/data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so' already loaded in same CL 0xa4ff0e78 11-01 01:55:26.630 1842-1842 D/dalvikvm: Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so 0xa4ff0e78 11-01 01:55:26.630 1842-1842 D/dalvikvm: Shared lib '/data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so' already loaded in same CL 0xa4ff0e78 11-01 01:55:26.630 1842-1842 D/dalvikvm: Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so 0xa4ff0e78 11-01 01:55:26.630 1842-1842 D/dalvikvm: Shared lib '/data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so' already loaded in same CL 0xa4ff0e78 11-01 01:55:27.560 1276-1296 D/Tethering: MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3 11-01 01:55:27.560 1276-1296 D/Tethering: MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3 11-01 01:55:27.560 1276-1357 D/CaptivePortalTracker: NoActiveNetworkState{ when=-8ms what=1 obj=NetworkInfo: type: mobile_hipri[LTE], state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: dataDisabled, extra: epc.tmobile.com, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 11-01 01:55:27.560 1276-1357 D/CaptivePortalTracker: NoActiveNetworkState not a wifi connectivity change, ignore 11-01 01:55:27.560 1276-1357 D/CaptivePortalTracker: NoActiveNetworkState{ when=-8ms what=1 obj=NetworkInfo: type: mobile[LTE], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: connected, extra: epc.tmobile.com, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 11-01 01:55:27.560 1276-1357 D/CaptivePortalTracker: NoActiveNetworkState not a wifi connectivity change, ignore 11-01 01:55:27.970 1276-1586 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 528K, 14% free 6065K/7040K, paused 242ms, total 242ms 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/dalvikvm: Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so 0xa4ff0e78 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/dalvikvm: Shared lib '/data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so' already loaded in same CL 0xa4ff0e78 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: subscription.title, [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylist.txt title=EasyList 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: subscription.homepage, [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylist.txt title=EasyList homepage=https://easylist.adblockplus.org/ 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: subscription.title, [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/abpindo+easylist.txt title=ABPindo+EasyList 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: subscription.homepage, [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/abpindo+easylist.txt title=ABPindo+EasyList homepage=http://abpindo.blogspot.com/ 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: subscription.title, [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/bulgarian_list+easylist.txt title=Bulgarian list+EasyList 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: subscription.homepage, [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/bulgarian_list+easylist.txt title=Bulgarian list+EasyList homepage=http://stanev.org/abp/ 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: subscription.title, [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylistchina+easylist.txt title=EasyList China+EasyList 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: subscription.homepage, [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylistchina+easylist.txt title=EasyList China+EasyList homepage=http://abpchina.org/forum/ 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: subscription.title, [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylistczechslovak+easylist.txt title=EasyList Czech and Slovak+EasyList 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: subscription.homepage, [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylistczechslovak+easylist.txt title=EasyList Czech and Slovak+EasyList homepage=http://adblock.sk/ 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: subscription.title, [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylistdutch+easylist.txt title=EasyList Dutch+EasyList 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: subscription.homepage, [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylistdutch+easylist.txt title=EasyList Dutch+EasyList homepage=https://easylist.adblockplus.org/ 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: subscription.title, [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylistgermany+easylist.txt title=EasyList Germany+EasyList 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: subscription.homepage, [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylistgermany+easylist.txt title=EasyList Germany+EasyList homepage=https://easylist.adblockplus.org/ 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: subscription.title, [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/israellist+easylist.txt title=EasyList Hebrew+EasyList 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: subscription.homepage, [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/israellist+easylist.txt title=EasyList Hebrew+EasyList homepage=https://github.com/ABPIsrael/EasyListHebrew 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: subscription.title, [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylistitaly+easylist.txt title=EasyList Italy+EasyList 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: subscription.homepage, [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylistitaly+easylist.txt title=EasyList Italy+EasyList homepage=https://easylist.adblockplus.org/ 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: subscription.title, [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylistlithuania+easylist.txt title=EasyList Lithuania+EasyList 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: subscription.homepage, [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylistlithuania+easylist.txt title=EasyList Lithuania+EasyList homepage=http://margevicius.lt/ 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: subscription.title, [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/latvianlist+easylist.txt title=Latvian List+EasyList 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: subscription.homepage, [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/latvianlist+easylist.txt title=Latvian List+EasyList homepage=https://notabug.org/latvian-list/adblock-latvian 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: subscription.title, [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/liste_ar+liste_fr+easylist.txt title=Liste AR+Liste FR+EasyList 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: subscription.homepage, [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/liste_ar+liste_fr+easylist.txt title=Liste AR+Liste FR+EasyList homepage=https://code.google.com/p/liste-ar-adblock/ 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: subscription.title, [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/liste_fr+easylist.txt title=Liste FR+EasyList 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: subscription.homepage, [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/liste_fr+easylist.txt title=Liste FR+EasyList homepage=http://adblock-listefr.com/ 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: subscription.title, [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/rolist+easylist.txt title=ROList+EasyList 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: subscription.homepage, [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/rolist+easylist.txt title=ROList+EasyList homepage=http://www.zoso.ro/rolist 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/dalvikvm: Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so 0xa4ff0e78 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/dalvikvm: Shared lib '/data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so' already loaded in same CL 0xa4ff0e78 11-01 01:55:28.340 1842-1842 D/Adblock: Adblock engine created 11-01 01:55:28.360 1842-1842 D/Adblock: Applying saved adblock settings to adblock engine 11-01 01:55:28.420 1842-1842 W/EGL_emulation: eglSurfaceAttrib not implemented 11-01 01:55:28.420 1842-1842 D/OpenGLRenderer: Enabling debug mode 0 11-01 01:55:28.430 1842-1842 W/AwContents: nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color. 11-01 01:55:28.530 1276-1290 I/ActivityManager: Displayed org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp/.MainActivity: +2s701ms 11-01 01:55:28.540 1842-1842 W/AwContents: nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color. 11-01 01:55:28.690 1333-1333 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2845K, 63% free 7276K/19580K, paused 38ms, total 49ms 11-01 01:55:29.530 1276-1586 D/ConnectivityService: [CheckMp] isMobileOk: X result=0 11-01 01:55:29.530 1276-1276 D/ConnectivityService: [CheckMp] onPostExecute: result=0 11-01 01:55:29.530 1276-1276 D/ConnectivityService: CheckMp.onComplete: result=0 11-01 01:55:29.530 1276-1276 D/ConnectivityService: CheckMp.onComplete: ignore, connected or no connection 11-01 01:55:29.600 1842-1842 W/AwContents: nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color. 11-01 01:55:29.620 1842-1842 W/AwContents: nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color. 11-01 01:55:29.630 1842-1842 W/AwContents: nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color. 11-01 01:55:29.650 1842-1842 W/AwContents: nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color. 11-01 01:55:29.670 1842-1842 W/AwContents: nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color. 11-01 01:55:29.680 1842-1842 W/AwContents: nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color. 11-01 01:55:29.700 1842-1842 W/AwContents: nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color. 11-01 01:55:29.720 1842-1842 W/AwContents: nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color. 11-01 01:55:29.730 1842-1842 W/AwContents: nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color. 11-01 01:55:29.750 1842-1842 W/AwContents: nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color. 11-01 01:55:29.830 1842-1890 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: save 11-01 01:55:30.080 1842-1842 W/AwContents: nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color. 11-01 01:55:30.100 1842-1842 W/AwContents: nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color. 11-01 01:55:31.540 1276-1291 I/ActivityManager: Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{a5354348 u0 com.android.calendar/.alerts.InitAlarmsService} 11-01 01:55:46.570 1685-1707 D/InitAlarmsService: Clearing and rescheduling alarms. 11-01 01:56:09.221 1276-1451 I/MediaFocusControl: AudioFocus abandonAudioFocus() from android.media.AudioManager@a4ffb6a8com.android.music.MediaPlaybackService$3@a4ffa5a8 [ 11-01 01:56:11.051 1276: 1385 D/ ] Setting time of day to sec=1477979773 11-01 01:56:11.051 1276-1322 D/ConnectivityService: Sampling interval elapsed, updating statistics .. 11-01 01:56:11.051 1276-1322 D/ConnectivityService: Done. 11-01 01:56:11.051 1276-1322 D/ConnectivityService: Setting timer for 720seconds 11-01 01:56:13.399 1564-1703 I/AlarmClock: Displaying next alarm time: '' 11-01 01:56:28.979 1842-1874 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: subscription.lastCheck, [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/ruadlist+easylist.txt title=RuAdList+EasyList fixedTitle=true homepage=https://forums.lanik.us/viewforum.php?f=102 lastDownload=1477388022 downloadStatus=synchronize_ok lastSuccess=1477388022 lastCheck=1477979789 expires=1478079222 softExpiration=1478205681 version=201610250931 requiredVersion=2.0 downloadCount=1 11-01 01:56:28.979 1842-1874 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: subscription.lastCheck, [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/exceptionrules.txt title=Allow non-intrusive advertising fixedTitle=true lastDownload=1477913768 downloadStatus=synchronize_ok lastSuccess=1477913768 lastCheck=1477979789 expires=1478086568 softExpiration=1477995769 version=201610311131 requiredVersion=2.0 downloadCount=1 11-01 01:56:30.369 1842-2407 D/AdblockEngine: Filter changed: save 11-01 01:56:36.359 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:56:36.359 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:56:36.359 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:56:36.359 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:56:36.359 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:56:36.359 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:56:36.359 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:56:36.359 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:56:36.359 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:56:36.359 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:56:36.359 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressStandard.ogg 11-01 01:56:36.359 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressStandard.ogg 11-01 01:56:36.359 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressSpacebar.ogg 11-01 01:56:36.359 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressSpacebar.ogg 11-01 01:56:36.359 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressDelete.ogg 11-01 01:56:36.359 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressDelete.ogg 11-01 01:56:36.359 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressReturn.ogg 11-01 01:56:36.359 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressReturn.ogg 11-01 01:56:36.359 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressInvalid.ogg 11-01 01:56:36.359 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressInvalid.ogg 11-01 01:56:36.359 1276-1327 W/AudioService: onLoadSoundEffects(), Error -1 while loading samples 11-01 01:56:37.899 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Loading progress=0% 11-01 01:56:37.899 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Injecting script 11-01 01:56:37.899 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: runScript started 11-01 01:56:37.899 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: runScript finished 11-01 01:56:37.909 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=true for http://www.google.com/ 11-01 01:56:37.909 1842-1862 W/AdblockWebView: http://www.google.com/ is main frame, allow loading 11-01 01:56:37.909 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Start loading http://www.google.com/ 11-01 01:56:37.909 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Extracted domain www.google.com from http://www.google.com/ 11-01 01:56:37.929 1842-2533 D/AdblockWebView: Listed subscriptions: 2 11-01 01:56:37.929 1842-2533 D/AdblockWebView: Subscribed to [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/ruadlist+easylist.txt title=RuAdList+EasyList fixedTitle=true homepage=https://forums.lanik.us/viewforum.php?f=102 lastDownload=1477388022 downloadStatus=synchronize_ok lastSuccess=1477388022 lastCheck=1477979789 expires=1478079222 softExpiration=1478205681 version=201610250931 requiredVersion=2.0 downloadCount=1 11-01 01:56:37.929 1842-2533 D/AdblockWebView: Subscribed to [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/exceptionrules.txt title=Allow non-intrusive advertising fixedTitle=true lastDownload=1477913768 downloadStatus=synchronize_ok lastSuccess=1477913768 lastCheck=1477979789 expires=1478086568 softExpiration=1477995769 version=201610311131 requiredVersion=2.0 downloadCount=1 11-01 01:56:37.929 1842-2533 D/AdblockWebView: Requesting elemhide selectors from AdblockEngine for http://www.google.com/ in Thread[Thread-92,5,main] 11-01 01:56:37.939 1842-2533 D/AdblockWebView: Finished requesting elemhide selectors, got 0 in Thread[Thread-92,5,main] 11-01 01:56:37.939 1842-2533 D/AdblockWebView: Setting elemhide string 2 bytes 11-01 01:56:37.939 1842-2533 W/AdblockWebView: elemHideThread set to null 11-01 01:56:38.199 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:38.199 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:38.239 1842-1842 I/chromium: [INFO:async_pixel_transfer_manager_android.cc(56)] Async pixel transfers not supported 11-01 01:56:38.239 1842-1842 E/chromium: [ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder_autogen.h(1144)] [GroupMarkerNotSet(crbug.com/242999)!:88033DB9]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_OPERATION : GetIntegerv: <- error from previous GL command 11-01 01:56:38.349 1842-1842 I/chromium: [INFO:async_pixel_transfer_manager_android.cc(56)] Async pixel transfers not supported 11-01 01:56:38.349 1842-1842 E/chromium: [ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder_autogen.h(1144)] [GroupMarkerNotSet(crbug.com/242999)!:984651B9]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_OPERATION : GetIntegerv: <- error from previous GL command 11-01 01:56:38.429 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:38.449 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:38.479 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:38.579 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:38.629 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Stop abp loading 11-01 01:56:38.629 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Stop prevent drawing, invalidating 11-01 01:56:38.629 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Clearing referrers 11-01 01:56:38.629 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Start loading http://www.google.ru/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=li4YWPH4C5WDtAGpz6a4Ag 11-01 01:56:38.629 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Extracted domain www.google.ru from http://www.google.ru/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=li4YWPH4C5WDtAGpz6a4Ag 11-01 01:56:38.629 1842-2550 D/AdblockWebView: Listed subscriptions: 2 11-01 01:56:38.629 1842-2550 D/AdblockWebView: Subscribed to [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/ruadlist+easylist.txt title=RuAdList+EasyList fixedTitle=true homepage=https://forums.lanik.us/viewforum.php?f=102 lastDownload=1477388022 downloadStatus=synchronize_ok lastSuccess=1477388022 lastCheck=1477979789 expires=1478079222 softExpiration=1478205681 version=201610250931 requiredVersion=2.0 downloadCount=1 11-01 01:56:38.639 1842-2550 D/AdblockWebView: Subscribed to [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/exceptionrules.txt title=Allow non-intrusive advertising fixedTitle=true lastDownload=1477913768 downloadStatus=synchronize_ok lastSuccess=1477913768 lastCheck=1477979789 expires=1478086568 softExpiration=1477995769 version=201610311131 requiredVersion=2.0 downloadCount=1 11-01 01:56:38.639 1842-2550 D/AdblockWebView: Requesting elemhide selectors from AdblockEngine for http://www.google.ru/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=li4YWPH4C5WDtAGpz6a4Ag in Thread[Thread-94,5,main] 11-01 01:56:38.669 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:38.699 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:38.709 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:38.719 1842-2550 D/AdblockWebView: Finished requesting elemhide selectors, got 0 in Thread[Thread-94,5,main] 11-01 01:56:38.719 1842-2550 D/AdblockWebView: Setting elemhide string 2 bytes 11-01 01:56:38.719 1842-2550 W/AdblockWebView: elemHideThread set to null 11-01 01:56:40.249 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Stop abp loading 11-01 01:56:40.249 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Stop prevent drawing, invalidating 11-01 01:56:40.249 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Clearing referrers 11-01 01:56:40.249 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Start loading https://www.google.ru/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=li4YWPH4C5WDtAGpz6a4Ag&gws_rd=ssl 11-01 01:56:40.249 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Extracted domain www.google.ru from https://www.google.ru/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=li4YWPH4C5WDtAGpz6a4Ag&gws_rd=ssl 11-01 01:56:40.259 1842-2571 D/AdblockWebView: Listed subscriptions: 2 11-01 01:56:40.259 1842-2571 D/AdblockWebView: Subscribed to [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/ruadlist+easylist.txt title=RuAdList+EasyList fixedTitle=true homepage=https://forums.lanik.us/viewforum.php?f=102 lastDownload=1477388022 downloadStatus=synchronize_ok lastSuccess=1477388022 lastCheck=1477979789 expires=1478079222 softExpiration=1478205681 version=201610250931 requiredVersion=2.0 downloadCount=1 11-01 01:56:40.259 1842-2571 D/AdblockWebView: Subscribed to [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/exceptionrules.txt title=Allow non-intrusive advertising fixedTitle=true lastDownload=1477913768 downloadStatus=synchronize_ok lastSuccess=1477913768 lastCheck=1477979789 expires=1478086568 softExpiration=1477995769 version=201610311131 requiredVersion=2.0 downloadCount=1 11-01 01:56:40.259 1842-2571 D/AdblockWebView: Requesting elemhide selectors from AdblockEngine for https://www.google.ru/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=li4YWPH4C5WDtAGpz6a4Ag&gws_rd=ssl in Thread[Thread-95,5,main] 11-01 01:56:40.259 1842-2571 D/AdblockWebView: Finished requesting elemhide selectors, got 0 in Thread[Thread-95,5,main] 11-01 01:56:40.259 1842-2571 D/AdblockWebView: Setting elemhide string 2 bytes 11-01 01:56:40.259 1842-2571 W/AdblockWebView: elemHideThread set to null 11-01 01:56:40.269 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:40.269 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:40.279 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:40.819 1842-2539 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 713K, 12% free 5969K/6736K, paused 4ms, total 7ms 11-01 01:56:41.209 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Loading progress=76% 11-01 01:56:41.209 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Injecting script 11-01 01:56:41.209 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: runScript started 11-01 01:56:41.219 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: runScript finished 11-01 01:56:41.219 1842-1842 W/AdblockWebView: Start prevent drawing 11-01 01:56:41.259 1842-2510 D/AdblockWebView: addDomListener=false 11-01 01:56:41.359 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://www.google.ru/images/hpp/gsa_super_g-64.gif 11-01 01:56:41.399 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading https://www.google.ru/images/hpp/gsa_super_g-64.gif 11-01 01:56:41.399 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Loading progress=50% 11-01 01:56:41.459 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/qi2_00ed8ca1.png 11-01 01:56:41.459 1842-1862 W/AdblockWebView: https://ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/qi2_00ed8ca1.png document is whitelisted, allow loading 11-01 01:56:41.489 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://www.google.ru/images/branding/googlelogo/2x/googlelogo_color_160x56dp.png 11-01 01:56:41.499 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading https://www.google.ru/images/branding/googlelogo/2x/googlelogo_color_160x56dp.png 11-01 01:56:41.519 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://www.google.ru/images/nav_logo242_hr.png 11-01 01:56:41.519 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading https://www.google.ru/images/nav_logo242_hr.png 11-01 01:56:41.649 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://www.gstatic.com/og/_/js/k=og.mob.en_US.13l7Y9VMp8I.O/rt=j/m=md/exm=mih,mab,meb/d=1/ed=1/rs=AA2YrTtq4g2g2dpnj_pAkLQbvhUOe_M60w 11-01 01:56:41.649 1842-1862 W/AdblockWebView: https://www.gstatic.com/og/_/js/k=og.mob.en_US.13l7Y9VMp8I.O/rt=j/m=md/exm=mih,mab,meb/d=1/ed=1/rs=AA2YrTtq4g2g2dpnj_pAkLQbvhUOe_M60w document is whitelisted, allow loading 11-01 01:56:41.669 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: JS: level=LOG, message="onreadystatechange() event fired (interactive)", sourceId="", line=43 11-01 01:56:41.669 1842-1842 I/chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(43)] "onreadystatechange() event fired (interactive)", source: (43) 11-01 01:56:41.699 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: JS: level=LOG, message="starting injecting css rules", sourceId="", line=12 11-01 01:56:41.699 1842-1842 I/chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(12)] "starting injecting css rules", source: (12) 11-01 01:56:41.709 1842-2510 D/AdblockWebView: Waiting for elemhide selectors to be ready 11-01 01:56:41.709 1842-2510 D/AdblockWebView: Elemhide selectors ready, 2 bytes 11-01 01:56:41.709 1842-2510 D/AdblockWebView: Clearing referrers 11-01 01:56:41.719 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: JS: level=LOG, message="parsed selectors: 0", sourceId="", line=14 11-01 01:56:41.719 1842-1842 I/chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(14)] "parsed selectors: 0", source: (14) 11-01 01:56:41.729 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: JS: level=LOG, message="finished injecting css rules", sourceId="", line=30 11-01 01:56:41.729 1842-1842 I/chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(30)] "finished injecting css rules", source: (30) 11-01 01:56:41.739 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Stop prevent drawing, invalidating 11-01 01:56:41.769 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:41.769 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:41.789 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:41.789 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://www.google.ru/xjs/_/js/k=xjs.qs.ru.tzdZIgZrgPM.O/m=sx,c,sb_mob,bct,cdos,elog,hsm,jsa,mbsf,r,qsm,d,csi/am=AIG2TGDBAGCDZAn5FBACKAE/rt=j/d=1/t=zcms/rs=ACT90oFxHNcxblgu7G5wQRafY_KQYEekzQ 11-01 01:56:41.799 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading https://www.google.ru/xjs/_/js/k=xjs.qs.ru.tzdZIgZrgPM.O/m=sx,c,sb_mob,bct,cdos,elog,hsm,jsa,mbsf,r,qsm,d,csi/am=AIG2TGDBAGCDZAn5FBACKAE/rt=j/d=1/t=zcms/rs=ACT90oFxHNcxblgu7G5wQRafY_KQYEekzQ 11-01 01:56:41.799 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: JS: level=LOG, message="DOMContentLoaded() event fired", sourceId="", line=60 11-01 01:56:41.799 1842-1842 I/chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(60)] "DOMContentLoaded() event fired", source: (60) 11-01 01:56:41.799 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: JS: level=LOG, message="already hidden, exiting", sourceId="", line=6 11-01 01:56:41.799 1842-1842 I/chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(6)] "already hidden, exiting", source: (6) 11-01 01:56:41.809 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Loading progress=58% 11-01 01:56:41.879 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:41.879 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:41.889 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:41.929 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:41.929 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:42.169 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:42.179 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Loading progress=72% 11-01 01:56:42.199 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Loading progress=73% 11-01 01:56:42.729 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://www.google.ru/xjs/_/js/k=xjs.qs.ru.tzdZIgZrgPM.O/m=sy7,sy13,em2,sy12,aa,abd,sy65,sy64,sy63,sy67,em10,async,sy282,sy334,sy333,dvl,sy425,foot,ipv6,shm,sy130,sy54,sy99,sy122,sy353,mhp,sy74,sy518,qmp/am=AIG2TGDBAGCDZAn5FBACKAE/rt=j/d=0/t=zcms/rs=ACT90oFxHNcxblgu7G5wQRafY_KQYEekzQ 11-01 01:56:42.739 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading https://www.google.ru/xjs/_/js/k=xjs.qs.ru.tzdZIgZrgPM.O/m=sy7,sy13,em2,sy12,aa,abd,sy65,sy64,sy63,sy67,em10,async,sy282,sy334,sy333,dvl,sy425,foot,ipv6,shm,sy130,sy54,sy99,sy122,sy353,mhp,sy74,sy518,qmp/am=AIG2TGDBAGCDZAn5FBACKAE/rt=j/d=0/t=zcms/rs=ACT90oFxHNcxblgu7G5wQRafY_KQYEekzQ 11-01 01:56:42.749 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Loading progress=89% 11-01 01:56:42.949 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:42.949 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:42.959 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:42.979 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:42.979 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:43.019 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:43.029 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Loading progress=89% 11-01 01:56:43.049 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Loading progress=100% 11-01 01:56:43.099 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:43.099 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:43.099 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:43.169 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://www.google.ru/images/branding/product/ico/googleg_lodp.ico 11-01 01:56:43.179 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading https://www.google.ru/images/branding/product/ico/googleg_lodp.ico 11-01 01:56:43.229 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: JS: level=LOG, message="onreadystatechange() event fired (complete)", sourceId="", line=43 11-01 01:56:43.229 1842-1842 I/chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(43)] "onreadystatechange() event fired (complete)", source: (43) 11-01 01:56:43.239 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: JS: level=LOG, message="load() event fired", sourceId="", line=53 11-01 01:56:43.239 1842-1842 I/chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(53)] "load() event fired", source: (53) 11-01 01:56:43.249 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: JS: level=LOG, message="already hidden, exiting", sourceId="", line=6 11-01 01:56:43.249 1842-1842 I/chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(6)] "already hidden, exiting", source: (6) 11-01 01:56:43.259 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://www.google.ru/images/nav_logo242.png 11-01 01:56:43.259 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading https://www.google.ru/images/nav_logo242.png 11-01 01:56:43.329 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://www.google.ru/gen_204?v=3&s=mobilewebhp&atyp=csi&ei=mC4YWJaIOsK56ATT1rZA&imc=2&imn=2&imp=2&adh=&xjs=init.174.13.sb_mob.125.dvl.16.c.9.bbd.8.jsa.5&ima=1&rt=xjsls.273,prt.282,iml.562,dcl.449,xjses.971,xjsee.1394,xjs.1394,ol.1939,aft.562,wsrt.3427,cst.532,dnst.1,rqst.461,rspt.98,sslt.527,rqstt.2930,unt.2351,cstt.2397,dit.3763 11-01 01:56:43.329 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading https://www.google.ru/gen_204?v=3&s=mobilewebhp&atyp=csi&ei=mC4YWJaIOsK56ATT1rZA&imc=2&imn=2&imp=2&adh=&xjs=init.174.13.sb_mob.125.dvl.16.c.9.bbd.8.jsa.5&ima=1&rt=xjsls.273,prt.282,iml.562,dcl.449,xjses.971,xjsee.1394,xjs.1394,ol.1939,aft.562,wsrt.3427,cst.532,dnst.1,rqst.461,rspt.98,sslt.527,rqstt.2930,unt.2351,cstt.2397,dit.3763 11-01 01:56:43.339 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://www.gstatic.com/og/_/ss/k=og.mob.-18zaq5oqnzeth.L.W.O/m=md/excm=mih,mab,meb/d=1/ed=1/rs=AA2YrTuQuoNhb6JP9G2FFeYhIHs0jRbxdw 11-01 01:56:43.349 1842-1862 W/AdblockWebView: https://www.gstatic.com/og/_/ss/k=og.mob.-18zaq5oqnzeth.L.W.O/m=md/excm=mih,mab,meb/d=1/ed=1/rs=AA2YrTuQuoNhb6JP9G2FFeYhIHs0jRbxdw document is whitelisted, allow loading 11-01 01:56:43.489 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:43.489 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:43.609 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:43.779 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://www.google.ru/gen_204?atyp=i&ct=14&cad=i&ogsr=1&id=19000275&ic=2&ogd=google.ru&ogprm=up&vet=10ahUKEwiWtJXo74bQAhXCHJoKHVOrDQgQjW0IAQ.mC4YWJaIOsK56ATT1rZA.s&vis=1&ei=mC4YWJaIOsK56ATT1rZA&zx=1477979803776 11-01 01:56:43.779 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading https://www.google.ru/gen_204?atyp=i&ct=14&cad=i&ogsr=1&id=19000275&ic=2&ogd=google.ru&ogprm=up&vet=10ahUKEwiWtJXo74bQAhXCHJoKHVOrDQgQjW0IAQ.mC4YWJaIOsK56ATT1rZA.s&vis=1&ei=mC4YWJaIOsK56ATT1rZA&zx=1477979803776 11-01 01:56:43.829 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:43.839 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:43.849 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:43.869 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:43.869 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:43.979 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:44.089 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:44.089 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:44.089 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:44.099 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:44.099 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:44.139 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:44.179 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:44.179 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:44.189 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:44.429 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:44.429 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:44.439 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:44.479 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:44.479 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:44.489 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:44.519 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:44.519 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:44.549 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:44.599 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:44.599 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:44.619 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:44.659 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:44.669 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:44.709 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:44.779 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:44.779 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:44.829 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:44.869 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:44.869 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:44.909 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:44.969 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:44.969 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:44.989 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:45.019 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:45.029 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:45.059 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:45.089 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:45.089 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:45.129 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:45.199 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:45.199 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:45.229 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:45.279 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:45.279 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:45.289 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:45.389 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:45.389 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:45.409 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:45.469 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:45.469 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:45.509 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:45.529 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:45.529 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:45.579 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:45.629 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:45.629 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:45.679 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:45.759 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:45.759 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:45.799 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:45.889 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:45.889 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:45.909 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:45.969 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:45.969 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:46.009 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:46.069 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:46.069 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:46.109 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:46.149 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:46.159 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:46.189 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:46.219 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:46.219 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:46.249 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:46.319 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://www.google.ru/gen_204?atyp=i&ct=14&cad=v&ogsr=1&id=19000275&ic=2&ogd=google.ru&ogprm=up&ei=mC4YWJaIOsK56ATT1rZA&zx=1477979806323 11-01 01:56:46.319 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading https://www.google.ru/gen_204?atyp=i&ct=14&cad=v&ogsr=1&id=19000275&ic=2&ogd=google.ru&ogprm=up&ei=mC4YWJaIOsK56ATT1rZA&zx=1477979806323 11-01 01:56:46.349 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://www.google.ru/gen_204?atyp=i&ct=14&cad=d&ogsr=1&id=19000275&ic=2&ogd=google.ru&ogprm=up&vet=10ahUKEwiWtJXo74bQAhXCHJoKHVOrDQgQjW0IAQ.mC4YWJaIOsK56ATT1rZA.h&ved=0ahUKEwiWtJXo74bQAhXCHJoKHVOrDQgQj20IAg&ei=mC4YWJaIOsK56ATT1rZA&zx=1477979806353 11-01 01:56:46.349 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading https://www.google.ru/gen_204?atyp=i&ct=14&cad=d&ogsr=1&id=19000275&ic=2&ogd=google.ru&ogprm=up&vet=10ahUKEwiWtJXo74bQAhXCHJoKHVOrDQgQjW0IAQ.mC4YWJaIOsK56ATT1rZA.h&ved=0ahUKEwiWtJXo74bQAhXCHJoKHVOrDQgQj20IAg&ei=mC4YWJaIOsK56ATT1rZA&zx=1477979806353 11-01 01:56:46.549 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:46.549 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:46.579 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:48.749 1276-1525 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 852K, 15% free 6012K/7040K, paused 9ms, total 16ms 11-01 01:56:48.749 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:48.759 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:48.769 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:48.809 1842-1842 W/EGL_emulation: eglSurfaceAttrib not implemented 11-01 01:56:49.249 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:49.249 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:49.269 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:50.759 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:50.759 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:50.769 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:50.809 1842-1842 W/EGL_emulation: eglSurfaceAttrib not implemented 11-01 01:56:50.829 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:50.829 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:50.839 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:50.919 1842-1842 W/EGL_emulation: eglSurfaceAttrib not implemented 11-01 01:56:50.919 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:50.919 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:50.989 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:51.149 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:51.159 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:51.169 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:51.629 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:51.629 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:51.649 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:54.009 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Loading progress=0% 11-01 01:56:54.009 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Start loading http://e1.ru/ 11-01 01:56:54.009 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Extracted domain e1.ru from http://e1.ru/ 11-01 01:56:54.009 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=true for http://e1.ru/ 11-01 01:56:54.009 1842-1862 W/AdblockWebView: http://e1.ru/ is main frame, allow loading 11-01 01:56:54.039 1842-2774 D/AdblockWebView: Listed subscriptions: 2 11-01 01:56:54.039 1842-2774 D/AdblockWebView: Subscribed to [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/ruadlist+easylist.txt title=RuAdList+EasyList fixedTitle=true homepage=https://forums.lanik.us/viewforum.php?f=102 lastDownload=1477388022 downloadStatus=synchronize_ok lastSuccess=1477388022 lastCheck=1477979789 expires=1478079222 softExpiration=1478205681 version=201610250931 requiredVersion=2.0 downloadCount=1 11-01 01:56:54.039 1842-2774 D/AdblockWebView: Subscribed to [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/exceptionrules.txt title=Allow non-intrusive advertising fixedTitle=true lastDownload=1477913768 downloadStatus=synchronize_ok lastSuccess=1477913768 lastCheck=1477979789 expires=1478086568 softExpiration=1477995769 version=201610311131 requiredVersion=2.0 downloadCount=1 11-01 01:56:54.039 1842-2774 D/AdblockWebView: Requesting elemhide selectors from AdblockEngine for http://e1.ru/ in Thread[Thread-97,5,main] 11-01 01:56:54.049 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:54.049 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:54.059 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:54.069 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:56:54.069 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:56:54.069 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:56:54.069 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:56:54.069 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:56:54.069 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:56:54.069 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:56:54.069 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:56:54.069 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:56:54.069 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:56:54.069 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressStandard.ogg 11-01 01:56:54.069 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressStandard.ogg 11-01 01:56:54.069 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressSpacebar.ogg 11-01 01:56:54.069 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressSpacebar.ogg 11-01 01:56:54.069 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressDelete.ogg 11-01 01:56:54.069 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressDelete.ogg 11-01 01:56:54.069 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressReturn.ogg 11-01 01:56:54.069 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressReturn.ogg 11-01 01:56:54.069 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressInvalid.ogg 11-01 01:56:54.069 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressInvalid.ogg 11-01 01:56:54.069 1276-1327 W/AudioService: onLoadSoundEffects(), Error -1 while loading samples 11-01 01:56:54.179 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Stop abp loading 11-01 01:56:54.179 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Stop prevent drawing, invalidating 11-01 01:56:54.179 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Clearing referrers 11-01 01:56:54.179 1842-1842 W/AdblockWebView: Cancelling elemhide thread Thread[Thread-97,5,main] 11-01 01:56:54.179 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Setting elemhide string 2 bytes 11-01 01:56:54.179 1842-1842 W/AdblockWebView: elemHideThread set to null 11-01 01:56:54.179 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Start loading http://www.e1.ru/ 11-01 01:56:54.449 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Extracted domain www.e1.ru from http://www.e1.ru/ 11-01 01:56:54.459 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:54.459 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:54.469 1842-2780 D/AdblockWebView: Listed subscriptions: 2 11-01 01:56:54.469 1842-2780 D/AdblockWebView: Subscribed to [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/ruadlist+easylist.txt title=RuAdList+EasyList fixedTitle=true homepage=https://forums.lanik.us/viewforum.php?f=102 lastDownload=1477388022 downloadStatus=synchronize_ok lastSuccess=1477388022 lastCheck=1477979789 expires=1478079222 softExpiration=1478205681 version=201610250931 requiredVersion=2.0 downloadCount=1 11-01 01:56:54.469 1842-2780 D/AdblockWebView: Subscribed to [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/exceptionrules.txt title=Allow non-intrusive advertising fixedTitle=true lastDownload=1477913768 downloadStatus=synchronize_ok lastSuccess=1477913768 lastCheck=1477979789 expires=1478086568 softExpiration=1477995769 version=201610311131 requiredVersion=2.0 downloadCount=1 11-01 01:56:54.479 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:54.479 1842-2780 D/AdblockWebView: Requesting elemhide selectors from AdblockEngine for http://www.e1.ru/ in Thread[Thread-98,5,main] 11-01 01:56:54.539 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Stop abp loading 11-01 01:56:54.539 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Stop prevent drawing, invalidating 11-01 01:56:54.539 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Clearing referrers 11-01 01:56:54.539 1842-1842 W/AdblockWebView: Cancelling elemhide thread Thread[Thread-98,5,main] 11-01 01:56:54.539 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Setting elemhide string 2 bytes 11-01 01:56:54.539 1842-1842 W/AdblockWebView: elemHideThread set to null 11-01 01:56:54.539 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Start loading http://m.e1.ru/ 11-01 01:56:54.599 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Extracted domain m.e1.ru from http://m.e1.ru/ 11-01 01:56:54.609 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:54.619 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:54.649 1842-2786 D/AdblockWebView: Listed subscriptions: 2 11-01 01:56:54.649 1842-2786 D/AdblockWebView: Subscribed to [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/ruadlist+easylist.txt title=RuAdList+EasyList fixedTitle=true homepage=https://forums.lanik.us/viewforum.php?f=102 lastDownload=1477388022 downloadStatus=synchronize_ok lastSuccess=1477388022 lastCheck=1477979789 expires=1478079222 softExpiration=1478205681 version=201610250931 requiredVersion=2.0 downloadCount=1 11-01 01:56:54.649 1842-2786 D/AdblockWebView: Subscribed to [Subscription] url=https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/exceptionrules.txt title=Allow non-intrusive advertising fixedTitle=true lastDownload=1477913768 downloadStatus=synchronize_ok lastSuccess=1477913768 lastCheck=1477979789 expires=1478086568 softExpiration=1477995769 version=201610311131 requiredVersion=2.0 downloadCount=1 11-01 01:56:54.649 1842-2786 D/AdblockWebView: Requesting elemhide selectors from AdblockEngine for http://m.e1.ru/ in Thread[Thread-99,5,main] 11-01 01:56:54.669 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:54.859 1842-2780 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 396K, 7% free 6607K/7056K, paused 15ms, total 16ms 11-01 01:56:54.919 1842-2774 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 157K, 3% free 7684K/7904K, paused 3ms, total 3ms 11-01 01:56:54.969 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Loading progress=81% 11-01 01:56:54.969 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Injecting script 11-01 01:56:54.969 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: runScript started 11-01 01:56:54.969 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: runScript finished 11-01 01:56:54.969 1842-1842 W/AdblockWebView: Start prevent drawing 11-01 01:56:55.029 1842-2780 D/AdblockWebView: Finished requesting elemhide selectors, got 17636 in Thread[Thread-98,5,main] 11-01 01:56:55.059 1842-2780 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 179K, 3% free 9089K/9336K, paused 3ms, total 6ms 11-01 01:56:55.109 1842-2774 D/AdblockWebView: Finished requesting elemhide selectors, got 17636 in Thread[Thread-97,5,main] 11-01 01:56:55.129 1842-2780 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 741K, 8% free 10262K/11076K, paused 10ms, total 10ms 11-01 01:56:55.209 1842-2780 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1112K, 10% free 11045K/12232K, paused 22ms, total 22ms 11-01 01:56:55.249 1842-2774 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 622K, 9% free 11746K/12880K, paused 7ms, total 7ms 11-01 01:56:55.259 1842-2780 W/AdblockWebView: This thread is cancelled, exiting silently Thread[Thread-98,5,main] 11-01 01:56:55.259 1842-2786 D/AdblockWebView: Finished requesting elemhide selectors, got 17636 in Thread[Thread-99,5,main] 11-01 01:56:55.279 1842-2774 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 3441K, 27% free 9864K/13508K, paused 13ms, total 13ms 11-01 01:56:55.299 1842-2510 D/AdblockWebView: addDomListener=false 11-01 01:56:55.309 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for http://m.e1.ru/static/css/styles.css?2 11-01 01:56:55.319 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Loading progress=50% 11-01 01:56:55.319 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading http://m.e1.ru/static/css/styles.css?2 11-01 01:56:55.319 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for http://m.e1.ru/static/js/jquery-1.11.3.min.js 11-01 01:56:55.339 1842-2774 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1289K, 23% free 10509K/13508K, paused 10ms, total 10ms 11-01 01:56:55.339 1842-2774 I/dalvikvm-heap: Grow heap (frag case) to 10.922MB for 639044-byte allocation 11-01 01:56:55.339 1842-2774 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 749K, 27% free 10383K/14136K, paused 2ms, total 3ms 11-01 01:56:55.339 1842-2774 W/AdblockWebView: This thread is cancelled, exiting silently Thread[Thread-97,5,main] 11-01 01:56:55.339 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading http://m.e1.ru/static/js/jquery-1.11.3.min.js 11-01 01:56:55.369 1842-2786 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2556K, 41% free 8475K/14136K, paused 9ms, total 10ms 11-01 01:56:55.369 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for http://m.e1.ru/static/js/script.js?1 11-01 01:56:55.369 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading http://m.e1.ru/static/js/script.js?1 11-01 01:56:55.379 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for http://m.e1.ru/static/js/jquery.bxslider.js 11-01 01:56:55.379 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading http://m.e1.ru/static/js/jquery.bxslider.js 11-01 01:56:55.389 1842-2786 D/AdblockWebView: Setting elemhide string 319516 bytes 11-01 01:56:55.389 1842-2786 W/AdblockWebView: elemHideThread set to null 11-01 01:56:55.409 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for http://m.e1.ru/static/js/iframe_api.js 11-01 01:56:55.409 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading http://m.e1.ru/static/js/iframe_api.js 11-01 01:56:55.419 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for http://m.e1.ru/static/js/jquery.cookie.js 11-01 01:56:55.419 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading http://m.e1.ru/static/js/jquery.cookie.js 11-01 01:56:55.419 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for http://m.e1.ru/static/js/detect.min.js 11-01 01:56:55.419 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading http://m.e1.ru/static/js/detect.min.js 11-01 01:56:55.429 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for http://reklama.ngs.ru/dohcohT2.js? 11-01 01:56:55.429 1842-1862 D/dalvikvm: Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so 0xa4ff0e78 11-01 01:56:55.429 1842-1862 D/dalvikvm: Shared lib '/data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so' already loaded in same CL 0xa4ff0e78 11-01 01:56:55.429 1842-1862 W/AdblockWebView: Blocked loading http://reklama.ngs.ru/dohcohT2.js? 11-01 01:56:55.429 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://cdn.onthe.io/io.js/Yzh7y6g8OYOm 11-01 01:56:55.429 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading https://cdn.onthe.io/io.js/Yzh7y6g8OYOm 11-01 01:56:55.579 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Loading progress=50% 11-01 01:56:55.839 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Loading progress=50% 11-01 01:56:55.989 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://s.ytimg.com/yts/jsbin/www-widgetapi-vflj6iRlI/www-widgetapi.js 11-01 01:56:55.989 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading https://s.ytimg.com/yts/jsbin/www-widgetapi-vflj6iRlI/www-widgetapi.js 11-01 01:56:56.039 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Loading progress=50% 11-01 01:56:56.039 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for http://www.googletagservices.com/tag/js/gpt.js 11-01 01:56:56.049 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading http://www.googletagservices.com/tag/js/gpt.js 11-01 01:56:56.159 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for http://www.google-analytics.com/ga.js 11-01 01:56:56.159 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading http://www.google-analytics.com/ga.js 11-01 01:56:56.169 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for http://counter.yadro.ru/hit;hsdigital/rn/smi/66/news?r;s384*592*32;uhttp%3A//m.e1.ru/;0.7640992710366845 11-01 01:56:56.169 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading http://counter.yadro.ru/hit;hsdigital/rn/smi/66/news?r;s384*592*32;uhttp%3A//m.e1.ru/;0.7640992710366845 11-01 01:56:56.259 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for http://counter.yadro.ru/hit;e1_ru?r;s384*592*32;uhttp%3A//m.e1.ru/;h%u0415%u043A%u0430%u0442%u0435%u0440%u0438%u043D%u0431%u0443%u0440%u0433%20%u041E%u043D-%u041B%u0430%u0439%u043D;0.14448730507865548 11-01 01:56:56.259 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading http://counter.yadro.ru/hit;e1_ru?r;s384*592*32;uhttp%3A//m.e1.ru/;h%u0415%u043A%u0430%u0442%u0435%u0440%u0438%u043D%u0431%u0443%u0440%u0433%20%u041E%u043D-%u041B%u0430%u0439%u043D;0.14448730507865548 11-01 01:56:56.279 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for http://mc.yandex.ru/metrika/watch.js 11-01 01:56:56.279 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading http://mc.yandex.ru/metrika/watch.js 11-01 01:56:56.289 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for http://www.tns-counter.ru/tcounter.js 11-01 01:56:56.309 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading http://www.tns-counter.ru/tcounter.js 11-01 01:56:56.309 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for http://m.e1.ru/static/img/logo_mobile.png 11-01 01:56:56.329 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading http://m.e1.ru/static/img/logo_mobile.png 11-01 01:56:56.349 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for http://m.e1.ru/static/img/iloader16.gif 11-01 01:56:56.349 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading http://m.e1.ru/static/img/iloader16.gif 11-01 01:56:56.409 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for 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01:56:59.569 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Stop prevent drawing, invalidating 11-01 01:56:59.599 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:56:59.599 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:56:59.629 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:56:59.629 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Loading progress=52% 11-01 01:56:59.719 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Loading progress=53% 11-01 01:56:59.879 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Loading progress=63% 11-01 01:57:00.299 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:57:00.299 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:57:00.299 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:57:00.319 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for 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11-01 01:57:01.109 1842-1862 W/AdblockWebView: Blocked loading https://mc.yandex.ru/metrika/advert.gif 11-01 01:57:01.159 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:57:01.199 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://mc.yandex.ru/watch/6874273?wmode=5&callback=_ymjsp578428401&page-url=http%3A%2F%2Fm.e1.ru%2F&browser-info=j%3A1%3As%3A384x592x32%3Ask%3A2%3Afpr%3A216613626101%3Acn%3A1%3Aw%3A384x416%3Az%3A-240%3Ai%3A20161101015700%3Aet%3A1477979821%3Aen%3Autf-8%3Av%3A729%3Ac%3A1%3Ala%3Aru-ru%3Apv%3A1%3Arn%3A431184938%3Ahid%3A738179539%3Ads%3A113%2C9%2C104%2C103%2C552%2C0%2C%2C3850%2C%2C%2C%2C%2C%3Ast%3A1477979821%3Au%3A1477979821733608820%3At%3A%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD 11-01 01:57:01.199 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading https://mc.yandex.ru/watch/6874273?wmode=5&callback=_ymjsp578428401&page-url=http%3A%2F%2Fm.e1.ru%2F&browser-info=j%3A1%3As%3A384x592x32%3Ask%3A2%3Afpr%3A216613626101%3Acn%3A1%3Aw%3A384x416%3Az%3A-240%3Ai%3A20161101015700%3Aet%3A1477979821%3Aen%3Autf-8%3Av%3A729%3Ac%3A1%3Ala%3Aru-ru%3Apv%3A1%3Arn%3A431184938%3Ahid%3A738179539%3Ads%3A113%2C9%2C104%2C103%2C552%2C0%2C%2C3850%2C%2C%2C%2C%2C%3Ast%3A1477979821%3Au%3A1477979821733608820%3At%3A%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD 11-01 01:57:01.239 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: JS: level=LOG, message="DOMContentLoaded() event fired", sourceId="", line=60 11-01 01:57:01.239 1842-1842 I/chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(60)] "DOMContentLoaded() event fired", source: (60) 11-01 01:57:01.279 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: JS: level=LOG, message="already hidden, exiting", sourceId="", line=6 11-01 01:57:01.279 1842-1842 I/chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(6)] "already hidden, exiting", source: (6) 11-01 01:57:01.299 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: JS: level=ERROR, message="Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'removeItem' of null", sourceId="http://m.e1.ru/static/js/script.js?1", line=1293 11-01 01:57:01.299 1842-1842 I/chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1293)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'removeItem' of null", source: http://m.e1.ru/static/js/script.js?1 (1293) 11-01 01:57:01.339 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Loading progress=88% 11-01 01:57:01.559 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for http://www.google-analytics.com/r/__utm.gif?utmwv=5.6.7&utms=1&utmn=1577196208&utmhn=m.e1.ru&utmcs=UTF-8&utmsr=384x592&utmvp=384x416&utmsc=32-bit&utmul=ru-ru&utmje=1&utmfl=-&utmdt=%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD&utmhid=738392452&utmr=-&utmp=%2F&utmht=1477979821548&utmac=UA-3975627-1&utmcc=__utma%3D224280135.615495316.1477979820.1477979820.1477979820.1%3B%2B__utmz%3D224280135.1477979820.1.1.utmcsr%3D(direct)%7Cutmccn%3D(direct)%7Cutmcmd%3D(none)%3B&utmjid=1255235681&utmredir=1&utmu=qAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAE~ 11-01 01:57:01.559 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading http://www.google-analytics.com/r/__utm.gif?utmwv=5.6.7&utms=1&utmn=1577196208&utmhn=m.e1.ru&utmcs=UTF-8&utmsr=384x592&utmvp=384x416&utmsc=32-bit&utmul=ru-ru&utmje=1&utmfl=-&utmdt=%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD&utmhid=738392452&utmr=-&utmp=%2F&utmht=1477979821548&utmac=UA-3975627-1&utmcc=__utma%3D224280135.615495316.1477979820.1477979820.1477979820.1%3B%2B__utmz%3D224280135.1477979820.1.1.utmcsr%3D(direct)%7Cutmccn%3D(direct)%7Cutmcmd%3D(none)%3B&utmjid=1255235681&utmredir=1&utmu=qAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAE~ 11-01 01:57:01.619 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Loading progress=89% 11-01 01:57:01.719 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:57:01.719 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:57:01.719 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:57:01.749 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Loading progress=89% 11-01 01:57:01.769 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:57:01.789 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:57:01.809 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:57:01.899 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:57:01.899 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:57:01.979 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:57:02.109 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for http://tpc.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-5/html/container.html 11-01 01:57:02.119 1842-1862 W/AdblockWebView: Blocked loading http://tpc.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-5/html/container.html 11-01 01:57:02.299 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://securepubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/ads?gdfp_req=1&correlator=1511887015510016&output=json_html&callback=callbackProxy&impl=fifs&json_a=1&eid=108809080%2C108809133%2C108809146&sc=0&sfv=1-0-5&iu_parts=81006599%2Chmiru-e1%2COblozkaVP%2CE1&enc_prev_ius=%2F0%2F1%2F2%2C%2F0%2F1%2F3&prev_iu_szs=300x90%2C300x200&cookie_enabled=1&lmt=1477994222&dt=1477979822214&cc=4&frm=20&biw=384&bih=416&oid=3&adxs=0%2C0&adys=0%2C0&adks=2408326318%2C2954829305&gut=v2&ifi=1&u_tz=-240&u_his=2&u_java=true&u_h=592&u_w=384&u_ah=592&u_aw=384&u_cd=32&u_sd=2&flash=0&url=http%3A%2F%2Fm.e1.ru%2F&dssz=32&icsg=2415853568&std=0&vrg=104&vrp=104&ga_vid=615495316.1477979820&ga_sid=1477979820&ga_hid=738392452&ga_fc=true 11-01 01:57:02.319 1842-1862 W/AdblockWebView: Blocked loading https://securepubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/ads?gdfp_req=1&correlator=1511887015510016&output=json_html&callback=callbackProxy&impl=fifs&json_a=1&eid=108809080%2C108809133%2C108809146&sc=0&sfv=1-0-5&iu_parts=81006599%2Chmiru-e1%2COblozkaVP%2CE1&enc_prev_ius=%2F0%2F1%2F2%2C%2F0%2F1%2F3&prev_iu_szs=300x90%2C300x200&cookie_enabled=1&lmt=1477994222&dt=1477979822214&cc=4&frm=20&biw=384&bih=416&oid=3&adxs=0%2C0&adys=0%2C0&adks=2408326318%2C2954829305&gut=v2&ifi=1&u_tz=-240&u_his=2&u_java=true&u_h=592&u_w=384&u_ah=592&u_aw=384&u_cd=32&u_sd=2&flash=0&url=http%3A%2F%2Fm.e1.ru%2F&dssz=32&icsg=2415853568&std=0&vrg=104&vrp=104&ga_vid=615495316.1477979820&ga_sid=1477979820&ga_hid=738392452&ga_fc=true 11-01 01:57:02.349 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Loading progress=89% 11-01 01:57:02.449 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Loading progress=100% 11-01 01:57:02.479 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:57:02.479 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:57:02.499 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:57:02.509 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for http://m.e1.ru/favicon_e1.ico 11-01 01:57:02.509 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading http://m.e1.ru/favicon_e1.ico 11-01 01:57:02.539 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: JS: level=LOG, message="onreadystatechange() event fired (complete)", sourceId="", line=43 11-01 01:57:02.539 1842-1842 I/chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(43)] "onreadystatechange() event fired (complete)", source: (43) 11-01 01:57:02.539 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: JS: level=LOG, message="load() event fired", sourceId="", line=53 11-01 01:57:02.539 1842-1842 I/chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(53)] "load() event fired", source: (53) 11-01 01:57:02.569 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: JS: level=LOG, message="already hidden, exiting", sourceId="", line=6 11-01 01:57:02.569 1842-1842 I/chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(6)] "already hidden, exiting", source: (6) 11-01 01:57:02.899 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:57:02.909 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:57:02.939 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:57:02.959 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:57:02.959 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:57:03.019 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:57:03.059 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:57:03.059 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:57:03.199 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:57:03.229 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:57:03.239 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:57:03.329 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:57:03.359 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:57:03.369 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:57:03.419 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:57:03.459 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:57:03.459 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:57:03.609 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:57:03.629 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:57:03.629 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:57:03.659 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:57:03.689 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://tt.onthe.io/?k[]=12632:visits[url://spool/news_id-.html,browser:Chrome,referrer:direct,device:smart%20(Android),lifetime:0,browser_version:Chrome%204,user_type:new,returned:new,domain:m.e1.ru,sp:%2F,cdn_version:2,page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&/?k[]=12632:uniques[url://spool/news_id-.html,browser:Chrome,referrer:direct,device:smart%20(Android),lifetime:0,browser_version:Chrome%204,user_type:new,returned:new,domain:m.e1.ru,sp:%2F,cdn_version:2,page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&/?k[]=12632:pageviews_info[url://spool/news_id-.html,browser:Chrome,referrer:direct,device:smart%20(Android),lifetime:0,browser_version:Chrome%204,user_type:new,returned:new,domain:m.e1.ru,sp:%2F,cdn_version:2,page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&s=68f457b8f20b25b1405898689b08349c&1477979823689 11-01 01:57:03.689 1842-1862 D/AdblockWebView: Allowed loading https://tt.onthe.io/?k[]=12632:visits[url://spool/news_id-.html,browser:Chrome,referrer:direct,device:smart%20(Android),lifetime:0,browser_version:Chrome%204,user_type:new,returned:new,domain:m.e1.ru,sp:%2F,cdn_version:2,page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&/?k[]=12632:uniques[url://spool/news_id-.html,browser:Chrome,referrer:direct,device:smart%20(Android),lifetime:0,browser_version:Chrome%204,user_type:new,returned:new,domain:m.e1.ru,sp:%2F,cdn_version:2,page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&/?k[]=12632:pageviews_info[url://spool/news_id-.html,browser:Chrome,referrer:direct,device:smart%20(Android),lifetime:0,browser_version:Chrome%204,user_type:new,returned:new,domain:m.e1.ru,sp:%2F,cdn_version:2,page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&s=68f457b8f20b25b1405898689b08349c&1477979823689 11-01 01:57:03.719 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:57:03.729 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:57:03.829 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:57:03.889 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:57:03.889 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:57:03.909 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:57:03.939 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:57:03.939 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:57:04.009 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:57:04.049 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:57:04.059 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:57:04.089 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:57:04.159 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:57:04.159 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:57:04.259 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:57:04.279 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:57:04.279 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:57:04.299 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:57:04.319 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:57:04.319 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:57:04.349 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:57:04.359 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:57:04.369 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:57:04.389 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:57:04.549 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:57:04.549 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:57:04.579 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:57:04.629 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:57:04.629 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:57:04.659 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:57:04.679 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:57:04.679 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:57:04.729 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:57:04.749 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:57:04.759 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:57:04.789 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:57:04.809 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:57:04.819 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:57:04.839 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:57:04.859 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:57:04.859 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:57:04.899 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:57:04.899 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:57:04.899 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:57:04.899 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:57:04.899 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:57:04.899 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:57:04.899 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:57:04.899 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:57:04.899 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:57:04.899 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg 11-01 01:57:04.899 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressStandard.ogg 11-01 01:57:04.899 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressStandard.ogg 11-01 01:57:04.899 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressSpacebar.ogg 11-01 01:57:04.899 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressSpacebar.ogg 11-01 01:57:04.899 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressDelete.ogg 11-01 01:57:04.899 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressDelete.ogg 11-01 01:57:04.899 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressReturn.ogg 11-01 01:57:04.899 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressReturn.ogg 11-01 01:57:04.899 1276-1327 E/SoundPool: error loading /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressInvalid.ogg 11-01 01:57:04.899 1276-1327 W/AudioService: Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressInvalid.ogg 11-01 01:57:04.899 1276-1327 W/AudioService: onLoadSoundEffects(), Error -1 while loading samples 11-01 01:57:04.939 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:57:04.979 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:57:04.989 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:57:05.039 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:57:05.049 938-1009 E/gralloc_goldfish: gralloc_alloc: Mismatched usage flags: 328 x 546, usage 333 11-01 01:57:05.049 938-1009 W/GraphicBufferAllocator: alloc(328, 546, 1, 00000333, ...) failed -22 (Invalid argument) [ 11-01 01:57:05.049 938: 1009 E/ ] GraphicBufferAlloc::createGraphicBuffer(w=328, h=546) failed (Invalid argument), handle=0x0 11-01 01:57:05.049 1276-1288 E/BufferQueue: [ScreenshotClient] dequeueBuffer: SurfaceComposer::createGraphicBuffer failed 11-01 01:57:05.049 1276-1288 W/WindowManager: Screenshot failure taking screenshot for (328x546) to layer 21010 11-01 01:57:05.159 1408-1408 W/EGL_emulation: eglSurfaceAttrib not implemented [ 11-01 01:57:05.489 938: 2939 D/ ] HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xb790a130, tid 2939 11-01 01:57:05.929 1276-1291 I/ActivityManager: Killing 1478:com.android.music/u0a32 (adj 15): empty #17 11-01 01:57:05.939 1276-1453 W/MediaFocusControl: RemoteControlClient died 11-01 01:57:05.949 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Dispose invoked 11-01 01:57:05.949 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Stop abp loading 11-01 01:57:05.949 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Stop prevent drawing, invalidating 11-01 01:57:05.949 1842-1842 D/AdblockWebView: Clearing referrers 11-01 01:57:05.949 1842-1842 W/Adblock: Disposing adblock engine 11-01 01:57:05.959 1842-1842 W/AdblockEngine: Dispose 11-01 01:57:05.959 938-938 W/SurfaceFlinger: couldn't log to binary event log: overflow. 11-01 01:57:05.959 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000b44 11-01 01:57:05.969 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00000bd0 11-01 01:57:05.999 1842-1842 E/eglCodecCommon: **** ERROR unknown type 0x6e0061 (glSizeof,72) 11-01 01:57:13.659 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://tt.onthe.io/?k[]=12632:time[page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&s=68f457b8f20b25b1405898689b08349c&1477979833662 11-01 01:57:13.659 1842-1862 E/AdblockWebView: FilterEngine already disposed, allow loading 11-01 01:57:16.259 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://mc.yandex.ru/watch/6874273?page-url=http%3A%2F%2Fm.e1.ru%2F&browser-info=j%3A1%3As%3A384x592x32%3Ask%3A2%3Aadb%3A1%3Afpr%3A216613626101%3Acn%3A1%3Aw%3A384x416%3Az%3A-240%3Ai%3A20161101015716%3Aet%3A1477979836%3Aen%3Autf-8%3Av%3A729%3Ac%3A1%3Ala%3Aru-ru%3Aar%3A1%3Anb%3A1%3Acl%3A1448%3Arn%3A1028274399%3Ahid%3A738179539%3Ads%3A%2C%2C%2C%2C%2C%2C%2C%2C65%2C8538%2C8541%2C65%2C7243%3Ast%3A1477979836%3Au%3A1477979821733608820 11-01 01:57:16.259 1842-1862 E/AdblockWebView: FilterEngine already disposed, allow loading 11-01 01:57:23.660 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://tt.onthe.io/?k[]=12632:time[page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&s=68f457b8f20b25b1405898689b08349c&1477979843655 11-01 01:57:23.660 1842-1862 E/AdblockWebView: FilterEngine already disposed, allow loading 11-01 01:57:33.670 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://tt.onthe.io/?k[]=12632:time[page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&s=68f457b8f20b25b1405898689b08349c&1477979853673 11-01 01:57:33.670 1842-1862 E/AdblockWebView: FilterEngine already disposed, allow loading 11-01 01:57:43.690 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://tt.onthe.io/?k[]=12632:time[page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&s=68f457b8f20b25b1405898689b08349c&1477979863683 11-01 01:57:43.690 1842-1862 E/AdblockWebView: FilterEngine already disposed, allow loading 11-01 01:57:53.690 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://tt.onthe.io/?k[]=12632:time[page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&s=68f457b8f20b25b1405898689b08349c&1477979873691 11-01 01:57:53.690 1842-1862 E/AdblockWebView: FilterEngine already disposed, allow loading 11-01 01:58:03.710 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://tt.onthe.io/?k[]=12632:time[page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&s=68f457b8f20b25b1405898689b08349c&1477979883702 11-01 01:58:03.710 1842-1862 E/AdblockWebView: FilterEngine already disposed, allow loading 11-01 01:58:13.700 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://tt.onthe.io/?k[]=12632:time[page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&s=68f457b8f20b25b1405898689b08349c&1477979893702 11-01 01:58:13.700 1842-1862 E/AdblockWebView: FilterEngine already disposed, allow loading 11-01 01:58:23.730 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://tt.onthe.io/?k[]=12632:time[page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&s=68f457b8f20b25b1405898689b08349c&1477979903725 11-01 01:58:23.730 1842-1862 E/AdblockWebView: FilterEngine already disposed, allow loading 11-01 01:58:33.721 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://tt.onthe.io/?k[]=12632:time[page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&s=68f457b8f20b25b1405898689b08349c&1477979913724 11-01 01:58:33.721 1842-1862 E/AdblockWebView: FilterEngine already disposed, allow loading 11-01 01:58:43.731 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://tt.onthe.io/?k[]=12632:time[page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&s=68f457b8f20b25b1405898689b08349c&1477979923733 11-01 01:58:43.731 1842-1862 E/AdblockWebView: FilterEngine already disposed, allow loading 11-01 01:58:53.731 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://tt.onthe.io/?k[]=12632:time[page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&s=68f457b8f20b25b1405898689b08349c&1477979933734 11-01 01:58:53.731 1842-1862 E/AdblockWebView: FilterEngine already disposed, allow loading 11-01 01:59:03.741 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://tt.onthe.io/?k[]=12632:time[page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&s=68f457b8f20b25b1405898689b08349c&1477979943734 11-01 01:59:03.741 1842-1862 E/AdblockWebView: FilterEngine already disposed, allow loading 11-01 01:59:13.731 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://tt.onthe.io/?k[]=12632:time[page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&s=68f457b8f20b25b1405898689b08349c&1477979953735 11-01 01:59:13.731 1842-1862 E/AdblockWebView: FilterEngine already disposed, allow loading 11-01 01:59:23.741 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://tt.onthe.io/?k[]=12632:time[page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&s=68f457b8f20b25b1405898689b08349c&1477979963745 11-01 01:59:23.741 1842-1862 E/AdblockWebView: FilterEngine already disposed, allow loading 11-01 01:59:33.762 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://tt.onthe.io/?k[]=12632:time[page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&s=68f457b8f20b25b1405898689b08349c&1477979973755 11-01 01:59:33.762 1842-1862 E/AdblockWebView: FilterEngine already disposed, allow loading 11-01 01:59:43.772 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://tt.onthe.io/?k[]=12632:time[page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&s=68f457b8f20b25b1405898689b08349c&1477979983766 11-01 01:59:43.772 1842-1862 E/AdblockWebView: FilterEngine already disposed, allow loading 11-01 01:59:53.762 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://tt.onthe.io/?k[]=12632:time[page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&s=68f457b8f20b25b1405898689b08349c&1477979993764 11-01 01:59:53.762 1842-1862 E/AdblockWebView: FilterEngine already disposed, allow loading 11-01 02:00:03.772 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://tt.onthe.io/?k[]=12632:time[page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&s=68f457b8f20b25b1405898689b08349c&1477980003765 11-01 02:00:03.772 1842-1862 E/AdblockWebView: FilterEngine already disposed, allow loading 11-01 02:00:13.762 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://tt.onthe.io/?k[]=12632:time[page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&s=68f457b8f20b25b1405898689b08349c&1477980013764 11-01 02:00:13.762 1842-1862 E/AdblockWebView: FilterEngine already disposed, allow loading 11-01 02:00:23.772 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://tt.onthe.io/?k[]=12632:time[page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&s=68f457b8f20b25b1405898689b08349c&1477980023774 11-01 02:00:23.772 1842-1862 E/AdblockWebView: FilterEngine already disposed, allow loading 11-01 02:00:33.782 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://tt.onthe.io/?k[]=12632:time[page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&s=68f457b8f20b25b1405898689b08349c&1477980033775 11-01 02:00:33.782 1842-1862 E/AdblockWebView: FilterEngine already disposed, allow loading 11-01 02:00:43.793 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://tt.onthe.io/?k[]=12632:time[page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&s=68f457b8f20b25b1405898689b08349c&1477980043785 11-01 02:00:43.793 1842-1862 E/AdblockWebView: FilterEngine already disposed, allow loading 11-01 02:00:53.803 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://tt.onthe.io/?k[]=12632:time[page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&s=68f457b8f20b25b1405898689b08349c&1477980053797 11-01 02:00:53.803 1842-1862 E/AdblockWebView: FilterEngine already disposed, allow loading 11-01 02:01:03.793 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://tt.onthe.io/?k[]=12632:time[page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&s=68f457b8f20b25b1405898689b08349c&1477980063795 11-01 02:01:03.793 1842-1862 E/AdblockWebView: FilterEngine already disposed, allow loading 11-01 02:01:13.803 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://tt.onthe.io/?k[]=12632:time[page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&s=68f457b8f20b25b1405898689b08349c&1477980073804 11-01 02:01:13.803 1842-1862 E/AdblockWebView: FilterEngine already disposed, allow loading 11-01 02:01:23.813 1842-1862 D/IoThreadClientInvocationHandler: isMainFrame=false for https://tt.onthe.io/?k[]=12632:time[page:%D0%95%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%9E%D0%BD-%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD]&s=68f457b8f20b25b1405898689b08349c&1477980083815 11-01 02:01:23.813 1842-1862 E/AdblockWebView: FilterEngine already disposed, allow loading 11-01 02:01:28.993 1842-1875 A/GAbi++: Pure virtual function called! 11-01 02:01:28.993 1842-1875 A/libc: Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadcab1 (code=1), thread 1875 (roid.webviewapp) 11-01 02:01:29.113 936-936 I/DEBUG: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 11-01 02:01:29.113 936-936 I/DEBUG: Build fingerprint: 'generic_x86/sdk_x86/generic_x86:4.4.2/KK/999428:eng/test-keys' 11-01 02:01:29.113 936-936 I/DEBUG: Revision: '0' 11-01 02:01:29.113 936-936 I/DEBUG: pid: 1842, tid: 1875, name: roid.webviewapp >>> org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp <<< 11-01 02:01:29.113 936-936 I/DEBUG: signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr deadcab1 11-01 02:01:30.503 936-936 I/DEBUG: eax 955efa00 ebx 95867d38 ecx 955efa00 edx 00000001 11-01 02:01:30.503 936-936 I/DEBUG: esi b776323c edi 9567b694 11-01 02:01:30.503 936-936 I/DEBUG: xcs 00000073 xds 0000007b xes 0000007b xfs 00000000 xss 0000007b 11-01 02:01:30.503 936-936 I/DEBUG: eip 955efa16 ebp 94aff6f8 esp 94aff6e0 flags 00210292 11-01 02:01:30.503 936-936 E/Corkscrew: unrecognized dwarf lower part encoding: 0x66 11-01 02:01:30.503 936-936 I/DEBUG: backtrace: 11-01 02:01:30.503 936-936 I/DEBUG: #00 pc 004d4a16 /data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so 11-01 02:01:30.503 936-936 I/DEBUG: #01 pc 004d4a55 /data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: stack: 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff6a0 00004000 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff6a4 b939a890 [heap] 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff6a8 00004000 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff6ac b776c962 /system/bin/linker (__dl__Z19dlsym_handle_lookupP6soinfoPKc+242) 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff6b0 b7746661 /system/lib/liblog.so 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff6b4 9567b99a /data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff6b8 b7785fe4 /system/bin/linker 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff6bc b777cc97 /system/bin/linker (__dl_pthread_mutex_unlock+151) 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff6c0 07534001 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff6c4 00000753 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff6c8 b7785fe4 /system/bin/linker 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff6cc b776d1d8 /system/bin/linker (__dl__Z10do_dlcloseP6soinfo+200) 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff6d0 b7763000 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff6d4 00000f8c 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff6d8 00000001 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff6dc 955efa0f /data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: #00 94aff6e0 b7742ab8 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff6e4 b76f2656 /system/lib/libc.so (funlockfile+6) 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff6e8 b776c87b /system/bin/linker (__dl__Z19dlsym_handle_lookupP6soinfoPKc+11) 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff6ec b7785fe4 /system/bin/linker 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff6f0 00004000 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff6f4 95867d38 /data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff6f8 94aff718 [stack:1875] 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff6fc 955efa56 /data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff700 b7786000 /system/bin/linker 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff704 9567b99a /data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff708 b776d119 /system/bin/linker (__dl__Z10do_dlcloseP6soinfo+9) 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff70c b7785fe4 /system/bin/linker 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff710 b7786000 /system/bin/linker 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff714 95867d38 /data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff718 94aff738 [stack:1875] 11-01 02:01:30.513 936-936 I/DEBUG: 94aff71c 955ef9f7 /data/app-lib/org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp-1/libadblockplus-jni.so 11-01 02:01:30.523 936-936 I/DEBUG: memory map around fault addr deadcab1: 11-01 02:01:30.523 936-936 I/DEBUG: bfc8c000-bfcad000 rw- [stack] 11-01 02:01:30.523 936-936 I/DEBUG: (no map for address) 11-01 02:01:30.523 936-936 I/DEBUG: (no map above) 11-01 02:01:30.543 936-936 E/Corkscrew: unrecognized dwarf lower part encoding: 0x66 11-01 02:01:30.543 936-936 E/Corkscrew: unrecognized dwarf lower part encoding: 0x66 11-01 02:01:30.633 1276-1430 I/ActivityManager: Process org.adblockplus.libadblockplus.android.webviewapp (pid 1842) has died. 11-01 02:01:30.643 939-939 D/Zygote: Process 1842 terminated by signal (11) 11-01 02:01:30.643 1276-1298 I/BootReceiver: Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_04 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE) 11-01 02:01:30.663 1276-1298 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 434K, 16% free 5954K/7040K, paused 13ms, total 23ms 11-01 02:01:30.663 1276-1298 I/dalvikvm-heap: Grow heap (frag case) to 6.058MB for 196620-byte allocation 11-01 02:01:30.683 1276-6709 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 10K, 16% free 6136K/7236K, paused 20ms, total 20ms 11-01 02:01:30.693 1276-1298 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 26K, 16% free 6136K/7236K, paused 7ms, total 7ms 11-01 02:01:30.693 1276-1298 I/dalvikvm-heap: Grow heap (frag case) to 6.236MB for 196620-byte allocation 11-01 02:01:30.723 1276-1298 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 15% free 6328K/7432K, paused 19ms, total 20ms 11-01 02:01:30.723 1276-1298 I/dalvikvm-heap: Grow heap (frag case) to 6.517MB for 294928-byte allocation 11-01 02:01:30.733 1276-1285 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 15% free 6616K/7724K, paused 12ms, total 13ms 11-01 02:01:30.763 1276-1298 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 203K, 17% free 6417K/7724K, paused 11ms, total 11ms 11-01 02:01:30.763 1276-1298 I/dalvikvm-heap: Grow heap (frag case) to 6.510MB for 196648-byte allocation 11-01 02:01:30.783 1276-6708 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 17% free 6609K/7920K, paused 17ms, total 17ms 11-01 02:01:30.803 1276-1291 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 10K, 15% free 6739K/7920K, paused 10ms, total 10ms 11-01 02:01:30.803 1276-1291 I/dalvikvm-heap: Grow heap (frag case) to 7.712MB for 1127532-byte allocation 11-01 02:01:30.833 1276-1298 D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 296K, 17% free 7544K/9024K, paused 17ms, total 17ms [ 11-01 02:01:30.933 1276: 1291 D/ ] HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xb9465200, tid 1291