Opened on 11/02/2018 at 02:47:56 PM

Closed on 07/31/2019 at 03:20:52 PM

Last modified on 10/08/2019 at 06:06:13 PM

#7092 closed defect (duplicate)

Forced refresh after turning ABP on/off

Reported by: BigL Assignee:
Priority: Unknown Milestone:
Module: User-Interface Keywords:
Cc: greiner Blocked By:
Blocking: Platform: Unknown / Cross platform
Ready: no Confidential: no
Tester: Unknown Verified working: no
Review URL(s):



Google Chrome, Adblocker Plus,

How to reproduce

  1. Step one of your reproduction process: Go to
  2. Step two of your reproduction process: Try opening "Bejeweled"


Observed behaviour

If I turn ABP off and then refresh (the refresh part is the change that now basically makes ABP not work for that site) so that it is off, I can load the page just fine.
If I turn ABP on after the page is loaded, it refreshes the whole page, and will not reload the game.
Up until yesterday, I could turn ABP off, load the page, then turn back on (without having to refresh the whole page) and be just fine.
It is the MANDATORY refresh to switch from off/on or on/off that kills the page.

Expected behaviour

As stated, everything had been just fine until yesterday, when my old version was updated I guess, and now forces you to refresh the page if toggling off/on or on/off.

Another game is Boggle Bash. I can load that game just fine, but then get a popup (from pogo) saying "an adblocker was detected. please turn off to continue". I can just hit the "ok" tab on that popup, and proceed w/o much of an affect.

The requiring of refreshing the ABP, thus refreshing the whole page, is the only thing that I have noticed that has changed with it.

Thank you!

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Change History (7)

comment:1 Changed on 11/02/2018 at 03:10:21 PM by greiner

  • Cc greiner added
  • Component changed from Unknown to User-Interface

Thanks for the additional details.

It sounds like the issue is that the new UI makes it sound like refreshing the page is mandatory for the change to take effect even though it isn't. Because note that we haven't changed how the extension behaves when clicking to en-/disable. Therefore toggling the extension on or off without clicking on "Refresh" should still work in this case.

Any suggestions on how you think we can make it clearer that refreshing the page is highly encouraged but not mandatory? Do you think changing the message "Click Refresh for the changes to take effect" would be sufficient or would you consider the button itself to be misleading?

comment:2 Changed on 11/02/2018 at 03:23:54 PM by agiammarchi

can we inform the user we are working to better word the message but everything should still work as before if they don't refresh?

comment:3 Changed on 11/02/2018 at 03:50:41 PM by greiner

I'll let the social media team know about it so that they can help people who encounter it.

At this point it's unclear how many users interpret it one way or another so I'd advise against something more aggressive such as an information-type notification. Other than that we'll have to wait for the next release or include improvements to it as part of a bugfix release, in case there'll be one.

comment:4 Changed on 11/02/2018 at 05:32:33 PM by BigL

Tried responding and was blocked by spam bot

comment:5 Changed on 11/02/2018 at 05:35:56 PM by BigL

It worked by not clicking on refresh.

My only thought is to make it either necessary to refresh, or not. Not have an option to if you want to. If it still works without having to refresh at this time, then i would remove the option. If becomes truly necessary in the future, then make it required to refresh before changes can take affect.

comment:6 Changed on 05/16/2019 at 07:37:37 AM by Himanshu0709


Last edited on 10/08/2019 at 06:06:13 PM by kzar

comment:7 Changed on 07/31/2019 at 03:20:52 PM by greiner

  • Resolution set to duplicate
  • Status changed from new to closed

We're trying to clarify this with the change described in ui#3 by disconnecting the refresh button from the enable toggle.

Therefore I'm closing this ticket as duplicate.

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