Opened on 07/27/2015 at 07:31:08 AM

Closed on 11/10/2017 at 11:15:18 AM

#2819 closed change (rejected)

Implement a Known Issue Screen at the beginning of the Issue Reporter in Firefox

Reported by: nicole Assignee:
Priority: Unknown Milestone:
Module: Adblock-Plus-for-Firefox Keywords:
Cc: trev Blocked By:
Blocking: Platform: Unknown / Cross platform
Ready: no Confidential: no
Tester: Unknown Verified working: no
Review URL(s):



Currently, when a user is reporting a known issue, we notify them after they have submitted their issue. Over 50% of the issue reports we receive are known issues.

Checking for a known issue and notifying the user before they fill out the issue report will hopefully help users resolve their issues and reduce the number of issue reports we receive.

When the user selects their issue type from the first screen, we will check to see if the issue they want to report is already a known issue (using existing logic that displays the known issue link at the end of the issue reporting process). We will provide a link to give the user more information about their issue, but still allow them to submit an issue report if they don't feel the link is helpful or related to their issue.

The style should be the same as the current Firefox Issue Reporter, since we are just adding a screen to after the issue type selection, the font etc should match the rest of the Issue Reporter.

What to change

Element Description

Name: Window
Description: The window will pop up when the user selects their issue type, if we get a match for a known issue.
Look: The window should be the same as the current issue reporter.

<link(s) to known issue(s)>

“If the above information does not relate to the issue you are experiencing, please continue to submit your issue report.”

Name: Text
Description: This will inform the user that the site they're reporting already has a known issue or issues, and will provide a link to the known issue(s).
Text:“The site you want to report already contains the following known issue(s):”

<link(s) to known issue(s)>

“If the above information does not relate to the issue you are experiencing, please continue to submit your issue report.”
Name: Link Description
Description: Link description will be taken from the bracketed lines of the repository
Example: [Outdated application version]

Name: Link(s)
Description: Link(s) will be provided for all of the known issues for this page
Text: <hyperlinks to all known issues>
Functionality: Links will display that match between our known issues and the site the user is on.

Name: Privacy Policy
Description: This link will open the privacy policy.
Text - Title: “Privacy Policy”
Text – Link:
Name: Back Button
Description: This button will take the user to the previous screen
Text - Title: “< Back”
Functionality: This button should not be clickable and should be greyed out.

Name: Next Button
Description: This button will take the user to the next screen
Text - Title: “Next >”
Functionality: If the user clicks this button, they should be advanced to the “Attach screenshot” screen of the issue reporter

Name: Cancel Button
Description: This button will close the issue reporter
Text - Title: “Cancel”
Functionality: If the user clicks this button, the issue reporter will close.

Functional Requirements

After a user selects their issue type in the Issue Reporter, it should check to see if the user is submitting an already known issue. This process currently happens at the end of the issue reporting process. If it is found to be a known issue already, the Known Issue screen should display at the beginning of the issue reporting process. Link(s) will display for all of the known issues that match the site the user wants to report an issue on.

The known issues list can be seen under The issue reporter should download it as part of its information gathering process. The browser's usual caching applies so that we don't get too many requests here (the server should indicate that this file has to be cached for a day). We should make sure it can be downloaded from

Attachments (1)

knownissueswireframe.png (80.3 KB) - added by nicole on 07/27/2015 at 07:31:23 AM.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (2)

Changed on 07/27/2015 at 07:31:23 AM by nicole


comment:1 Changed on 11/10/2017 at 11:15:18 AM by trev

  • Resolution set to rejected
  • Status changed from new to closed

Mass-closing all bugs in Adblock Plus for Firefox module, the codebase of Adblock Plus 3.0 belongs into Platform and User-Interface modules. Old bugs are unlikely to still apply.

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