[server4] Running provisioner: shell... [server4] Running: inline script stdin: is not a tty [server4] Running provisioner: puppet... Running Puppet with vagrant.pp... stdin: is not a tty warning: Could not retrieve fact fqdn warning: Host is missing hostname and/or domain: server4 notice: Finished catalog run in 0.45 seconds [server4] Running provisioner: puppet... Running Puppet with nodes.pp... stdin: is not a tty warning: Could not retrieve fact fqdn warning: Host is missing hostname and/or domain: server4 notice: /Stage[main]/Nginx/Apt::Source[nginx]/Apt::Key[Add key: ABF5BD827BD9BF62 from Apt::Source nginx]/Exec[bec8d72524e7c05e076a2ed247551f0f8c794a3f]/returns: executed successfully notice: /Stage[main]/Apt::Update/Exec[apt_update]/returns: executed successfully notice: Finished catalog run in 8.84 seconds