Opened on 01/23/2015 at 08:24:52 PM

Closed on 08/19/2015 at 03:34:02 PM

Last modified on 08/26/2015 at 07:26:20 AM

#1865 closed defect (worksforme)

ABP for Chrome messes up the page on high DPI

Reported by: oleksandr Assignee:
Priority: P4 Milestone:
Module: Platform Keywords:
Cc: sebastian, oleksandr, arthur Blocked By:
Blocking: Platform: Chrome
Ready: yes Confidential: no
Tester: Unknown Verified working: no
Review URL(s):

Description (last modified by oleksandr)


Chrome 40.0.2214.91 m, Windows 8.1 x64, ABP 1.8.10, EasyList filterlist. Hight resolution display.

How to reproduce

On modern high resolution displays that are small enough it is a common practice to set a rather high DPI. This breaks ABP's element hiding, it seems.

  1. Set the "Size of all items" in "Make text and other items larger or smaller" to be "Extra Large - 200%". Go to Chrome and set the Font Size to Large. Restart to apply.
  2. Go to or any other article on TechCrunch
  3. Observe the page messed up as on the attached Image1.JPG
  4. Set the "Size of all items" to "Smaller - 100%", restart to apply.
  5. Observe the page now works as expected.

Observed behaviour

The page is being mostly hidden behind the white squares. As shown on Image1.JPG.

Expected behaviour

Only ads should be hidden, the content should be readable.

Attachments (3)

Image1.JPG (332.5 KB) - added by oleksandr on 01/23/2015 at 08:25:17 PM. (542 bytes) - added by sebastian on 02/20/2015 at 11:21:40 AM.
win_80_large_items_1920x1080.png (1.6 MB) - added by philll on 02/20/2015 at 02:45:37 PM.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (22)

Changed on 01/23/2015 at 08:25:17 PM by oleksandr

comment:1 Changed on 01/23/2015 at 08:26:23 PM by oleksandr

  • Cc oleksandr added

comment:2 Changed on 02/07/2015 at 05:07:18 PM by sebastian

This option isn't available in my Windows 8.1 VM, so I can't try to reproduce it. I suppose this is a Chrome bug, triggered by creating a shadow root.

  1. Does that happen on all or only on some websites?
  2. Can you reproduce the issue with the latest beta and dev version of Chrome?
  3. Can you reproduce the issue without Adblock Plus, when running following code in the JavaScript console?
var root = document.documentElement.createShadowRoot();

comment:3 Changed on 02/19/2015 at 12:49:34 PM by sebastian

Finally, I were able to set that option on our test machine running Windows 8.1 64-bit and Chrome 40.0.2214.93. However, I couldn't reproduce the issue there.

comment:4 Changed on 02/19/2015 at 09:16:43 PM by oleksandr

  1. It happens on some websites only. Always happens on the techcrunch link posted here
  2. I can reproduce it in Chrome, Chromium. Can't reproduce it in Opera. I can't reproduce it on our test infrustructure, but I think it is because of the RDP's DPI limitations. In Chrome dev version the issue is still present, but slightly better. If I scroll up and down the page reappears, otherwise it's the same.
  3. With Adblock Plus, if I run that code the issue goes away. Without Adblock Plus that code has no effect.

It happens only if I set the text size in Chrome to Large. Otherwise everything is fine. I also have text size in windows set to 200%.

Changed on 02/20/2015 at 11:21:40 AM by sebastian

comment:5 Changed on 02/20/2015 at 11:26:02 AM by sebastian

I tried using the web console (instead RDP). But I still can't reproduce it, regardless of the text size. I also tried both Metro and Desktop mode. Neither can I reproduce it under Linux when changing the text size.

Can you reproduce the same behavior with You have to unzip the file, and load it as unpacked extension in developer mode. Also make sure that Adblock Plus is disabled.

comment:6 Changed on 02/20/2015 at 01:29:03 PM by oleksandr

No, the does not reproduce the issue

comment:7 Changed on 02/20/2015 at 01:34:27 PM by oleksandr

  • Description modified (diff)

comment:8 Changed on 02/20/2015 at 02:27:47 PM by sebastian

  • Priority changed from Unknown to P4
  • Ready set

So far this issue only occurs in following scenario:

  • on techcrunch articles (and sometimes on a few other pages)
  • with Windows 8(.1)
  • using a high resolution display (something like full HD at least)
  • when "Size of all items" in Windows is set to at least 200%
  • when the font size in Chrome is set to "Large"

We also know:

  • It's not (solely) triggered by creating a shadow root.
  • In the current Chrome dev version the behavior got already a little better.

Given the very specific conditions to reproduce, I set the issue to P4 for now. Also without a setup matching those requirements, I can't do anything anyway.

Changed on 02/20/2015 at 02:45:37 PM by philll

comment:9 Changed on 02/20/2015 at 02:46:39 PM by philll

As you can see in the image I just attached, this looks fine for me on Windows 8.0 64 bit.

comment:10 Changed on 02/20/2015 at 02:51:09 PM by sebastian

Possibly it only occurs on Win 8.1, or there is another factor involved we haven't considered yet. So far only Oleksandr could reproduce the issue locally on his PC, and only with the above configuration.

comment:11 Changed on 02/22/2015 at 12:02:45 PM by sebastian

  • Component changed from Unknown to Platform
  • Owner set to sebastian

comment:12 Changed on 02/23/2015 at 07:25:43 AM by oleksandr

After some more investigations it appears that the problem is not the CSS injection, but rather in blocking. With CSS injection disabled the problem still persists. But not blocking ads from (:ads. filter) resolves the problem.

comment:13 Changed on 02/23/2015 at 12:12:50 PM by sebastian

  • Cc arthur added
  • Owner sebastian deleted

The URL of that request looks like:…s-of-active-use-time%252F&version=3&format=json&test=false&_=1424692894638

And the response looks like:

aslHandleAds409700({"response":{"statusCode":"200","statusText":"Ok","searchinfo":{"key":"","Type":"URL","domain":{"id":3110767}},"data":{"numPlacements":1,"placement":[{"id":1584487,"template":{"id":36663243},"numResults":3,"listing":[{"adFormat":2,"clickToCall":"false","type":"Force","image":  {"width":125,"height":125,"src":""},"targetUrl":""},{"adFormat":2,"clickToCall":"false","type":"Force","image":  {"width":125,"height":125,"src":""},"targetUrl":""},{"adFormat":2,"clickToCall":"false","type":"Force","image":  {"width":125,"height":125,"src":""},"targetUrl":""}]}]}}})

@Arthur: Any way to work around that issue in EasyList while still blocking those ads?

comment:14 Changed on 02/23/2015 at 03:59:40 PM by arthur

Does this exception rule fix it for you? I'm also not able to reproduce it. On which other pages does that happen?


comment:15 Changed on 03/09/2015 at 12:49:24 PM by oleksandr

Yes, the issue on TechCrunch is gone with that exception rule. I don't think it's a solution to a problem though. It's just treating the symptoms.

comment:16 Changed on 03/24/2015 at 05:30:29 PM by sebastian

Well, it seems to be a browser bug caused by blocking that script. So not blocking it seems like a reasonable workaround, if it doesn't unblock some ads or cause other issues.

It would be great if we could track down the actual bug though, to have it fixed in Chrome. But that's not an easy task. And given how difficult it is to reproduce probably not worth spending any more time on it.

Last edited on 03/24/2015 at 05:31:56 PM by sebastian

comment:17 Changed on 03/31/2015 at 02:44:12 PM by arthur

  • Verified working unset

comment:18 Changed on 08/19/2015 at 03:34:02 PM by oleksandr

  • Resolution set to worksforme
  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Tester set to Unknown

The issue is gone in the latest builds of Chrome and Chromium.

comment:19 Changed on 08/26/2015 at 07:26:20 AM by arthur

If you mean the stable version of Chrome, the exception rule can be removed. Is that the case?

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