Opened on 09/05/2017 at 10:57:15 AM

Last modified on 10/08/2019 at 05:56:10 PM

#5621 new change

[UI] New Onboarding

Reported by: tpregueiro Assignee:
Priority: P2 Milestone:
Module: Adblock-Browser-for-Android Keywords:
Cc: mario Blocked By:
Blocking: Platform: Adblock Browser for Android
Ready: no Confidential: no
Tester: Unknown Verified working: no
Review URL(s):



After analysing a lot of the feedback we're getting in the Play Store reviews, we have identified a few specific problems that are causing a degraded experience for our users. These are the main problems we want to tackle:

  1. There are some misconceptions around what our product is and what it does. A large number of users believe that by installing the Adblock Browser (ABB) they will no longer see ads on the Youtube app for Android, and that's just one example.
  2. There is also a lack of understanding of our vision for Acceptable Ads. We're not doing a great job explaining what they are and why we think Acceptable Ads are important for a sustainable web experience.
  3. We don't have any product usage data, only some basic user acquisition and retention data and the Play Store reviews. Play Store reviews are our most reliable source as to understand what problems lead to a painful experience to our users, however Play Store reviews is a data point that only comes very late in the lifecycle of a user. Once we spot trends in the reviews it's already too late, we have already lost those users affected by those problems.

This new onboarding version aims at solving the problems described above by doing a few things:

  1. Have a more clear explanation for new users regarding what our product is and what it does. Specifically, where do block or not block ads.
  2. Be better at communicating our vision of Acceptable Ads. And when a user disagrees with our vision let users more easily find their way to the settings where they can turn off Acceptable Ads.
  3. Ask our users to opt-in into our product improvement program, through which we collect annonymized usage data to help us understand how are users using our product.

What to change

Please refer to the Functional Specification:

A: Basic requirements:

B: Onboarding page 1 of 3:

C: Onboarding page 2 of 3:

D: Onboarding page 3 of 3:

E: Ad blocking preferences panel:

F: Data requirements:


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comment:1 Changed on 09/26/2019 at 09:42:01 AM by nps1337


Last edited on 10/08/2019 at 05:56:10 PM by kzar

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